Schöner 2005 NOR-TECH 3900 SUPER-V Angetrieben von zwei gestaffelten 950 PS reichen Zull-Motoren 120 M. P.H Mercury SSM6-Laufwerke 60 Original-Stunden Motoren. Sorgfältig gepflegt und gepflegt sie sieht und läuft wie neu sehr sicher. SCHNELL, STABIL UND VERANTWORTLICH. Hering Requisiten, benutzerdefinierte Farbe, Cockpit Carpe, LED Lichter im Cockpit Carbon Fiber Armaturenbretter mit Chrome BezelsGarmin GPS Latham Throttles Livorsi Monster Gauges Farbe Vessel View Screen, Cockpit Cover, UP-Graded Stereo W - CD-Player mit AMPS, Subs IPOD Hook Up. DONT MISS DIESE HÄNDLER HABE GROSSER MARKTWERT FÜR EINEN SCHNELLEN VERKAUF NUR 36147.900. Das Hotel liegt in LINDENHURST New York. Jahr: 2005 Leistung: Twin 950 PS (jeweils) Ort: New York Kontakt Nummer: 631-379-1465 Frage: 147,900 Details amp Fotos Powered By Twin Mercury 700 SCI39s Bam Transmission Upgrades NXT-Laufwerke. Aktuelle Refreshes On Engines Drives wurden nagelneu 50 Stunden vor neuen Props Dual Helm Northstar GPS Big Stereo Enclosed Head Kabine mit Lounge Berth-Over-Tunnel Vollzeit-Nor-Tech Unterwasser-Auspuff Aluminium Swim-Plattform MYCO Triple Axle Painted Aluminium Trailer. Gelegen in . Jahr: 2007 Leistung: Twin 700 PS (jeweils) Standort: Kontakt Nummer: 352-266-1457 Frage: 170.999 Details amp Fotos Verpassen Sie nicht diese Gelegenheit, um einen 1 Besitzer benutzerdefinierten Fisch zu erwerben 39 Nortech Center Console powered by Triple Mercury 300 Verados. Metallic blau und silber lackiert rumpfseiten, Mittelkabine mit Doppelanlegeplatz, Kopf und Wanne. Unser Geschäft - fertig für ein neues Zuhause Kontakt randy Sweers bei FB Marine Group Ausstattung Optionen Dual GPS Plotter Digital Echolot Quecksilber Schiffsansicht System Rutenhalter - Cup Holder Combo - Deck montiert Aft Gunnels - 2 auf jeder Seite Angeln Paket - Live Well in Transom Floor, Raw Water Washdown, Rutenhalter, Fish Box Entlastung, Helm Köder Prep Center Removable Rod Rack Bow Thruster Offene Array 48 Meile Radar Chirp Bottom Sonder VHF Radio Auto Pilot Premium Sound System - 6 Overhead-Lautsprecher, 4 Gunwale Lautsprecher, Ankerwinde Anker, Kettenspülung Toilette mit Mazerator Standardausrüstung 320 Gallone Kraftstofftank 2 Spülen Sie rostfreie Füllung Entlüftungsöffnungen Edelstahl-Bogen Stern-Augen (8) Ziehen Sie oben Klemmen-Schalen-Halter LED-Cockpit-Beleuchtung (3) Selbstentleerende Fußboden-Ablagefächer Gepolsterte Seiten-Coamings Horn Automatische Bilge-Pumpen (4) Tief Zyklus Batterien w - Kundenspezifischer HD Batteriekasten Batterie Schalter Feuerlöscher Zündsicherung Stoppschalter SS Rub Schiene (4) Kotflügel (6) Dock Lines Küstenwache Sicherheitssatz: (Aufbewahrungsbeutel, Flares, Air Horn, Erste Hilfe Kit, Throwable Cushion) Konsole - Center Steer Konsole - Standard mit Vorwärts Sun Lounger Armaturenbrett, Carbon Fiber - Custom Carbon Black Vorwärts Fisch Box - Große LED Cockpit Beleuchtung Helm Sitz, Triple Fold Down. Das Hotel liegt in Pompano Beach Florida. Jahr: 2011 Leistung: Triple 300 PS (jeweils) Ort: Florida Kontakt Nummer: 954 214 6038 Fragen: 249,000 Details amp Fotos GEFAHR ZONE PREIS ZU VERKAUFEN 36290,000.00 2007 NOR-TECH ROADSTER TWIN COBRA 1200 SC MOTOREN FRISCHES REBUILT, NEUES INNENRAUM, GIMBALS UND FAHRT FRISCH REBUILT WIE NEUE UNTERWASSERLEUCHTEN UND VERRÜCKTE LOUD STEREO GERADE INSTALLIERT. GOOSENECK MYCO TRAILER GERADE VOLLSTÄNDIG ÜBERHOLT IN GROSSER SHAPE. LOCATED IN SC. KONTAKT SEAN HIGGS AT (843)322-1978 FÜR MEHR INFO. UNTERNEHMEN ALLE ERNSTEN ANGEBOTE. NICHT ZEIGEN, IN DIESEM GROSSEN BOOT ZU ERHÖHEN. Gelegen in beaufort South Carolina. Jahr: 2007 Power: Twin 1200 PS (jeweils) Ort: South Carolina Kontakt Nummer: (843)322-1978 Frage: 290.000 Details amp Fotos SUPERCOOL ONE OFF CUSTOM-BUILD Wir haben derzeit dieses exklusive Angebot zu einem sehr attraktiven Preis. Wir reden über eine ONE OFF CUSTOM-BUILD 24-Fuß-Nor-Tech 24V, die speziell für den Gründer von Nor-Tech Hi-Performance Boats für seine eigenen norwegischen Sommerhaus Es war in der Fabrik der wahrscheinlich die unterhaltsamsten Freizeit der Welt geboren wurde Handwerk in Fort Meyers Florida im Jahr 2009. Dieses Boot ist bereits mit Europa verkannt und kann ohne zusätzliche Mehrwertsteuer in was auch immer EU-Land verkauft werden. Das Boot befindet sich derzeit in den USA. Hier ist eine Liste von einigen seiner benutzerdefinierten Features: - Hand-gelegt Composite-Vakuum gefüttert Fiberglas mit Kevlar Verstärkung, Vinylester Harz und High-Gloss Gel Mantel. - Yanmar 315 hp Diesel (in-line 6-Zylinder) Turbo Diesel-Motor. Super langlebig und super Kraftstoff effizient. - Mercruiser Bravo I X-Diesel-Outdrive mit Edelstahl-Propeller. - Latham hydraulische externe RAM-Servolenkung. - Öffnen Sie das Cockpit mit Platz für 8 Personen, selbstentleeren mit zusätzlichen elektrischen Bilgenpumpen. - Große Mittelkonsole mit vielen benutzerdefinierten Features wie Livorsi-Drosselklappe und Shifter, Livorsi Monster Instrumentenlehren, mechanische LED beleuchtetes Laufwerk und Tabs-Anzeige, Aluminium T-Top etc. - Zwei Ton schwarz und grau Kohlenstoff texturierte Vinyl-Polsterung - In-Konsole WC mit Holding Panzer. - VHF-Radio, großer Garmin-Kartenplotter. - Großes Stereo. - Deck-Sproher-Lichter - Kissen-Lichter - Unterwasser-Lichter - Navigation Lichter - Wake Board Tower mit Speicher für Wakeboards - Fisch Stangenhalter - Livewell für Fisch - Swim-Plattform-Custom Build US-spec Anhänger mit LED-Blitz, hydraulische Bremsen etc. etc Dieses Boot hat nur etwa 150 Stunden, so dass der Motor kaum kaputt geworden ist. Das Boot ist immer noch in der Nähe des neuen Zustandes. Mit seiner modernen Gun Metall grau metallic Farbe, ein Kraftstoff effizient und stabilen Rumpf Design, könnte dies Ihre perfekte Sommer Spielzeug für unzählige Stunden des Genusses auf dem Wasser. Und nicht zuletzt aUNIQUE Gelegenheit, ein one-of-a-kind erschwinglich noch unverwechselbaren und super coolen Nor-Tech benutzerdefinierte Boot besitzen. Bitte kontaktieren Sie mich heute für weitere Informationen über dieses hervorragende Vergnügungsboot. Für detaillierte Details Anrufen oder E-Mail: Premiumboote von Hellerud Versand Trading A - S Telefon: 47 950 09 400 Fax: 47 455 97 883 Mail: posthellerud. as Premiumboote von Hellerud Versand Trading A - S ist seit Jahren der zuverlässige Partner, wenn Es kommt zum Kauf oder Verkauf von neuen oder gebrauchten Premium-Segel - und Motoryachten. Unsere 34all-inclusive34 maßgeschneiderte Lösungen beinhalten folgende Leistungen: Globale Logistik, Schifffahrt Transportdienstleistungen - Bootswagen-Brokerage, Versicherung Zollberatung - CE-Zertifizierung Schiffsregistrierungen - Event-Projekt Cargo - Instandhaltung Storage Services - Technisches Boot Car Customs Registration Services Disclaimer Das Unternehmen bietet die Details dieses Schiffes in gutem Glauben, kann aber nicht garantieren oder garantieren die Richtigkeit dieser Informationen noch rechtfertigen den Zustand des Schiffes. Ein Käufer sollte seine Agenten oder seine Vermesser beauftragen, solche Details zu untersuchen, wie die Käuferwünsche validiert haben. Dieses Schiff wird vorbehaltlich des Vorverkaufs, der Preisänderung oder des Widerrufs ohne Vorankündigung angeboten. Gelegen in . Jahr: 2009 Leistung: Single 315 PS Ort: Kontakt Nummer: 0114795009400 Fragen: 69.000 Details amp Fotos Demo verwendet exklusiv und extrem sicher Nor-Tech 298 Sport Open m 2 x 300HP Mercury Verado Boote wird von mehreren skandinavischen Bootsmagazinen mit guten Ergebnissen getestet. Youtube - watchvsN-RP2J87ms nor-techboats Standardoptionen: Hochglanz Hellweiß Gel Farbe 200 Gal. Treibstoff Tank 2 Flush Edelstahl füllt Entlüftungen Edelstahl Bogen Stern Augen 8 Pop Up Klemmen LED Running Lights LED Cup Halter LED Cockpit Beleuchtung 3 Selbstentleerung Boden Ablagefächer Baitwell Gepolsterte Side Coamings Horn Automatische Bilge Pumps Deep Cycle Batterien w - Custom HD Batterie Box Batterie Schalter Fire Feuerlöscher Zündsicherung Stoppschalter SS Rub Schiene 4 Stoßfänger 6 Dock Lines Küstenwache Sicherheits-Kit - Storage Bag -6 Rettungswesten - Flares - Air Horn-Erste-Hilfe-Kit - Throwable Kissen Zusätzliche Optionen: T-Top Elektrische Flush Toilette - Macerator Premium Sound System 2stk Garmin 1234 GPS Digitale Tiefe VHF Vesselview System Livorsi DTS Bedienelemente Remote Spot Light Unterwasser LED Blitz Schiebekühler - Sitz Teleskop Tauchleiter Custom Lack Für Vollständige Details Anrufen oder E-Mail: Premiumboote von Hellerud Versand Trading A - S Telefon: 47 950 09 400 Fax: 47 455 97 883 Mail: posthellerud. as Premiumboote von Hellerud Versand Trading A - S ist seit Jahren der zuverlässige Partner, wenn es darum geht, neue oder gebrauchte Premium Segel - und Motoryachten zu kaufen oder zu verkaufen. Unsere 34all-inclusive34 maßgeschneiderte Lösungen beinhalten folgende Leistungen: Globale Logistik, Schifffahrt Transportdienstleistungen - Bootswagen-Brokerage, Versicherung Zollberatung - CE-Zertifizierung Schiffsregistrierungen - Event-Projekt Cargo - Instandhaltung Storage Services - Technisches Boot Car Customs Registration Services Disclaimer Das Unternehmen bietet die Details dieses Schiffes in gutem Glauben, kann aber nicht garantieren oder garantieren die Richtigkeit dieser Informationen noch rechtfertigen den Zustand des Schiffes. Ein Käufer sollte seine Agenten oder seine Vermesser beauftragen, solche Details zu untersuchen, wie die Käuferwünsche validiert haben. Dieses Schiff wird vorbehaltlich des Vorverkaufs, der Preisänderung oder des Widerrufs ohne Vorankündigung angeboten. Gelegen in . Jahr: 2013 Leistung: Twin 300 PS (jeweils) Standort: Kontakt Nummer: 0114795009400 Fragen: 249.000 Details amp Fotos Demo verwendet exklusiv und extrem sicher Nor-Tech 298 Sport Open m 2 x 300HP Mercury Verado Boote wird von mehreren skandinavischen Bootsmagazinen mit getestet gute Ergebnisse. Batliv - wip4 - detail. eplid2149052cat5867 youtube - watchvsN-RP2J87ms nor-techboote - modelle - 298-sport - Standardoptionen: Hochglanz Hellweiß Gel Farbe 200 Gal. Treibstoff Tank 2 Flush Edelstahl füllt Entlüftungen Edelstahl Bogen Stern Augen 8 Pop Up Klemmen LED Running Lights LED Cup Halter LED Cockpit Beleuchtung 3 Selbstentleerung Boden Ablagefächer Baitwell Gepolsterte Side Coamings Horn Automatische Bilge Pumps Deep Cycle Batterien w - Custom HD Batterie Box Batterie Schalter Fire Feuerlöscher Zündsicherung Stoppschalter SS Rub Schiene 4 Stoßfänger 6 Dock Lines Küstenwache Sicherheits-Kit - Storage Bag -6 Rettungswesten - Flares - Air Horn-Erste-Hilfe-Kit - Throwable Kissen Zusätzliche Optionen: T-Top Elektrische Flush Toilette - Macerator Premium Sound System 2stk Garmin 1234 GPS Digitale Tiefe VHF Vesselview System Livorsi DTS Bedienelemente Remote Spot Light Unterwasser LED Blitz Schiebekühler - Sitz Teleskop Tauchleiter Custom Lack Für Vollständige Details Anrufen oder E-Mail: Premiumboote von Hellerud Versand Trading A - S Telefon: 47 950 09 400 Fax: 47 455 97 883 Mail: posthellerud. as Premiumboote von Hellerud Versand Trading A - S ist seit Jahren der zuverlässige Partner, wenn es darum geht, neue oder gebrauchte Premium Segel - und Motoryachten zu kaufen oder zu verkaufen. Unsere 34all-inclusive34 maßgeschneiderte Lösungen beinhalten folgende Leistungen: Globale Logistik, Schifffahrt Transportdienstleistungen - Bootswagen-Brokerage, Versicherung Zollberatung - CE-Zertifizierung Schiffsregistrierungen - Event-Projekt Cargo - Instandhaltung Storage Services - Technisches Boot Car Customs Registration Services Disclaimer Das Unternehmen bietet die Details dieses Schiffes in gutem Glauben, kann aber nicht garantieren oder garantieren die Richtigkeit dieser Informationen noch rechtfertigen den Zustand des Schiffes. Ein Käufer sollte seine Agenten oder seine Vermesser beauftragen, solche Details zu untersuchen, wie die Käuferwünsche validiert haben. Dieses Schiff wird vorbehaltlich des Vorverkaufs, der Preisänderung oder des Widerrufs ohne Vorankündigung angeboten. Gelegen in . Jahr: 2013 Leistung: Twin 300 PS (jeweils) Standort: Kontakt Nummer: 0114795009400 Fragen: 249.000 Details amp Fotos 2014 Nor-Tech 320 Monte Carlo mit Mercury 8.2L HO - Neuer moderner, exklusiver Monte Carlo Offshorer inspirierter Daycruiser zum Verkauf - Sofort lieferbar in Europa. 320 MC Vee Bottom Rumpfboden besteht aus einem handgelegten Sandwich aus massivem Glasfaser und Kevlar. Die Rumpfseiten und das Deck sind auch aus Glas und Kevlar mit einem hochdichten Schaumstoffkern. Stringers und Schotter bestehen aus hochdichtem Schaumstoffkern und Glasfaser. Die Rumpf - und Deckverbindung ist rund um den gesamten Umfang verglast. Boots-Details: Entworfen als das ultimative Tagesboot das Cockpit kennzeichnet eine Fülle der Sitzbereiche. Vorwärts der Helm-Station sind twin aft gegenüber Lounge-Bereiche, die vollen Schutz vor dem Wind-Kompliment der Wrap-around Windschutz erhalten. Der Zwillingspersonenhelm sitzt vor einem anderen nach hinten gelegenen Sitz, der auch einen großen Erfrischungskühler unten trägt. Weiter nach hinten ist die nach vorne gerichtete Sitzbank. Motorluke Von dort aus finden Sie zwei gepolsterte Sonnenliegen und schließlich eine große integrierte Badeplattform. Rumpf Eigenschaften Rumpf unten besteht aus einem Hand gelegten Sandwich aus festem Glasfaser und Kevlar. Die Rumpfseiten und das Deck sind auch aus Glas und Kevlar mit einem hochdichten Schaumstoffkern. Stringers und Schotter bestehen aus hochdichtem Schaumstoffkern und Glasfaser. Die Rumpf - und Deckverbindung ist rund um den gesamten Umfang verglast. Cockpit-Eigenschaften Entworfen als das ultimative Tagesboot das Cockpit kennzeichnet eine Fülle der Sitzbereiche. Vorwärts der Helm-Station sind twin aft gegenüber Lounge-Bereiche, die vollen Schutz vor dem Wind-Kompliment der Wrap-around Windschutz erhalten. Der zwei Mann-Helm sitzt vor einem anderen nach hinten gelegenen Sitz, der auch einen großen Erfrischungskühler unten trägt. Weiter nach hinten ist die nach vorne gerichtete Sitzbank und Motorluke. Von dort aus finden Sie zwei gepolsterte Sonnenliegen und schließlich eine große integrierte Badeplattform. Kopf Features Das beiliegende Kopffach enthält eine Spül-WC und Waschbecken. Salon Features Treten Sie in den Salon und Sie finden ein optionales Entertainment-Center ausgestattet, um Ihre Bedürfnisse anzupassen. Sie entdecken ein Wrap-around-Sofa, das zu einem kleinen Anlegeplatz führt. Standardoptionen: Hochglanz Hellweiß Gel Farbe 180 Gal. Treibstoff Tank 2 Flush Edelstahl füllt Entlüftungen Edelstahl Bogen Stern Augen 8 Pop Up Klemmen LED Running Lights LED Cup Halter LED Cockpit Beleuchtung Isoliert Abnehmbare Kühler Selbstentleerende Ablagefächer Gepolsterte Side Coamings Horn Automatische Bilge Pumps Deep Cycle Batterien w - Custom HD Batterie Box Batterie Schalter Feuer Feuerlöscher Zündsicherung Stoppschalter SS Rub Schiene 4 Stoßfänger 6 Dock Lines Küstenwache Sicherheit Kit - Storage Bag -6 Schwimmwesten - Flares - Air Horn-Erste Hilfe Kit - Throable Kissen Ekstarutstyr - Optionen: Ankerwinde Anker, Kette Elektrische Flush Toilette - Macerator 12V AC mit Batterien Premium Sound System 1234 GPS: 2 Einheiten Digitale Tiefe VHF Schiffsansicht System Unterwasser LED Beleuchtung Teleskop Tauchleiter Plane Teakholz Bodenkühler Sitzwanne und Kühlschrank 2014 Nor-Tech 320 Monte Carlo mit Mercury 8.2L HO - Neuer moderner exklusiver Monte Carlo Offshorer Inspirierter Daycruiser zum Verkauf - Sofort lieferbar in Europa. Dieses Modell kann auch geliefert werden mit: - Single Mercury 565HP mit XR - Single Yanmar 370 Diesel - Twin Verado 300 Erinnern Sie daran, dass wir Transport, Seefracht und Zollabwicklung weltweit koordinieren können. Gefunden in AsiaEuropeMiddle EastUSA Norwegen. Jahr: 2014 Leistung: Single 430 PS Ort: Kontakt Nummer: 0114795009400 Fragen: 325.000 Details amp Fotos Direkt vom Besitzer haben wir seit mehreren Jahren Geschäfte gemacht, wir können dieses einzigartige Schiff anbieten. 2011 Nor-Tech 390 Super Sport 3 x 350 Yamaha Cabriolet T-Top nur ein gebauter Besitzer Höchstgeschwindigkeit 62-63 Knoten - nur 210 Stunden Dieser einmalige Schiff wird stolz auf dem Markt direkt vom Besitzer angeboten. Es hat eine besondere von einer Art konstruiert Cabrio T-Top, die in eine riesige Sonnen-Lounge für faulen Tagen in der Sonne vor der Konsole umwandeln kann. Nor-Tech ist seit langem an der Spitze von Design und Innovation, Pionier-State-of-the-Art von Katamaranen, Mittelkonsolen, V-Boden und Performance Yachts Technologie. Im Jahr 2008 setzte Nor-Tech zwei 400 Meilen offene Ozeanaufzeichnungen ein und einige ihrer Vergnügungsboote haben sich in Höchstgeschwindigkeiten geschlossen, die sich 200 Meilen pro Stunde nähern. Alle Boote werden genau im Einklang mit den Kunden produziert39 Wünsche und Anforderungen machen jede Nor-Tech ein einzigartiges individuelles Objekt der Begierde. 3 x 350hk Yamaha komplett gewartet 62knots niedrige Stunden von einem ernsthaften Besitzer professionell gepflegt - alle Aufzeichnungen voll beladen 2 x 12 Zoll Garmin 5212 GPS Garmin Sonar VHF Mercury Vessel View Premium Clarion JL Audio Sound System Integrierte Ankerwinde Anker Kette Seil Ferngesteuerte Scheinwerfer Custom drei Farbe LED-Overhead - und Cockpitbeleuchtung SS-Becherhalter mit LED-Spülkopf 2 - Mazerator Rohe Wasserwäsche unten Frischwassertank w - Heckdusche Dusche ausziehen in den Kopf Anker-Sperre abwaschen 3 x Port-Leuchten im Kopf und Bogen Liege Vorwärts Sonnen-Lounge Vorwärts umwickeln Sitzklappe Klappe hinten Sitzbank Schiebekühler mit Sitzplatz Vorwärts abnehmbarer Tisch Aluminium-Anhänger Custom Lack-Design Neue Oversize Custom Hardtop 2 - abnehmbare Top-Panel und abnehmbare Sidepanles mit Türen Eingebaute Windabweiser Kabinenheizung Wir sind direkt mit internationalen Verkäufen, Schiffe Registrierungen, CE-Zertifizierung und Übersee-Versand als weltweiter Fabrik-Vertreter für Nor-Tech Performance Boats. Erinnern Sie daran, dass wir Transport, Seefracht und Zollabwicklung weltweit koordinieren können. Für detaillierte Details Anrufen oder E-Mail: Premiumboote von Hellerud Versand Trading A - S Telefon: 47 950 09 400 Fax: 47 455 97 883 Mail: posthellerud. as Premiumboote von Hellerud Versand Trading A - S ist seit Jahren der zuverlässige Partner, wenn Es kommt zum Kauf oder Verkauf von neuen oder gebrauchten Premium-Segel - und Motoryachten. Unsere 34all-inclusive34 maßgeschneiderte Lösungen beinhalten folgende Leistungen: Globale Logistik, Schifffahrt Transportdienstleistungen - Bootswagen-Brokerage, Versicherung Zollberatung - CE-Zertifizierung Schiffsregistrierungen - Event-Projekt Cargo - Instandhaltung Storage Services - Technisches Boot Car Customs Registration Services Disclaimer Das Unternehmen bietet die Details dieses Schiffes in gutem Glauben, kann aber nicht garantieren oder garantieren die Richtigkeit dieser Informationen noch rechtfertigen den Zustand des Schiffes. Ein Käufer sollte seine Agenten oder seine Vermesser beauftragen, solche Details zu untersuchen, wie die Käuferwünsche validiert haben. Dieses Schiff wird vorbehaltlich des Vorverkaufs, der Preisänderung oder des Widerrufs ohne Vorankündigung angeboten. Gelegen in . Jahr: 2011 Leistung: Triple 350 PS (jeweils) Standort: Kontakt Nummer: 0114795009400 Fragen: Details amp Fotos Direkt vom Besitzer haben wir seit einigen Jahren Geschäfte gemacht, wir können dieses 2008 Nor-Tech 3900 Super VEE mit 2xEU 662 HP anbieten. Nor-Tech ist seit langem an der Spitze von Design und Innovation, Pionier-State-of-the-Art von Katamaranen, Mittelkonsolen, V-Boden und Performance Yachts Technologie. Im Jahr 2008 setzte Nor-Tech zwei 400 Meilen offene Ozeanaufzeichnungen ein und einige ihrer Vergnügungsboote haben sich in Höchstgeschwindigkeiten geschlossen, die sich 200 Meilen pro Stunde nähern. Alle Boote werden genau im Einklang mit den Kunden produziert39 Wünsche und Anforderungen machen jede Nor-Tech ein einzigartiges individuelles Objekt der Begierde. Hersteller zur Verfügung gestellt Beschreibung Die Nor-Tech 3900 SUPER VEE ist die neueste der innovativsten Vergnügungsboote aller Zeiten. Entwickelt, um schnell auf Lager zu laufen Power die 3900 steht über dem Rest, indem Sie und Ihre Mannschaft ein tiefes bequemes Cockpit, volle Windschutzscheibe und eine große Kabine mit einem eingeschlossenen Kopf geben. Unübertroffene Styling und Komfort kombiniert mit der hervorragenden Leistung eines 4-stufigen tiefen V-Rumpfes gibt Ihnen ein Gesamtpaket wie kein anderes. Dieses Boot wurde von Speed and Pleasure Magazine mit dem besten Lack Award 2016 ausgezeichnet. Boot Jahr: 2008 Modell: 3900 SUPER VEE CE Kennzeichnung Loa: 39 ft Lichtstrahl: 8ft 6in. Entwurf: 2ft 7in. Gewicht: 9700 lbs Motoren Motor 2: gestaffelt Typ: Nor Tech 662 Kraftstoff eingespritzt. Motor - Kraftstoffart: Benzin Geschwindigkeit: 89 MPH mit langen Häusern (Geschwindigkeit: 100 MPH mit kurzen Häusern) Laufwerke Typ: Long Bravo XR Stern Antrieb auf IMCO Boxen. Propps: 4 Klinge Bravo 1 Pitch: 30 Lenkung IMCO Tanks Süßwasser-Tanks: (15 Gallonen) Treibstofftanks: (200 Gallonen) Anpassungen Anzahl der einzelnen Anlegeplätze: 2 Zusätzliche Beschreibung Nor-Tech Stealth ruhige Auspuffanlage Süßwasser-Spülung Hardin Seesiebe Luft Konditionierung 20 Ampere Batterieladegerät 110v 3x Ladegeräte 220v Garmin GPS - KARTE Pionier Stereo - CD 2 x Audioband Amplifires 1200W Tasten und Start Tasten Speicherabdeckung Motorraum verkleiden Paket Motorraum Service Lichter und Spiegel Custom Grafik Lackierung Trailer 3 Achsen 18000 Pfund. Zusätzliche Beschreibung 2 Einzelne elektrische Ausstiegsleisten Geformte Sitzlehnen mit Griffen und Becherhalter Hintere Bank mit Aufbewahrung Blaue LED-Leuchten Gepolsterte Sonnen-Lounge Side-Panel-Speicher Indirekte Beleuchtung Vollständige Acryl-gelbe Windschutzscheibe Rückspiegel Eingebaute Stufen für Deck-Zugang Livorsi-Lehren Carbon-Faser-Armaturenbretter Tiefenmesser Kompass Armaturenbretthalter Elektrische Motorluke Snap in Teppiche Zusätzliche Beschreibung SALON EIGENSCHAFTEN: Zwei Sofas Volle Größe V Anlegeplatz mit Ablage Direkte und indirekte Beleuchtung Blaues LED-Licht Aufbewahrungsfach Snap in Teppich GALLEY EIGENSCHAFTEN: Eingebautes Selbstentleerung im Eiskasten Stereokabinett KOPF EIGENSCHAFTEN: Stehen Sie das umschlossene Kopffach ein Sink mit ausziehbarer Dusche Porti-potti mit Pumpe Bilgepumpe Zusätzliche Beschreibung Handgelegte Komposit mit Kevlar, dreidimensional und bidirektional Glasfaser. Hochdichte Schaumabsaugung. Quad NOR-STEPS belüfteten Rumpf. Weitere Features 2 Bilgepumpen CMI Auspuff Trimmklappen Swim-Plattform mit Leiter Transom-Dusche Pull-up-Stollen Running Lichter Boot ist bereit für Inspektion und Sitzungen in Norwegen nach Vereinbarung. Wir sind direkt mit internationalen Verkäufen, Schiffsregistrierungen, CE-Zertifizierung und Übersee-Versand als weltweiter Fabrik-Vertreter für Nor-Tech Performance Boats beteiligt. Erinnern Sie daran, dass wir Transport, Seefracht und Zollabwicklung weltweit koordinieren können. Bitte beraten Sie weiteres Interesse an diesem Boot oder anderen neuen oder gebrauchten Nor-Tech Modellen. Für vollständige Details Anrufen oder E-Mail: Premiumboote von Hellerud Versand Trading A - S Telefon: 47 950 09 400 Fax: 47 455 97 883 Mail: posthellerud. as Premiumboote von Hellerud Versand Trading A - S. In AsienEuropeMiddle OstUSA Norwegen. Jahr: 2008 Leistung: Twin 662 PS (jeweils) Standort: Kontakt Nummer: 0114795009400 Fragen: 199.000 Details amp Fotos 2005 Nor-Tech 3600 Supercat 2 x Express Marine V8 Das schnellste Vergnügungsboot in Norwegen zum Verkauf. Nor-Tech ist seit langem an der Spitze von Design und Innovation, Pionier-State-of-the-Art von Katamaranen, Mittelkonsolen, V-Boden und Performance Yachts Technologie. Im Jahr 2008 setzte Nor-Tech zwei 400 Meilen offene Ozeanaufzeichnungen ein und einige ihrer Vergnügungsboote haben sich in Höchstgeschwindigkeiten geschlossen, die sich 200 Meilen pro Stunde nähern. Alle Boote werden genau im Einklang mit den Kunden produziert39 Wünsche und Anforderungen machen jede Nor-Tech ein einzigartiges individuelles Objekt der Begierde. Dieses Schiff ab 2005 ist mit Express Marine V8 Motoren mit einer Leistung von 950 1115 PS je nach gewähltem Set-up ausgestattet. Jeder Motor wird für alle 400 Stunden renoviert und dies ist vor kurzem für beide von ihnen getan. Es ist auch mit Mercruiser NR6 Trockensumpfantrieben und Getriebe ausgestattet. Bei dieser Installation wird das Gefäß auf 145 Gps-Knoten gemessen. Wir können für diese gut versorgte und gut ausgestattete Schiffe eine komplette Besitzer - und Dienstleistungsgeschichte zur Verfügung stellen. Es ist seit 2005 in Norwegen und ist CE-zertifiziert mit allen Steuern bezahlt. Ein maßgeschneiderter 6-wheeler-MYCO-Anhänger ist ebenfalls enthalten (gleich gelb wie das Boot). Für ein besseres Verständnis dieses einzigartigen Schiffes sehen Sie bitte diese auf youtube: youtube - watchvliCPkb6wvWk youtube - watchvEi99zhFyy Technische Ausrüstung: GPS Kartenplotter mit Sonar Helme mit Intercom Land Ufer Macht mit Ladegerät Süßwasser Spülsystem für Motoren Boot Abdeckung Schlafplätze für 2 Dusche Original Nor-Tech Rettungswesten Bitte beraten Sie weitere Interesse an neuen oder gebrauchten Nor-Tech Performance Boats oder anderen Bootsarten Kontakt Premiumboote 24 - 7 Zelle oder Sms 47 95 00 94 00. Befindet sich in AsiaEuropeMiddle EastUSA Norwegen. Jahr: 2005 Leistung: Zwilling 1115 PS (jeweils) Ort: Kontakt Nummer: 0114795009400 Fragen: 175.000 Details amp Fotos Europas schönster Katamaran mit voller Fahr - und Wartungsaufzeichnungen, nur 115 Stunden und nur einmal mit Weltrekord Tvedestrand-Skagerak gefahren, außer dass nur Lokales Vergnügen Bootfahren. BOOT MUSS SEHEN AUSRÜSTUNG Vollständige Optionsliste ist zu empfehlen. ZUSTAND Das Boot ist in einem sehr guten Zustand und wurde in unserem beheizten Winterlager gelagert. Service gerade abgeschlossen TRAILER Dieses Boot sitzt auf einer dreifachachsigen MYCO Aluminium-kundenspezifischen Trailer. Es hat elektrische über hydraulische Scheibenbremsen aus rostfreiem Stahl, eintauchbarer LED-Blitz und ein Turm auf der Vorderseite mit einer Leiter und einer davon. Es macht Service und Lagerung viel einfacher TAXES Dieses Boot wird mit norwegischen Steuern verkauft. Für detaillierte Details Anrufen oder E-Mail: Premiumboote von Hellerud Versand Trading A - S Telefon: 47 950 09 400 Fax: 47 455 97 883 Mail: posthellerud. as Premiumboote von Hellerud Versand Trading A - S ist seit Jahren der zuverlässige Partner, wenn Es kommt zum Kauf oder Verkauf von neuen oder gebrauchten Premium-Segel - und Motoryachten. Unsere 34all-inclusive34 maßgeschneiderte Lösungen beinhalten folgende Leistungen: Globale Logistik, Schifffahrt Transportdienstleistungen - Bootswagen-Brokerage, Versicherung Zollberatung - CE-Zertifizierung Schiffsregistrierungen - Event-Projekt Cargo - Instandhaltung Storage Services - Technisches Boot Car Customs Registration Services Disclaimer Das Unternehmen bietet die Details dieses Schiffes in gutem Glauben, kann aber nicht garantieren oder garantieren die Richtigkeit dieser Informationen noch rechtfertigen den Zustand des Schiffes. Ein Käufer sollte seine Agenten oder seine Vermesser beauftragen, solche Details zu untersuchen, wie die Käuferwünsche validiert haben. Dieses Schiff wird vorbehaltlich des Vorverkaufs, der Preisänderung oder des Widerrufs ohne Vorankündigung angeboten. Gelegen in . Jahr: 2011 Leistung: Twin 1075 PS (jeweils) Standort: Kontakt Nummer: 0114795009400 Fragen: 325.000 Details amp Fotos Vom Besitzer haben wir seit mehreren Jahren Geschäfte gemacht, wir können dieses einzigartige Schiff anbieten. Preis als neu mehr als USD 600 000, -. Nor-Tech ist seit langem an der Spitze von Design und Innovation, Pionier-State-of-the-Art von Katamaranen, Mittelkonsolen, V-Boden und Performance Yachts Technologie. Im Jahr 2008 setzte Nor-Tech zwei 400 Meilen offene Ozeanaufzeichnungen ein und einige ihrer Vergnügungsboote haben sich in Höchstgeschwindigkeiten geschlossen, die sich 200 Meilen pro Stunde nähern. Alle Boote werden genau im Einklang mit den Kunden produziert39 Wünsche und Anforderungen machen jede Nor-Tech ein einzigartiges individuelles Objekt der Begierde. Dieses eines netten Schiffes wird stolz auf dem Markt direkt von dem einen Besitzer angeboten. Dies ist ein tolles Boot für Ihre Gegend, die extrem seetüchtig und zuverlässig mit hoher Reisegeschwindigkeit und extra gute Reichweite ist. Mit einer Brennstoffkapazität von 900 Litern eignet er sich für lange Vergnügungsreisen, Ozeantransport, Tauchen, Geschäftsreisen, Abenteuerreisen, Expeditionen, Hochseefischen und sogar Aquakultur. Die solide T-Top bietet Schutz vor der Sonne, aber auch von schlechtem Wetter zusammen mit dem Hauch von männlichem Aussehen. Speziell bestellte Tauchbeckenhalter, rutschfester Boden und Wasserski-Halter unterstützen das maskuline und raue Bild, aber es gibt auch eine kundenspezifische Sonnendeck für faulen Tagen Für lange Transportbeine in rauer See gibt es 4 stehende Sets im lehnenden Pfosten um die Konsole und zusätzlich Drei hinter dem Sofa vor den Motoren. Schlafgelegenheiten im vorderen Bereich, 2 Erwachsene oder eine kleine Familie von 3. Toilette in der Mittelkonsole mit Eingangsteil Portside mit Süßwasser (225 Ltr) und auch eine Dusche an der Badeplattform. Leicht zu manövrieren durch Bugschraube und 2 Motoren. Das Boot wurde bei 62 Knoten bei optimalen Bedingungen gemessen (wann war es recht sauber unter). Boot ist sehr wenig in den letzten Jahren verwendet, aber gut versorgt in der beheizten Lagerung. Beide Motoren und Antriebe benötigen Service vor Lieferung. Das Boot befindet sich in Norwegen und ist im Privatbesitz, Preis als neu mehr als USD 600 000, - Technische Daten: Baujahr: 2008 Serialnr: AOV43046C808 Gelcoat: Kochverbund 944-wk-296 weißer ISO-Gelmantel Farbe: Tungstein Grau BC 907364 D740 Schwarzer Toner BC5856 Silber gemischt w - Tungstein auf Fades Motoren: 480HK Yanmar 6LY3-ETP x 2 M610 42 - Steuerbord M610 41 - Portside Getriebe: ZF280-1A Rate 1.118 20067794 - Steuerbord 20066079 - Portside Antrieb: Arneson ASD-8 - Steuerbord - Portside Propeller: Hering Propeller 6-Blatt GPS: Raymarine E120 X2 Für vollständige Details Anrufen oder E-Mail: Premiumboote von Hellerud Versand Trading A - S Telefon: 47 950 09 400 Fax: 47 455 97 883 Mail: posthellerud. as Premiumboote von Hellerud Versand Trading A - S ist seit Jahren der zuverlässige Partner, wenn es darum geht, neue oder gebrauchte Premium - Segel - und Motoryachten zu kaufen oder zu verkaufen. Unsere 34all-inclusive34 maßgeschneiderte Lösungen beinhalten folgende Leistungen: Globale Logistik, Schifffahrt Transportdienstleistungen - Bootswagen-Brokerage, Versicherung Zollberatung - CE-Zertifizierung Schiffsregistrierungen - Event-Projekt Cargo - Instandhaltung Storage Services - Technisches Boot Car Customs Registration Services Disclaimer Das Unternehmen bietet die Details dieses Schiffes in gutem Glauben, kann aber nicht garantieren oder garantieren die Richtigkeit dieser Informationen noch rechtfertigen den Zustand des Schiffes. Ein Käufer sollte seine Agenten oder seine Vermesser beauftragen, solche Details zu untersuchen, wie die Käuferwünsche validiert haben. Dieses Schiff wird vorbehaltlich des Vorverkaufs, der Preisänderung oder des Widerrufs ohne Vorankündigung angeboten. Gelegen in . Jahr: 2008 Leistung: Twin 480 PS (jeweils) Standort: Kontakt Nummer: 0114795009400 Fragen: 215.000 Details amp Fotos Direkt vom Besitzer können wir 2007 NOR-TECH 5000 ROADSTER 4 x 700 HP - 120 KNOTEN entwickeln. ALLGEMEINE INFORMATIONEN Wir sind stolz darauf, diesen 5000 Supercat Roadster zu vertreten und zu promoten, der eines der schönsten Boote von Nor-Tech39 ist. Dieses Boot wurde von der Fabrik direkt nach Norwegen bestellt und ist wahrscheinlich das größte und schnellste Motorboot mit CE-Zertifizierung . Es hat zwei vorherige Besitzer, wurde von Mercury Racing-autorisierte Techniker bedient und ist immer noch in einem sehr guten Zustand. Dies ist unter den schnellsten Booten, die Sie je in Europa sehen werden, obwohl es mit den servicefreundlichen 700 PS Motoren von Mercury ausgestattet ist. Sie könnten denken, dass 700-Motoren nicht ausreichen, um es super schnell zu machen. Aber wir haben vergessen zu erwähnen, dass es vier von ihnen hat Kombiniert mit den beliebten Mercruiser NXT1-Laufwerken, erhalten Sie ein 34bullet proof34 Hochleistungspaket. Mit diesem Boot bist du auf der Welt. Der Tyranosaurus Rex der Schnellboote. In jedem Jachthafen, in jeder Stadt, in jedem Land, besitzen Sie den Ort. ENGINES MERCURY RACING HP700SCI. Diese sind Handaufbau V8 34big Blöcke34 von 502 Kubikzoll Hubraum - 8,2 Liter mit einem Lysholm Schraubenkompressor, der massives Drehmoment aus dem Leerlauf erzeugt. Ausgestattet mit sequentieller elektronischer Kraftstoffeinspritzung und statischer Verteiler-weniger Zündung bieten sie zuverlässige und präzise Kraft in allen Situationen. Darüber hinaus können wir erwähnen, dass diese Motoren 34Guardian Mode34, um Probleme auf ein Minimum zu reduzieren und das Risiko der gesamten Motorschaden ist minimal. Ein computergesteuertes Ventil sorgt für eine konstante Einstellung des Motorengebläses, um exakt 700 Pferdestärken unter allen Bedingungen zu aktivieren, ob trocken oder feucht, kalt oder warm draußen ist. Auf diese Weise müssen Sie die Propeller aufgrund von klimatischen Veränderungen nicht ändern. All engine information from all four motors are digitally monitored on a single Smart Craft screen on the dashboard, and you can while you are on the water be notified which sensor is giving you an error. That means that out in the real world, - you can actually tell your mechanic about the problem on the phone, and he can replace the part MUCH quicker when he already might know which part is broken or what kind of problem you experience before you enter hs marina. Large oil coolers for great high performance dependability is standard. With only 230 houres, these engines have many years of high speed enjoyment left on them. The boat is fitted with state-of-the-art 1734 diametre 5-blade Mercury Racing propellers for ultimate grip in all conditions and extreme prop axle heights. Mercruiser NXT1 drives are expensive dry-sump lubrication heavy duty racing drives for ultimate durability. Inside the boat, you will find BAM upgraded hydraulic shift transmissions on the inside engines. For the tvo outside engines, you find SCS crach boxes. Mechanical tranmissions with few moving pars and no hydraulic shift mechanism. These transmissions are chosen to be more ridgid than hydraulic transmissions as these drives are more often in the water than the inner drives. There is also a pair of star buttons right in front of the outer shift levers to enable fast starting and engine rotation while you wiggle the levers to engage fwd or revers and to release them from these gears. COLORS GRAPHICS This boat is beautifully done and painted in full. It has a sexy mix of light baby blue metallic, medium blue flake, dark blue metallic, silver and smoky grey. The gelcoat on this monster is white. The mooring pop-up cleats, grab handles and rub rail is polished stainless steel 316. In the cockpit, you have a combination of dark navy blue and light beige vinyl and blue carbon fibre panels. The throttle - shifters are also chrome and blue. Three blue anodized grab handles between the rear seats keeps the rear seat passengers in place. All seat backs have custom embroidery with the name of the boat 34Ship o39hoi34. Located in . Year: 2007 Power: 700 hp Location: Contact Number: 0114795009400 Asking: 345,000 Details amp Photos Direct from owner we have this unique upgrade opportunity 1994 Nor-Tech 5000 without engines, drives, transom and no trailer. Boat located in southern Norway and ready for worldwide delivery arranged directly by our company. Remind you that we can coordinate transportation, ocean freight and customs handling world wide. Please advise further interest on this boat or any other new or used Nor-Tech models. Ready for delivery in Europe. Med Vennlig Hilsen - Kind regards, Jrgen Hellerud Hellerud Shipping Trading AS - as brokers only Tel. 47 926 93 020 Fax. 47 455 97 883 hellerud. as Global Logistics, Shipping Road Transportation Services - Boat Car Brokerage and Rentals - Insurance Customs Consulting - CE Certification Ships Registrations - Event Project Cargo - Maintenance Storage Services - Technical Boat Car Customs Registration Services (Ved svar vennligst behold underliggende saksgang i teksten og detaljene i emnefeltet - Please kindly reply with the string of e-mails attached in the message body and leave the subject in your reply) For Full Details Call or E-mail: Premiumboats by Hellerud Shipping Trading A - S Telefon: 47 950 09 400 Fax: 47 455 97 883 Mail: posthellerud. as Premiumboats by Hellerud Shipping Trading A - S has for years been the reliable partner when it comes to buying or selling new or used premium sailing and motor yachts. Our 34all-inclusive34 tailor-made solutions includes the following services below: Global Logistics, Shipping Road Transportation Services - Boat Car Brokerage, Insurance Customs Consulting - CE Certification Ships Registrations - Event Project Cargo - Maintenance Storage Services - Technical Boat Car Customs Registration Services Disclaimer The Company offers the details of this vessel in good faith but cannot guarantee or warrant the accuracy of this information nor warrant the condition of the vessel. A buyer should instruct his agents, or his surveyors, to investigate such details as the buyer desires validated. This vessel is offered subject to prior sale, price change, or withdrawal without notice. Located in AsiaEuropeMiddle EastUSA Norway . Year: 1994 Power: Location: Contact Number: 0114795009400 Asking: 45,000 Details amp Photos Nor-Tech 3900 Super-V. This boat is in Immaculate Condition throughout. This Two Owner Nor-Tech is a Quad Step Hull and its Powered By FRESH Staggered Mercury Racing 525 EFI39s. BOTH motors were rebuilt at the same time and only have about 10 hrs on both motors since. Equipped with ITS gimbals and XR drives with Sportmaster lowers. Lab finished herring props, new Stainless Marine exhaust. This model has a rare Large and Comfortable Cockpit for a boat of this size. Large Sun Pad and luxury cabin with tv and shore power air condition. Large swim platform with ladder for easy water access. Fresh water tank rinsing. This boat is fun. Has a Brand new 2016 Performace boat aluminum triple axle trailer with disc brakes purchased this month. Financing is available 2037down and 799 month. BOAT IS IN FLORIDA AT THIS TIME. Located in SEYMOUR Indiana. Year: 2006 Power: Twin 525 hp (each) Location: Indiana Contact Number: 561 719-7685 Asking: 145,000 Details amp Photos DO NOT MISS THE OPPORTUNITY TO OWN 34DANGER ZONE34 JUST REDUCED 3630,000. 2007 NOR-TECH 43 ROADSTER 34DANGER ZONE34 NOW AVAILABLE TWIN COBRA 1200 SC NEW POWER (WARRANTY AVAILABLE), NEW INTERIOR, GIMBALS AND DRIVES REBUILT, NEW UNDERWATER LIGHTS, NEW GPS AND CUSTOM STEREO. LOCATED AT XTREMEPOWERBOATS AND AVAILABLE TO SEE AT THE NEW HAULOVER MARINE CENTER. CALL LARRY GOLDMAN FOR MORE INFORMATION 305-947-3278 OR 954-610-2260. ASKING 36299K -- ACCEPTING ALL SERIOUS OFFERS -- DO NOT MISS THE OPPORTUNITY TO OWN THE WORLD FAMOUS 34DANGER ZONE. 3434. Located in NORTH MIAMI Florida. Year: 2007 Power: Single Location: Florida Contact Number: 305-947-3278 Asking: 299,000 Details amp Photos 2007 36 Super Cat. Fresh Rebuilds by Pottor115039s EFI39s motors only 45 min on them. Brand New big tube headers, Freash Bam tran39s,6 drives from TNT, new batteries, new fuel pumps, new bilge pumps, boat has low hours. boat is a 9.2.Duel helm, kicking stereo, enclosed head, cabin lounge with bed. every option from nortech, ready to go, trailer is a Myco new tires, bearings just done. new battery charger asking 185,000 OBO. Located in Wilmington Delaware. Year: 2007 Power: Twin 1150 hp (each) Location: Delaware Contact Number: 302-420-7061 Asking: 185,000 Details amp Photos Paint by custom touch graphics. Sits on a 2010 tilt and tow by America trailer. Ballast tank,632 ci with 1471 blower, merlin block, oliver rods, je pistons, big brodix heads, superchiller, stelling headers with 6 inch tail pipes. Number 6 drives. Runs on 91 octane. Very dependable package. Stereo with 4 12 inch subs and 3 amps. May consider trade on 3839 statement, 3939 nortech or 3439 sensation center console. (will price without trailer). Located in oklahoma city Oklahoma. Year: 2005 Power: Twin Location: Oklahoma Contact Number: 405-640-7724 Asking: 249,000 Details amp Photos 2011 39 CC Sport Open 9702Triple Mercury 300 Verado39s 9702540 hours 9702Bow Thruster 97022nd Row Seating 9702Dual Garmin GPS 9702Garmin Radar 9702Premium JL Audio System 9702Full Canvas 9702Spotlight 9702Windlass Anchor 9702Myco Triple Axle Aluminum Trailer. Located in Kimball Michigan. Year: 2011 Power: Triple 300 hp (each) Location: Michigan Contact Number: 810-388-9495 Asking: 247,900 Details amp Photos Quad Mercury 300hp Verados with 100 hours. For 78 more in-depth photos and more technical information on this vessel please visit our website - poweryachtsinternational. Located in Cape Coral Florida. Year: 2015 Power: Location: Florida Contact Number: 888-351-2331 Asking: 449,000 Details amp Photos The owner of 34 Spirit of Belgium34 would keep this powerboat in his possession, but in December 2014 he fell off a ladder shattering both his hands, completely ruining his hips and feet. So it39s a long road of recovery for him, hence why he has put his boat on the market in order to obtain some funds to survive this difficult period in his life. Nor-Tech type 427 to be rebuilt, all parts available except part of deck, more pictures possible on request. Only the Hull is for sale, no engines or drives - what you see is what you are buying. Only 17 hours on the hull. Located in Belgium, we can arrange transport anywhere in the world. Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns für ein Angebot. This is a fantastic opportunity and a great project. A fantastic boat for a fraction of the new price. 1537 of the amount will go to the Bergamo Scuba Angels for the great rescue job they did for the pilots the fateful day of the accident. They will invest in safety equipment to safeguard others in the future. Many thanks for looking Patrick powerboating. be - content - view - 911 -. Located in Knokke Heist . Year: 2010 Power: Location: Contact Number: 32472236197 Asking: 25,000 Details amp Photos Located in Hobe Sound Florida. Year: 2003 Power: Triple 315 hp (each) Location: Florida Contact Number: 561-309-6328 Asking: 199,000 Details amp Photos 2008 Nor-tech 3600 Supercat. Mercury 700 SCi39s, NXT drives, brand new CMI headers and tails in spring 2013, brand new Myco trailer in spring 2013, beautiful Ferrari red paint must be seen, full head and cabin with lounge and bed over the tunnel, cockpit converts to eating area when front bolsters turn 180 degrees and table drops in. Huge sunpad for the deck of the boat, bimini top, Garmin GPS, full time Nor-tech underwater exhaust and much more, red aluminum tri-axle trailer. Call Peter Roberts 705 321 4621 for more details. Offered through Double R Performance. This boat is in Florida for the remainder of the winter until sold or returning to Canada in spring. Located in North Fort Myers Florida. Year: 2007 Power: Twin 700 hp (each) Location: Florida Contact Number: 705 487 7575 Asking: 179,900 Details amp Photos 2007 Nor-tech 3600 Supercat. Powered by twin Mercury 700 SCi39s with Bam Transmission upgrades and NXT drives. recent refreshes on engines and drives were brand new 20 hours ago along with new props. Dual helm, Northstar GPS, big stereo, enclosed head, cabin with lounge and berth-over-tunnel, full-time Nor-tech underwater exhaust, aluminum swim platform, Myco tri-axle painted aluminum trailer and more. Offered through Double R Performance. This boat is in Florida for the remainder of the winter until sold or returning to Canada in spring. Located in North Fort Myers Florida. Year: 2007 Power: Twin 700 hp (each) Location: Florida Contact Number: 705 487 7575 Asking: 209,900 Details amp Photos ndash June 16, 2013 What is it about our fathers8217 cars Those of us who were car-crazed little boys (and girls) certainly lapped up every car experience we could get our little hands on. But the cars that our Dads drove can hold a special place in our memories. For the past few years, my sons and I have attended a small Fathers8217 Day car show in Noblesville, Indiana. There is always a nice variety there, something for about every taste. I enjoy, of course, looking at the cars, and even more, I enjoy the time spent with my boys who have a better-than-average appreciation of old iron. If things go the way I hope, while you read this, we three will be traipsing around Forest Park again, taking in the sights, with old Dad snapping a few pictures for some future Car Show Classics. Last year, though, this car made me stop in my tracks and just stare 8211 probably with my mouth wide open 8211 while the sons wondered just what the heck was wrong with their father. Just what would make someone take notice of a 821769 Ford LTD sedan They would have no way of knowing, but this car is almost the spitting image of the car my father drove during most of 1969. All of a sudden, I was ten years old again. 1969 was a time of transition, in many ways. My parents had been divorced for about two years and Dad had remarried. I would eventually have two brothers, but the oldest was still a year away from birth in 1969, so this marked the last year that it was just my little sister and me. This was also a time that Dad had left the only employer he had ever had since leaving college over ten years earlier, to strike out on his own as a self-employed management consultant. I should start out by saying that my father was not really a 8220car guy8221. Which was sort of strange, with him having graduated from college with a degree in mechanical engineering. He understood all of the mechanical stuff, but it really held no interest for him. To my Dad, a car accomplished two things: It was a depreciating asset, and its job was to take you where you wanted to go, comfortably and with no drama. More importantly, a car was your calling card 8211 like your clothing and your bearing, a signal to the world around you who you were and what you were about. This was, pretty much 180 degrees away from my own approach, which valued the subjective experience above all else. The upside of Dad8217s worldview on cars was that he never brought home a car that embarrassed his young eldest son. Not our car, but close. For most of my life up to that time, Dad had driven a company car. The first had been a white 821763 Chevy Bel Air station wagon. Someone else surely picked it out. The color was the only thing that would have agreed with my father. You see, there were two constants in Dad8217s life when it came to cars 8211 they were almost all the products of the Ford Motor Company, and they were almost always the best trim level offered in a given model. A low-trim Bel Air with dog dish hubcaps would never, ever have passed the JPC-the-Elder test. It probably made him feel like a house painter. The second was more his style 8211 a white 821766 Country Squire that pulled into the driveway one cold, snowy evening in late 1965. Although it lacked air conditioning, it was a car in all other ways fitting for a young up-and-coming executive. The Squire was his car for the next three years, which included some wrenching life-changes. Following a divorce, and a Dad8217s move to an apartment, the sight of the white painted woody was eagerly anticipated every other Friday evening as its pulling into the driveway signaled the start of a weekend visit with we kids. Dad married again in 1968 and moved to a new home that was the start of a little subdivision way out in the country. The three-year-old Squire was due for replacement in late 1968. To me, it was the last holdover from an earlier kind of life that I was sorry to see go away. As I have gotten older, however, I realize that he must surely have been ready to be rid of the Squire. It had to have been difficult to spend so many hours in a car that was a daily reminder of an unhappy chapter of life, which he was surely ready to move beyond. In the early fall of 1968, the Squire was traded on a new company car. The Country Squire8217s replacement was always a bit of a mystery to me 8211 a gold 1969 Olds Delta 88. I vividly recall the air conditioning and the brocade cloth seats. I also remember that Dad was transitioning to a new career and suspect that his replacement may have been given some choice in the new company car. Within about three months, the Oldsmobile was gone and on one snowy Friday evening, a new car turned into Mom8217s driveway 8211 a robins egg blue 1969 Ford LTD four door hardtop. I was ecstatic. At ten years old, you see, I was my Father8217s son. Therefore, it went without saying that I was a dedicated Ford man as well. Oldsmobiles and Pontiacs were fine for the women-folk, but in my little world, a Ford was the appropriate car for the man of the house. And an impressive Ford it was, too. OK, a Mustang Mach I would have been cooler, but that just wasn8217t happening. The story of the Ford LTD has been covered here before. and in the second half of the 1960s, it was a very, very important car. Each year following its 1965 birth, it gained in power, influence, and prestige, taking an ever-larger share of big-Ford sales. The 1969 model was a significant leap. There was a longer wheelbase, a wider track, and a completely new body with styling that may have been one of the best looking large sedans of the late 821760s. Ford had been on a quality roll through the 821760s, and its cars were seen as appealing propositions. The competition from GM seemed a bit stale, and the new fuselage Mopars were just not that appealing. The LTD seemed to be a new wave of quality. The structure was tight and quiet, and the materials used seemed to be a notch above those used in the competition. It was certainly a lot nicer than the 821769 Catalina my grandma bought that year, which seemed cheap, plain and dull in comparison. The LTD suited my father perfectly. It was handsome, big and well-built. The new LTD gave a pretty credible impersonation of a luxury car. Although Dad did not spring for a lot of options (we still cranked our windows and listened to AM radio), the car was awash in luxurious upholstery cloth, woodgrain trim and a smooth, quiet ride that would impress anyone. Ford called the front passenger seat 8220the Front Room8221 because of the unique dash design that clustered everything around the driver and swept the rest of the panel back away from the passenger for what seemed like acres of room. On family outings, the huge back seat was like a quiet, comfortable cocoon. I don8217t recall many fights with my sister back there, perhaps in all that roomy, air conditioned comfort, it was just an air of serenity that was hard to break out of, even at age ten. (I supposed we saved the fights for the scorching hot vinyl seats in the closer quarters of Mom8217s 821764 Cutlass.) Try as I might, I have very few really vivid memories of the LTD. Instead, they are just a couple of dozen snippets with a common theme 8211 a kid getting to spend time with his Dad, and the LTD was often the place where that happened. Then, as suddenly as it had appeared in our lives, it was gone, replaced in the late fall of 1969 with a light yellow Continental Mark III. Self employment seemed to be working out well for Dad, and he was ready to move beyond luxury with an asterisk to the real thing. My father was quite excited to score a Lincoln. I can8217t say that I blame him, it was quite an accomplishment for a man at thirty-five to own one of the most prestigious cars built. Me I missed the LTD. I don8217t know why. I didn8217t like the Lincoln8217s color and I didn8217t like climbing into the back seat of a 2 door. Real Lincolns had suicide doors, didn8217t they But on a deeper level, I think that the loss of the LTD highlighted one of the biggest differences between me and my father 8211 he always appreciated the finer things, while I was more comfortable in a simpler lifestyle. Beyond Dad8217s light blue LTD, 821769 Fords seemed to be all around me in those years. Uncle Mervin had a navy blue Galaxie 500 coupe, and our insurance agent had another LTD 4 door. A family friend had a bright turquoise Galaxie 500 convertible, and several years later, a boss bought a silver blue LTD sedan from an elderly man, which I got to drive and spent the day detailing for him. For most of those people (and almost anyone else who ever owned one of these), the bloom came off the rose fairly quickly. In the salty north, these cars turned into major-league rusters. I8217m talking gaping holes in the lower doors at 5 years old. As I watched these cars fall into early decrepitude all around me, I was saddened at how Ford could take one of the most appealing new cars made and build it in a way that would become a major disappointment to its owners down the road. Alas, it would not be the last. As I think about it, the 821769 Ford paralleled my father in another way, too. Like the car, Dad aged poorly. Within a decade, he would have his first heart attack and would lose a lung to cancer before age 50. It has taken some thought, but I think I have finally put my finger on why this car appeals to me so. Almost always, a car that comes into our lives and lives with us is there for quite awhile, certainly long enough to develop the scars and failings of age, mileage and general family wear and tear. Dad8217s LTD, though, never got old or dented or rusted, but has remained forever new in my memory, looking for all the world like this car. And when I think of that beautiful new 821769 Ford, I remember my father at his mid-30s peak 8211 young, strong and handsome, at a time in his life when there was nothing he could not accomplish so long as he had a fresh pack of Tareytons at the ready. So, this Aztec Aqua 1969 LTD was sort of the perfect, though unanticipated, Father8217s Day gift for me. If there was a single car from my early life that would bring almost nothing but good memories, this would be it. Sadly, my father passed away over ten years ago, after a twenty year battle with ill health. But for just an instant on a sunny Father8217s Day last June, it was as though Dad stepped out of the crowd to say hello and give his ten year old kid a hug. I guess sometimes a car can be more than just the mechanical stuff for me too. Happy Fathers Day, everyone. Jim Grey Posted June 16, 2013 at 5:10 AM What a great story, JPC. It8217s so true: our dad8217s cars really do hold a special place in our memories. My dad had a 821766 Galaxie two-door when I was born and he drove it until about 1974. I8217m still drawn to 821766 Fords. Posted June 16, 2013 at 5:37 AM Sorry to hear that your father is no longer around, though I still have mine, he8217s also had several health problems (now going through cancer treatment for multiple myeloma) and of course I wonder how many days we have left together. He sounds a lot like my father, down to the temprament and maybe from that choice of cars compared to my own. My Father also bought a 821769 Ford, but instead of an LTD, his was a Country Squire wagon (with a family, this was his second wagon, the start of a string of Fords). I kind of think he bought it based on my Uncle8217s recent (at the time) purchase of a burgandy 821769 LTD 4 door hardtop earlier in the spring. My uncle had been driving my Grandfather8217s 821751 Chrysler Windsor, which had died (sounded to me like bad head gasket) during his last semester at college, but he already had his first professional job lined up, and on the prospect of a good job, he was able to get a loan on the LTD. I remember making him mad one time saying my bicycle speedometer (actually odometer) had more miles on it than his new car had at the time (of course I overlooked that I had the odometer on the bicycle for more than a few years). Anyhow, my father liked my Uncle8217s choice, and in the fall of that same year bought the 821769 Country Squire at Luzurne Motors in NE PA. My father was a child of the depression, and also liked nicer things, and I think the Squire was certainly a step up from the 821765 Olds F85 wagon we had before that. Me, I8217m not so luxury oriented (though I do like my comforts, I don8217t have to have any luxury reminders around me8230though the Squire was pretty much a base model, it did have disc brakes (which my Uncle8217s LTD lacked) and an AM radio. We only had it for another 4 years (I think my Uncle kept his closer to 20 years) having exchanged it for a slightly lesser 821773 Country Sedan wagon, this one though had more options, power locks, Air conditioning (first in my family) and AMFM stereo, which seemed pretty decadent at the time (I don8217t think it was an inexpensive option) and trailer towing package (which we got despite having a popup camper at the time, though it was rather large popup camper. He8217s had a succession of Fords since then, 3 Mercury Sables in a row (he leased 2 of them) and now seems to have gone back to Chevrolet, he8217s on his second Impala in a row). My father also traded cars much more often than I do (I8217m about 13 years on my current car, have only owned 5 different cars in my life) so his car history is much richer than my own. But being a car nut (me, not my father) that8217s pretty neat environment to grow up in Posted June 16, 2013 at 5:43 AM Interesting and moving piece JPC, thank you. Posted June 16, 2013 at 6:05 AM A great story JPC. Thank you for sharing. My Dad had a 1971 Satellite for much of my childhood and my fondest memories were of riding around with him in that car, just running around doing errands and stuff and he8217d put his big bear paw hand around me while singing along to the radio and everything was all right. I found this copy sitting all by itself at Carlisle a couple of years ago right after he died and since I don8217t think Ive seen another 1971 Plymouth Satellite sedan since he scrapped his in 1983, I took it as a sign and bought it. Posted June 16, 2013 at 9:07 AM That8217s once nice clean Mopar, keep it around and your Dad will live eternity. Some cars are appliances, some cars have style8230and some have soul8230.. Posted June 16, 2013 at 6:38 AM Terrific story, JP. I8217ve been looking forward to reading this. In a small way, I suppose my life has been touched by a 821769 Ford, although it was a Fairlane, that my parent8217s owned when they brought me home from the hospital after my birth. With it being a two-door, it posed excessive challenges for back seat access 8211 along with about 100,000 miles on the odometer 8211 and it was traded for a 821773 Ford Torino. Posted June 16, 2013 at 6:51 AM Wow 8211 great story It8217s really amazing how cars can trigger such memories and feelings within us. For most people, they just saw an old 4 door sedan, but you saw all the great memories of your dad and you when you were 10. Beautiful stuff, and another reason I love going to car shows and love cars. Posted June 16, 2013 at 6:53 AM My Dad from 64 bought a new car every 2 years because unlike the majority of Kiwis, he could. Cars were very hard to get here thanks to govt policy of restricting supply and finance the average Joe or Rangi could not march in and take delivery you ordered your new car and waited on a list my Dad simply ordered a new one when HE wanted one wh9ich meant he had sold at a profit his current car and we would get to ride in whatever he felt like from the used lot untill it arrived only a week or so where some more unfortunate people might wait a year when I attended primary school in the 60s prewar dungers were a common sight dropping kids off old heaps of crap were kept alive here well past their rebar appointment because there was no alternative. Noone else at my school rode in a brand new Vauxhall or Holden that was THE only one about for several months evry couple of years. Posted June 16, 2013 at 6:58 AM I am the last child of a late second marriage 8230 my Dad was born near the end of the 19th century in Europe, and never learned to drive. He was a train, plane (he used to tell me about seeing the Wright brothers at an airshow in France as a child) and streetcar fan when he was young 8230 but cars were just outside his sphere of interest or even familiarity. My mother tried to teach him to drive here in the US but she said it just didn8217t click with him, especially shifting, and frankly he preferred being driven around by her. But I think if my Dad had been a car guy, and a Ford guy, we would have had a 4 door Fairlane with a six, automatic and dog dish hubcaps. But in hindsight, Henry Ford was too friendly with the Soviets, so no Fords for our family. Maybe a Mercedes 190 Diesel. Or a Peugeot 404. Or maybe he was the one who actually chose our Volvos 8230 after all, the passenger seats were very comfortable. Posted June 16, 2013 at 7:16 AM I8217ve always liked the big Fords of that era and as a kid I rode in a few. A friend8217s dad owned an LTD Country Squire wagon of similar vintage, and it was always a treat (for me) to get a ride in it8230.or nearly any different car, for that matter. Our cars were usually pretty basic. My dad could easily afford something nicer, but he simply considered them an appliance as much as anythng else. The nicest car we owned was a 821773 Impala coupe 8211 dark blue with a white vinyl top. I loved the sound of the 350 and the low whine from the THM 350 automatic 8211 a far cry from the 230Powerglide in our old 821767 Beaumont. Unfortunately the Impala rusted out quickly and was off the road by 1980, though when we scrapped it a few years later the engine still started and ran well. We went through a few other GM products that always ran well, but always seemed to have less than stellar quality control 8211 the best was our 821777 Buick Century. In 1990 he bought his first new vehicle since our 821778 Gutless8230a Nissan Axxess minivan with a five speed stick. It was a great vehicle to drive, and he got over 300,000 km out of it in 12 years with very few problems. He sold it to a neighbor and bought a used Toyota Camry. It was a nice car in the Toyota fashion, and unfortunately he put it into a ditch and had to scrap it. His last car was a Saturn 4-door8230back to the basic sedans of yore, but at least he put a decent stereo into it so he could play his classical CD8217s. When he passed away three years ago he had lost his license 6 months earlier due to age-related issues. My sister and her husband took the Saturn to clean it out before they sold it, and they found a few dozen of what was a common thread with all his cars 8211 pipes that he8217d smoked and forgotten he8217d left there. Posted June 16, 2013 at 7:52 AM What a beautiful piece of writing JP thank you, the cars are great too. My Dad stopped driving at 70,he8217s 85 on Tuesday and always liked Ford8217s the best, he was and still is a fan of American cars as he8217s 6821738243 and Mum was too being 58217118221.We had 2 Falcons when I was a kid as well as Zephyrs, Zodiacs, Cortinas and a Corsair among the Vauxhalls and a Valiant and a Dart Posted June 16, 2013 at 8:14 AM Very nice JP, my dad was a dedicated Audi guy when we lived in Germany, after immigrating here he transitioned into a Ford man himself. I like the big LTD8217s and they lasted a lot longer on the West Coast without salt Posted June 16, 2013 at 8:32 AM A very evocative piece8230thanks It brought to mind my father8217s cars 8211 his first one was a 1930 Chrysler convertible coupe, just the car for a dashing young bachelor in southern California. After he married my mother in 1938 he got a 1936 Chrysler coupe. and they traveled all over the country in it. I was along for some of those rides but I was only 1 or 2 at the time. The first of his cars that I actually remember was the 1935 Ford sedan with the banjo steering wheel and big 17-inch wire wheels 8211 off a Pierce-Arrow iirc. Right after WWII someone offered him 300 for it 8211 he thought that was a great deal and sold it. Then he found out why 8211 it was almost impossible to find a decent car in those days. I remember going with him in the 1937 Dodge dump truck to look at a Model A coupe with a pickup box in the back. He eventually found a 1934 LaSalle 8211 a 4-window 4-door sedan that was well used and needed some work to make into a family car. That was the car until 1950. Business was pretty good that year, and he bought a new black Packard 4-door sedan, riding Greyhound back to pick it up at the factory. This is getting long, I8217d better stop. Speaking of that LaSalle, I have never seen another 1934 4-window 4-door sedan. Has anyone here Posted June 16, 2013 at 8:44 AM My Dad, being a former British, and Canadian Army officer, could be a poster boy for Conservitive. He never left the house unshaven, and rarely with out a tie. When it came to cars, Dad was a radical. Dad bought cars like some men of his generation bought suits. If he took a fancy to it he bought it. We had a lot of Pontiacs some used, and some new. Car buying, wasn8217t exatly good financial planning at least in my mothers point of view. If it had chrome wheels, and buckets with a floor shift Dad had to have it. Times were not always good. Dad was retired and looking for work in the late 608217s. One Sunday he had my brother, and I, wash wax, vacum, and detail his 66 Impala SS. A couple of days later dad brings home a 64 Biscayne, three on the tree. Dad hated the thing. I guess he did what he had to do. At the time I was some pissed off. All the nice cars he had. Now I got to take my driver license, on this tank Fast forward about twenty years. I had nice Monte Carlo with big payments. So I decide to trade down to a lesser car. Dad got wind of my plan. He says 8220WTF are you doing. How much money do you need8221 8220Trust me son8221 he says you will lose your shirt trading down8221 Dad wrote me a check for a 1000.8221 I don8217t know how I can pay it back8221..I tell him. 8220I don8217t want it back8221..says Dad I miss him every day. Posted June 16, 2013 at 8:53 AM Nice piece Jp. I remember the Ford LTD ( a later model) from an appearance in one of the French Connection film (Can8217t think which one).It wasn8217t the car chase scene..But I think it was Gene Hackman who was following it around some New York Projects.. I remember looking real closely to try and identify the Car, It was easy in one respect that the Ford name was spelled out over the bonnet and LTD appeared in the back rear reflector. However having grown up in Ireland, I had no idea that LTD was a model and not some sort of trim option. Like GL, or GLX etc as Ford were using Anyway, after ALL these years that LTD sticks i my mind, and I remember liking it. having had a weakness for Large American saloon cars. At the time I was also an avid Mercedes fan. However I grew out of that one. Still like a good saloon car though. Estate cars too..Can8217t stand MPV8217s or SUV8217s and of Course Hot hatchbacks such as the VW Golf GTI, Or Fiat Punto Abarth are always worth a peek. But generally a nice saloon, has been my ideal car..I think I was born Middle aged. Sowieso. happy Father8217s day to you and all fellow readers Posted June 16, 2013 at 9:05 AM My dad had a succession of Fords from 1964-69, each year, all of them employer owned. Since the employers changed, the level of the cars changed too. The nicest was a 821767 LTD 2 door hardtop with 390-4V, disc brakes, power door locks and the factory tape player. This replaced a 821766 XL that was deemed inadequate for a long family road trip by dint of it8217s bucket seats. We took a trip from the prairies to see Expo 821767 in Montreal in that car. We stayed in a luxury condo in downtown Montreal for 2 weeks, leased for the summer by the radio station for which he worked. We went on to Maine, northern NY state and back to Saskatoon via Windsor Ontario. We actually got caught up in the midst of the 821767 Detroit riots leaving Windsor, anxiously following the signs to get onto I-75 while plumes of smoke billowed on the horizon. We were on the road for a solid 4 plus weeks, I as a 6 year old. I have never since then equaled it. Alas, a change of employers resulted in a crummy base level 1968 Galaxie 500 Fastback, with a 302, auto and a radio, and nothing else. This was replaced by a 1969 Galaxie 500 2dr hardtop that was a bit better, at least it had power steering and disc brakes, full wheel covers, a vinyl top and a rear defogger(but still that crummy little 302) Funny thing, even as a kid I knew the 821769 was much less well assembled than the preceding cars. The weird dash was especially flimsy, and it had many irritating little features such as inadequate interior lights (2 little C-pillar lights), a driver-side antenna that was a distraction, the aforementioned weird dash with the left-side radio, a tiny glove box, an ashtray of out of reach AND sight of the driver, and tires that barely lasted 12,000 miles. This was the last car of the company car era, the 821769 was replaced by our own personally bought used 1967 Galaxie 500 4dr sedan 390 that everyone in the family liked better than the 821769. WRT to the feature car, this is rarer than most people might realize. The 4 door sedan bodystyle is already rare, this one has the Brougham Interior which was seldom seen on the sedan. Here8217s another trivia fact about 821769 LTDs. Anybody who has read either David Halberstams book about Ford, or either of Iaccoca8217s books has heard of the PIP, or Profit Improvement Program. This was a gradual chintzing of content while keeping the base price the same. In mid-69, the LTD was demoted to a Galaxie 500 level interior where even the clock reverted to an option. The previous trim level became extra cost, never mind the Brougham option. Did I mention these things rusted even in places where salt use was at a minimum As much as love the 1969s, they demarcated a drastic drop in quality for full sized Fords that was never really resolved until well into the Panther era. Having said that, I still dream of a red, loaded 821769 XL GT convert with a 429. It has to be a convert, I just can8217t abide by the flying buttress hardtop roofline, I think it looks like crap, and can8217t hold a candle to the 821767 LTD8217s small window quarters, the 821767 Galaxie 2 door hardtops delicious sweeping pillars, the concave roof 821766, or even the 821768 Fastback. Posted June 16, 2013 at 9:30 AM My dad8217s car was an early model, with an interior exactly like this, right down to the color. I do remember the oddly placed ashtray, which he used with great regularity. It can be seen in my interior shot. The radio on the drivers side of the dash was odd as well. These cars virtually disappeared before 1980. Not only has it been decades since I have seen one in person, I couldn8217t even find a picture of a ratty one online. They were all survivors like this. All of the beaters dissolved eons ago. The LTD really came into its own with this model, even meriting its own hood panel. The Galaxie hood lacked the little beak on the front. The Galaxie grille was interesting in that it was a large diecasting, which I found unusual since Ford had been doing aluminum stampings for years by then. Unfortunately, it pitted and corroded like all chrome diecastings on cars of those days. My other take on these was that they were SOOOO much more solid than the 1971 model. The 71-72 was a juddering, quivvering structure. These 69-70 cars had a very tight structure that felt more like the 65-68 than like the later cars. Posted June 16, 2013 at 10:42 AM Just to clarify, was your Dad8217s car a pillarless hardtop or a post sedan like the pictured car It made a huge difference in the 8220vibe8221 the car gave off. LTD sedans were so rare that I8217m sure people regarded them as Galaxies. The hardtop versions were much more striking, able to project an upscale image, which the post sedan just couldn8217t pull off. Posted June 16, 2013 at 11:49 AM Posted September 10, 2015 at 7:11 PM Just a footnote on the 69 LTD pictured. I just saw one at a car show in Turlock, Ca. Same color as the one shown. I even got several good shots of it. The reason that I have an affection for these cars is my uncle Arnold had a 1970 LTD Brougham 4-door sedan. Metallic beige, white vinyl top, AM radio, factory 8-track mounted on the transmission hump. And yes it was a factory unit. The eight track was color keyed to the interior. Looked nice but not for the middle front passenger. No power windows, door locks. Not sure about power seat, but did have a passenger recliner. As a nine year old whose parents only bought 2 door hard tops, I was very impressed. That was the first four door sedan that I even remotely thought of as cool. The best feature was the 429 4V residing under the hood. The sound of my uncle telling the gas station attendent to fill it up with Ethyl was almost more than I could handle. My parents were the give me three dollars worth of regular kind of people. Anyway going from San Jose to Madera, Ca was always more fun in my uncles LTD because we would get there a lot quicker. For a frumpy, my moms discription of his car, this car was fast. So even though it wasn8217t a 2 door hard top, or even a four door hardtop, i thought it was the coolest four door sedan ever. One more thing. I guess because the dash is huge. They all crack in the exact same spot. His cracked in January of 1974. The reason I remember that is because my aunt tried to blame my dad for cracking their dash when we used the car one time to go to a funeral. Our cars had even plates, theres was odd and at that time you could only buy gas on odd or even days, and our cars were empty that day. Had to wait in line to get gas in those days. Posted June 16, 2013 at 11:19 AM I8217d forgotten about the odd ashtray location and the radio on the left of the driver. The ashtray I think kind of pointed towards the passenger (kind of like the ashtray on the AMC Javelin, which similarly had a driver-centric dashboard. My father sometimes smoked cigars back then (mostly to keep mosquitoes away at drive-in movies) but otherwise didn8217t use the ashtray much. I commented on reversing the clock and radio to my Uncle (who had the 821769 LTD 4 door hardtop) and he kind of got mad, I thought the clock and radio should have been reversed (so front passenger could also get to radio) but he didn8217t want anyone else but the driver messing with the radio in his car, he liked the layout as it was.. My father drove my Uncle8217s LTD once (I was too young, never drove it) and as a Country Squire owner, he remarked that he didn8217t like the brakes (not sure if they were power, but they were 4 wheel drum compared to his front disc on our Country Squire). My uncle had the (infamous) panty cloth (black cloth) which looked pretty formal with the burgandy exterior (and black vinyl roof). Our car was typical wagon, with green vinyl seating, had no vinyl roof (do I remember corrrectly, that they offered vinyl roof even with wagon in one or two years)..but of course had luggage rack with the integrated wind deflector to try to keep rear tailgate window cleaner (no rear windshield washer back then). Both cars I think had shoulder belts attached to the ceiling. The hardtop had a half pillar between the front and back doors, whereas the country squire was sedan based, with b pillar between the doors all the way up. Posted June 16, 2013 at 11:48 AM As Ford watching kid. especially at the showroomsdealers, I was quite astonished at the frequency with which I saw high-trim LTDs with manual drum brakes. Cripes, it was only 65 bucks to get the discs My dad8217s bare bones 821769 Galaxie had them, and here were power window and AC equipped units that didn8217t. Head-scratcher for sure. Posted June 16, 2013 at 9:30 AM BTW I love that Dark Jade 821769 LTD 4-door hardtop. Everything except for those 10 pound cast fin wheel covers that had a penchant for flying off, that is. Here8217s what I8217d have gotten. Posted June 16, 2013 at 10:10 AM Thanks for this excellent story. I nominate it for a Curbie. Yes, these cars are very rare now I haven8217t run into one in way too long, even around here. Odd. I drove a 821770 Galaxie 500 two-door hardtop quite a bit in the summer of 1971, and rather enjoyed its huge wide sofa, as four of us could ride up there on warm summer evenings. Posted June 16, 2013 at 10:34 AM This story made me think about something (as all stories are supposed to, right). Do girls remember family vehicles as fondly or as sincerely as boys Do girls care about what kind of car was sitting in the driveway during their childhoods Sure, they have memories of vehicles, but I8217m guessing these are based on specific family events (vacationsgraduationsproms) and not the car itself as an entity. I just think it8217s funny that the type of car seems more like 8220a guy thing8221. Posted June 16, 2013 at 11:03 AM If my recollection is at all correct, women buy a substantial number of automobiles. Yet they are close to nonexistent on automotive websites 8212 as editors, writers and commentators. Not surprisingly, some websites contain men8217s locker room banter. I wonder what conversations about cars would be like if more women were part of them. Posted June 16, 2013 at 10:37 AM A 821769 Country Squire is a regular at the local cruise nights. I8217ll have to write it up one of these days. I really like the 1969-70 instrument panel, with the radio on the left. No impertinent passengers will be changing the station Posted June 16, 2013 at 11:06 AM I see that it too has fallen victim to the dreaded 8220crack in the middle of the dash8221 syndrome. This would have happened to most of them before the Carter Administration was done. No matter how mint, they all do it. My theory is that the basic under-structure of the dash stamping wasn8217t strong enough to withstand the torsional stress of a big blob of dash, replete with 8 pound radio, twisting vertically over bumps supported by that little wisp of frame over on the passenger side. Subsequently, this subjected the dash padding to considerable trauma, especially in temperate climes where it got chilly. Posted June 17, 2013 at 9:19 AM Can you imagine a car today with the radio(or ac) controls on the left side of the dash Consumer Reports would tear their own bowels out and eat them in rage Whats even more odd, I8217ve seen one of these with a radio delete on that funky left side radio. I remember seeing an XL500 hardtop one of these that used to live in my grand mothers neighborhood, I remembe peeking inside it once, it even had bucket seats, that must have been rare. Posted June 18, 2013 at 7:40 AM Starting in mid 821768, the buckets became optional on XLs, the really rare ones are the 1969-70 non-XL Galaxie 500 2-door hardtops and SportsRoofs with buckets. I remember one Saturday morning in late February as a kid with my dad, we were in the showroom where an LTD coupe sat. Blackwall tires, Galaxie level interior, no vinyl roof, no radio, or clock, or disc brakes, just an automatic. I don8217t think it even had power steering, but it might have, at the age of 9 I didn8217t think to look for the pump. No callouts on the lower fenders implied a 302, but lifting the hood surprisingly revealed a 351 Windsor, a mid-year option not listed in early literature. I guess the engines were ready before the callouts were because I did see later ones with the 351 stenciled on the marker light. I just couldn8217t get over how chintzy this thing was, since we had recently come out a 1967 LTD company car that beautifully appointed, a Cadillac (okay Lincoln) by comparison. Many years ago I saw one advertised in Hemmings even more bare bones than that one, it was a 3-on-the-tree. Some people Posted June 18, 2013 at 7:53 AM That reminds me: when I was a car jockey at Towson Ford, I drove a car in for service that was highly unusual: a 821769 LTD with Brougham interior, with the 390, three-on-the-tree(), and no PS. The manual alone threw me, but when I drove it and it had no PS, I assumed it was in to be fixed But no pump under the hood. Must have been a real old-school toughie to order one like that. Posted June 16, 2013 at 12:51 PM I started to read this article thinking how I have always had an appreciation for the mid to late 608217s Ford Galaxie8217s LTD8217s. When they are fully equipped they take on a completely different look which is so handsome and balanced. As I read your story and reached the point you made about what the 69 LTD represented to you how it never aged and your Dad was at the peak of his game I truly got what you were saying. It is nice to know other people make such connections. This is probably my father8217s last Father8217s Day and he is losing a battle with lung cancer. My safe place in time was represented by a 1977 Buick Electra Limited my grandparent8217s owned. I am the only child of an only child so I spent as much time with my grandparent8217s as my parent8217s. In 1977 when my granddad ordered that Buick my grandparent and parents were in good health, the world was young and larger to me as I was a little boy. I think you and I both understand each other on this subject and I thank you for sharing what I have often felt but failed to mention. I can say without a doubt, you are one of those people who 8220really get it8221. I wish there were more people in the world who think like you. Thank you for what you gave me with your article. Posted June 16, 2013 at 1:54 PM Nice piece. This generation of LTD was not my father8217s car, but my maternal grandfather8217s (he was a Ford and, eventually, Mercury Marquis guy my dad was a Chevy man who married into a family of Ford drivers). Don8217t know if it was a 821769 but it was a year either side of that at most, I8217m sure. My dad is still around, and I can8217t see a 821768 Chevy without thinking of my then-young parents schlepping us around in their 821768 Impala SS. Memories like that really make one feel the sweep of time8211it was only yesterday that my skinny, dark-haired 27-year-old dad bought that car, and now he8217s about to turn 72 and cars like that are long gone for the most part. Today he and my stepmother have an Acura (although he also has a Z71 Silverado8211he8217s almost always had at least one GM product, usually a Chevy). Posted June 16, 2013 at 2:21 PM Such a great year. As upscale as a Lincoln but not a Lincoln look alike. I believe 1969 was one of the few years Ford outsold Chevy and it was because of the strength of this model. Posted June 16, 2013 at 2:52 PM What a great story for Father8217s day JPC Thanks for sharing this with us. A great point about the benefit of sometimes not having a car around long enough to see it get old. Unlike your father, my dad drove cars into the ground. He (through me) took care of them mechanically, but appearance wise, not so much. Whenever I think of my dad, all that comes to mind are his workhorses. The 84 Pontiac 6000 wagon with peeling Di-noc, his 91 Maxima with the torn leather seats and ashtray overflowing onto the console8230 Probably a subconscious reason why I have been buying new cars lately. Posted June 16, 2013 at 3:58 PM Fantastic story, my friend. Glad to have you here at CC, keeping this place alive and well. Thanks for this contribution (and your many others). Posted June 16, 2013 at 4:20 PM A lovely and poignant story, Jim. A reminder to cherish ordinary moments with our parents, and our kids too. My only impression of this era Ford happens to come from my Dad 8211 as a Mopar head I think you8217ll enjoy it. He was the leasing manager at Brown Chrysler-Plymouth in the early 821770s, and he8217s said he moved a lot of Furies to people fed up with flimsy Fords. Posted June 16, 2013 at 4:58 PM My dad bought new a yellow 821769 country squire with every option but the biggest engine, vinyl roof and. (It probably had fewer options than in my mind8217s eye, but it did have ps, pb, 390, ac, cruise but didn8217t have the turbine wheel covers.) I recall being fascinated by the grille and taillight design, as well as the high quality design of the die-cast components of the center AC vents. This car, though beautiful and comfortable, had major problems with start ability my mother became quite adept in inserting a screwdriver into the carb8217s choke plate 8230 She quickly tired of this extra step, that she did whatever wives do to convince rheir husbands to resolve a problem. The car made at least one visit to the Ford dyno lab, but the problem remained unresolved. Somewhere in that history, my dad spray washed the engine and got water in the carb8230 I got my first ride in a tow truck this was a big treat for a 7 year old. I loved this car, and was very pissed and heartbroken, when my dad bought a 821772 Kingswood wagon from Roger Penske in the fall of 821771. But before the Country Swuire passed out of our life, go about a year or so, our next door neighbor bought an off-white 821770 Country Squire wturbine wheel covers. And standing on the front lawn, between these two beauties, I was in heaven Posted June 16, 2013 at 9:47 PM Excellent piece JPC, thank you. My grandpa had one of these when I was little, but it was a Custom 500. It was light green metallic with a dash the same colour of green as the one shown in the picture above. I remember how plush and quiet it was compared to my parents Valiant. Posted June 17, 2013 at 10:35 AM Amen, brother. This beautiful piece of writing evokes a lot of teary-eyed thoughts 8212 too much for me to pen. That pillar emblem is like new 8212 what a beautiful car. I think these have one of the most attractive front ends I8217ve ever seen in a car. I always liked watching the intro to 8220Alice8221, one of my favorite sitcoms when I used to watch television. It shows the front end of one of these ala Country Squire. Posted June 17, 2013 at 8:14 AM Good one JPC, thanks. My Aunt had a 69 LTD for a couple of years. Following the Isuzu Bellet experience she seemed to be permanently scarred on tiny unknown imports, so she enlisted my Father8217s help in selecting it8217s replacement. The first vehicle she arrived at our house with was an ENORMOUS 1970 Fargo pickup truck with a cap on the back. I loved it, but Dad gave it the thumbs down. So she returned later with the LTD and that was deemed acceptable. Like JPC said, it was an incredible ruster. I remember wondering what that funny growth on the side was, poking it with my little 8 year old finger and making a hole in my Aunt8217s car. I didn8217t say anything and nobody noticed, since similar growths and holes were appearing all over it.. Posted June 17, 2013 at 10:59 AM Great story JP My Dad had a similar auto lineage8230.just one level down8230821766 Ranch wagon, 821769 Galaxie8230 I took my 11 year old daughter to the auto show this year to help me determine which models we8217d test drive in my quest for a new car. We had a blast (although she is easily lured by interactive anything8230) then over the past 6 months we have been on numerous test drives. She was totally excited when I zeroed in on the finalist. We pick it up in a few weeks, and I8217m excited my interactive expert will be aboard to get me hooked up on the car8217s electronics8230. Posted June 18, 2013 at 8:27 AM You nailed it, with the concept of our fathers8217 cars. That8217s half of what this is all about 8211 or more. How the hell ELSE would someone like me get excited about a Jeep Wagoneer Like your father, my own was a Ford man. American by birth but German in culture8230he was born of German parents and the family returned to Europe after his birth8230and then again to America as the leaden curtain of Nazism was dropping8230 8230to him, as with many Europeans, Ford was America. The Ford story was quintessentially New World, with a cantankerous farmerpeasant becoming one of the world8217s richest men by his own hands. His own first car was a Model A. Saw him through college, after which he bought a New Look Chevrolet pickup truck. Not sure why. It didn8217t please him, though. His home-construction finished, he traded it in on a 1957 Ford, which pleased him less. Straying again, he listened to an uncle by marriage and bought a Rambler. Which did less than displease him it made him see red. It clouded his judgment. My mother joked that by that time he was ready for a Checker Marathon wagon. Or maybe it wasn8217t a joke8230in any event, he passed on Checker for Kaiser and got a Wagoneer. My mother, not willing to take a Checker as the other family car, twisted him to a 1968 Ford. A Galaxie8230right in the middle of the lineup. Which, again, displeased them both it was reliable enough, but the Ford-famous rust-out was reliable, too. Five years in8230both postwar examples. Which brings us to JPC8217s example. That was a 1969, of course but my old man bought the Galaxie in a year-end closeout. 1969s were filling the lot and I thought how contrived, how awkward, the new ones looked compared to the smooth, flowing flanks of the 1968. The kewel LTD, the 1968 having a sinister, narrow mouthgrille8230that was what I judged every car by for years. The 1969, with it8217s cartoon hair-band slash across the grille8230didn8217t cut it. Nor did the more awkward greenhouse. Taste is subjective8230but I found the 196970s as much losers as the 1968s were winners. Carolyn Lehenbauer Lepretre Posted July 7, 2013 at 8:17 PM Aside from having a white landau top, this is the closest I8217ve seen to my first car. Mine had a black top. It brought tears to my eyes to see it again. What a beautiful, beautiful car. I lived in the country and never had to worry about getting home in that car. It would get me where ever I needed to go whenever I needed to get there. It just about killed me that my folks thought I needed to get a newer car when I went to college and they got me a Chevy Impala. I8217ll always be a Ford girl at heart8230 Posted July 7, 2013 at 8:46 PM Great story JPC. If you have any pics of your Dad8217s yellow Mark III please post them The 821769 LTD was probably the best looking and best built late 60s sedan. Love the pics of the ones you posted but would love to see a car with the sport mirrors. The grille and headlamp treatment was so classically elegant and the cockpit style IP, well it has never really been duplicated. The taillamps, while an offshoot of the 821765 design, look sooooo much more modern with their shrunken down shape. As for the drive I road in one once and it felt just like my aunt Gerry8217s mid-70s Lincoln, it was that good. For one year and one year only Ford ruled the roost with this car. The 821770 model, like the 821770 Mustang, differed in minor details but somehow completely lost the magic. That one year thing I said was a mistake. Ford had also done it in 821757 with the happy Fairlane. Just like the 821769 LTD what a car. Look at any period black amp white (or faded color) pics from the late 50s or 821769 and it8217s nothing but Ford. Posted February 21, 2014 at 6:15 PM Just re-read this while reading your post on the 73 LTD, JPC. Really tugged on my heartstrings, as it turned out my 90 year old Dad passed only four months after this was written. What you say is true, my handle is in memory of his 67 Continental (silver 2 door with black vinyl roof), my twelve year old self hitting the road with dad towing his Shasta trailer and selling aluminum siding. Think tin man. Even in my teenage years my 65 Bus had a Lincoln wheelcover identical to his attached to the front mounted spare. Posted July 7, 2014 at 11:55 AM Hello. Im from Germany and i find, this is a good story. So, my daughter has seen this car, and in internet in Germany was one 1969 ltd Brougham for sale. We bought this car. On the journey from the seller to our home weve got a crash in the backside of the ltd. Our luck was only for 2 hours. This car is in a very good constitution and i dont want it to sell again, but i have very big problems here in germany. to find parts for it. Please, please, can someone help me I hope, my english is correct, for understanding. I m very thankful for every help. Grettings from Bavaria 8211 Germany. Posted January 10, 2015 at 12:32 AM Hi dude. Cool car. I have a 69 ltd n code 429 4v coupe, Its only done 92564 miles. Came from LV. Its now in melbourne AUSTRALIA. Posted January 10, 2015 at 7:51 AM Hi JPC. Thanks for your comments on my family8217s 821766 Country Sedan three days ago. I read this story of your Father8217s Day LTD and your memories of your Dad and his 821769 LTD back when you posted it. Great story. Dad wasn8217t a car guy and it turned out that Fords ended up being his least favorite cars. And, much to my dismay, the 821766 Country Sedan was the one he liked least. A good part of it was that he had gone from the 1960 Ranch Wagon with 223 six with standard transmission to the 821766 which had a 352 with 4 barrel and Cruise-O-Matic transmission. He lamented that he couldn8217t get past a gas station with it. My oldest sister wrecked it in May of 821767 and he thanked her for it. I was crushed. Like you, I was a Ford man and there could be no better car. Over the years I8217ve owned many different makes, but sixties Fords have always held a special place. Back to your LTD, I own several older cars, one of which is an LTD. I don8217t want to tell you what it is. I8217d rather show you. Problem is, I can8217t figure out how to attach a photo of it. Could you help me with it Posted September 10, 2015 at 7:37 PM Just a footnote on the 69 LTD pictured. I just saw one at a car show in Turlock, Ca. Same color as the one shown. I even got several good shots of it. The reason that I have an affection for these cars is my uncle Arnold had a 1970 LTD Brougham 4-door sedan. Metallic beige, white vinyl top, AM radio, factory 8-track mounted on the transmission hump. And yes it was a factory unit. The eight track was color keyed to the interior. Looked naice but not for the middle front passenger. No power windows, door locks. Not sure about power seat, but did have a passenger recliner. As a nine year old whose parents only bought 2 door hard tops, I was very impressed. That was the first four door sedan that ever n my eyes cool. The best feature was the 429 4V residing under the hood. The sound of my uncle telling the gas station attendent to fill it up with Ethyl was almost more than I could handle. My parents were the give me three dollars worth of regular kind of people. Anyway going from San Jose to Madera, Ca was always more fun in my uncles LTD because we would get there a lot quicker. For a frumpy, my moms discription of his car, this car was fast. So even though it wasn8217t a 2 door hard top, or even a four door hardtop, i thought it was the coolest four door sedan ever. Posted February 24, 2016 at 5:18 AMUNIT STANDARD ASSESSOR CRITERIA Assessors should keep the following general principles in mind when designing and conducting assessments against this unit standard: Focus the assessment activities on gathering evidence in terms of the main outcome expressed in the title to ensure assessment is integrated rather than fragmented. Remember we want to declare the person competent in terms of the title. Where assessment at title level is unmanageable, then focus assessment around each specific outcome, or groups of specific outcomes. Make sure evidence is gathered across the entire range, wherever it applies. Assessment activities should be as close to the real performance as possible, and where simulations or role-plays are used, there should be supporting evidence to show the candidate is able to perform in the real situation. Do not focus the assessment activities on each assessment criterion. Rather make sure the assessment activities focus on outcomes and are sufficient to enable evidence to be gathered around all the assessment criteria. The assessment criteria provide the specifications against which assessment judgments should be made. In most cases, knowledge can be inferred from the quality of the performances, but in other cases, knowledge and understanding will have to be tested through questioning techniques. Where this is required, there will be assessment criteria to specify the standard required. The task of the assessor is to gather sufficient evidence, of the prescribed type and quality, as specified in this unit standard, that the candidate can achieve the outcomes again and again and again. This means assessors will have to judge how many repeat performances are required before they believe the performance is reproducible. All assessments should be conducted in line with the following well documented principles of assessment: appropriateness, fairness, manageability, integration into work or learning, validity, direct, authentic, sufficient, systematic, open and consistent. PROVIDERS CURRENTLY ACCREDITED TO OFFER THIS UNIT STANDARD: This information shows the current accreditations (i. e. those not past their accreditation end dates), and is the most complete record available to SAQA as of today. Einige primäre oder delegierte Qualitätssicherungs-Funktionäre haben eine Verzögerung in ihren Aufzeichnungssystemen für die Akkreditierung des Anbieters, was wiederum zu einer Verzögerung bei der Benachrichtigung von SAQA aller Anbieter, die sie akkreditiert haben, um Qualifikationen und Einheit Standards zu bieten, sowie alle Erweiterungen der Akkreditierung Ende Termine. Die relevante primäre oder delegierte Qualitätssicherungsfunktion sollte benachrichtigt werden, wenn hier ein Eintrag fehlt. 2000 SIMUNYE SECURITY TRAINING ACADEMY 201307785107 South Africa (Pty) Ltd 2Inspire skills Training 4GROUND CONSOLIDATED SERVICES AR ENGINEERING MINING SUPPLIES PTY LTD AAH Skills and Development ABI: Devland, The Soft Drink Division Of SAB (Pty) Ltd ABI: Head Office, The Soft Drink Division of SAB (Pty) Ltd ABI: Midrand, The Soft Drink Division of SAB (Pty) Ltd ABI: Phoenix, The Soft Drink Division Of SAB (Pty) Ltd ABI: Pretoria, The Soft Drink Division Of SAB (Pty) Ltd Abongile Computer Co-operative Limited Aboutlearning Pty Ltd Academics Dynamics (Pty) Ltd Academy of Business and Computer Studies Academy of Guilds design in the making AccTech Systems (PTY)LTD ta ATS Ace Driving School Acol Computer Training PTY LTD Act of Grace 97 Added Advantage Academy (Durban) Addskills Computer Training ADT SECURITY SERVICES PTY LTD ADVANCED RISK SOLUTIONS 10000 (PTY) LTD ADVANCED TRAINING SOLUTIONS EAST LONDON ADVANCED TRAINING SOLUTIONS KING WILLIAMS TOWN Africa Corporate Training Institute and HR Consulting Africa Institute For Public Administration Africa International Training Facilities TA AITF (BREDELL) (TP) AFRICA SKILLS VILLAGE (George) African Dream Campus Agattu Trading 273 (Pty) Ltd AIM TRAINING ACADEMY Air Conditioning Refrigeration Academy TA ACRA (Edenvale) (TP) Algoa Bus Company All Connections cc All-in-one Driving Academy Alvern Cables (Pty) Ltd (GERMISTON) (TP) Amaqamu Project Management and Consulting Amitek Business College Anchor Yeast Baking School (Pty) Ltd Andebe Training and Skills Development Anderson College (Pty) Ltd ANGLO PLATINUM - ENGINEERING SKILLS TRAINING CENTRE ANGLOGOLD ASHANTI LTD (VR) Ankalite (Pty) Limited Arc-Tec Training Centre (PAARDEN EILAND) (TP) ARCELOR MITTAL SA ArcelorMittal South Africa Ltd (VANDERBIJLPARK) (TP) Areka Logistics Solution Arise Business Centre Artshub Institute (Pty) Ltd ASEZASECURITY AND PROJECTS Asiphokuhle Training and Research Institute Aspidus 209 TA 3D Solutions (UITENHAGE) (TP) Aspirations Communication Training CC AUM IT Solutions Avuxeni Computer Academy Award Media (Pty) Ltd TA Award Training (PORT ELIZABETH) (TP) Awona Technologies cc Babina Tlou Trading and Projects cc BADEN TRAINING AND COMPUTING SERVICES Balemi Consulting Pty Ltd Bantsho Marketing Management Strategies BAPNYA SECURITY AND CLEANING SERVICES Barloworld South Africa (Pty) Ltd TA Barloworld-Equipment (ISANDO) (T Barloworld Transport Solutions Basfour 2730 (Pty) Ltd Bavuse Trading Enterprises cc Believers Care Society Belique Training Centre cc (ALBERTON) (TP) Bell Equipment Company SA (Pty) Ltd (ALTON) (TP) BELMET TRAINING CENTRE TA BELMET MARINE (PTY) LTD (Bellville)(TP) Best Information Solutions Beth Horner Associates Bevline Mechanical Projects (Pty) Ltd (PROSPECTON) (TP) Bhungane Skills Development Black Eagle Training (PIETERMARITZBURG) (TP) Blazing Moon Corporate Training (Pty) Ltd Blessed Assurance Worship Centre Blessing are Forever Training and Projects Blue Bridge Training and Consulting (Pty) Ltd Blue Disa Trading 568cc BMW SA (Pty) Ltd (ROSSLYN) (TP) Boikgantsho Consulting Events Bokamoso Competence (Pty) Ltd Bokgoni Training And Development Boksburg Correctional Services BOLAND COLLEGE (Paarl) Boland College Head Office Boland Public FET College - Worcester Campus Bonalesedi Computer Training Bontham Training Agricultural Consultants Bophelo Tota ICT Driving Academy (Pty) Ltd Boston Technology Campus (Pty) Ltd BPC HR Solutions (PRETORIA) (TP) BRAVEHEART BIO DOG ACADEMY Bravospace 139 cc TA Metro Skills Academy (PORT ELIZABETH) (TP) Bridgestone South Africa (Pty) Ltd - PE Plant (PORT ELIZABETH) (TP) Bright Idea Projects 2082 CC Broad Spectrum Training Div Broadband College of Technology BTC TRAINING AFRICA PTY LTD Buffalo City Public FET College - East London Campus BULL DOGS PROTECTION SERVICES AND TRAINING CENTRE CC Bumunhu Services Providers Cc Buna Construction And Projects Buzz-word Training College BW Khuzwayo Consulting CC Bytes People Solutions A Division of Altron TMT (Pty) Ltd C D M INDOOR RANGE Calandra Trading 523(PTY) Calicom Trading 215 (Pty) Ltd Cape Peninsula University of Technology Cape Town Society for the Blind Career Pathing Solutions (Pty) Ltd (KRUGERSDORP) (TP) Careers IT (Pty) Ltd CAVE SECURITY AND TRAINING cawood Trading (Pty) Ltd CB Willemse Training CEBC Construction Engineering Belting TA CEBC - Welding School (DUR Cedara College of Agriculture Centre For Economic Participation Centre for Logistics Excellence (Pty) Ltd Certified Workforce Trainers cc. CHAMDOR DRIVER TRAINING CC Change The World Trust CKP Development Agency cc Clean Heat Academy Coastal Kzn F. E.T. College - Umlazi Campus College for Machine Operators COLLEGE OF CAPE TOWN College of Cape Town (City Campus) COLLEGE OF CAPE TOWN (Pinelands Campus)(DTTC) College of Cape Town - City Campus College of Production Technology COLLIERY TRAINING COLLEGE COLLIERY TRAINING COLLEGE (Witbank)(TP) Columbus Stainless (Pty) Ltd (MIDDELBURG) (TP) Columbus Technologies Pty Ltd Come Again Printing Services cc Commerce and Computer College of South Africa COMMERCIAL INSTITUTE OF SECURITY TRAINING Community Education Computer Society Community Shakers Skills Development Competence computer and business management Competence Performance Consulting cc Compus training institution Computers 4 Kids Concor Projects (pty) Ltd Contra-Lit Pty Ltd CREATIVE FOUNDATION TRAINING Creative Thinking Trading 524 CTU Training Solutions CULLINAN DIAMOND MINE (PTY) LTD Customised Training Specialists Trust TA CTS (PINETOWN) (TP) CYBER MINDS (PTY) LIMITED Daily Training Cc Dawsons Training Academy (Pty) Ltd (DURBAN) (TP) DC Dynamic College of Commerce Further Training (Pty) Ltd DE BEERS GROUP SERVICES PTY LTD Dean Institute Of Learning (Pty) Ltd Dees Training (PTY) LTD Delight Computer Training DHW SECURITY AND TRAINING SERVICES Diamond Education College Cc Diepsloot Youth Projects DIONYSUS SKILLS DEVELOPMENT INITIATIVE (PTY) LTD Distell (Pty) Ltd. DITHIPE TRAINING DEVELOPMENT Ditlotlo Trading Enterprise Cc DJ Bosman Transport (Pty) Ltd DL Trading Enterprise DOUBLE OPTION TRADING 120 (PTY) LTD AND SECURITY TRAINING CENTRE DR BA Mthethwa College DVG Property (Pty)Ltd Dynamic Training Centre Dynamiq Staffing Solutions E E L PROTECTION SERVICES Eagle Computer Training Eagle High IT Training Eastcape Midlands Public FET College - Charles Good Year Campus Eastcape Midlands Public FET College - Uitenhage (High Street)Campus Eastcape Training Centre Eastern Cape Academy of Technology Ebotse Development and Training Centre EBS TRAINING ACADEMY (PTY) LTD (Witbank)(TP) Edutel Wholesale Retail Academy Egsibit Training and Development Ehlanzeni TVET College Ekasi IT Solutions CC EKHURHULENI SHOOTING AND TRAINING ACADEMY Ekukhanyeni Community Development Centre Ekurhuleni Computer College ELASON PRO-ACTIVE SECURITY (PTY) LTD Elchees Software Solutions Elsenburg Agricultural Training Institute Elukwatini Learning Technologies ENB Training Service Environmental Leadership Academy EOH Abantu (Pty) Ltd ESKOM ARNOT POWER STATION OPERATIONS TRAINING Etata Trading cc TA ETATA Training (ALTON) (TP) Exxaro Coal Pty Ltd Fakazani Management Services Falcon Business Institute (Pty) Ltd Far North Education Training Trust (FNETT) Far North Youth Development Initiative Far-Ahead Computer Training Centre Cc Felix Risk Training Consultants Fidelity Security Services FIDELITY SECURITY SERVICES PORT ELIZABETH Finsch Diamonds Mine FIRMSTONE CONSULTING AND SECURITY ACADEMY First Car Care (Pty) Ltd TA STi Autobody Repairers (GOODWOOD) (TP) FMCG Training Solutions CC Forek Institute of Technology (Pty) Ltd Four Stars Communication Franz Falke Textiles (Pty) Ltd Futurekids SA (Fochville) Gateway Academy and Training College (Pty) Ltd Gegana Computer Academy and Business Solutions cc Gemini Moon Trading 6 cc Gert Sibande College Gert Sibande Public FET College - Standerton Campus Giga Skills Training Gijima AST Holdings (Pty) Ltd TA Fundi Training Centre (BENONI) (TP) Gijima AST Holdings (Pty) Ltd TA Industrial Skills Development (Tlhah Gijima Holdings (Pty) Ltd Gijima Holdings (Pty) Ltd TA Industrial Skills Development - Middelb GINGIRIKANI SECURITY SERVICES CC Glencore Operation South Africa (Pty) Ltd Global Forest Products (pty) Ltd Global Jewellery Academy1 Global Maritime Legal Solutions (Pty) Ltd Globalwise Training Consulting (PTY) Ltd. Goitsebasadi Construction Project Goldee Trading Academy 176 Golden Arrow Bus Services Golden Step Campus (Pty) Ltd. GOLDFIELDS TVET COLLEGE Goodyear SA (Pty) Ltd (UITENHAGE) (TP) Great Height IT College Guest Resource Services (Pty) Ltd GUNDO SECURITY SUPPLY CC Hadassah Security Consultants Cc HARMONY GOLD MINING COMPANY LIMITED HAZOEMA TRADING ENTREPRISE CC Hazyview Computer College He and She Driver Training Centre Heavenly Button Trading CC Hectic Productions cc Hibiscus Skills Training College (HILLCREST) (TP) Hlanganani ICT (Pty) Ltd HLONGWANE SECURITY CC TA HLONGWANE SECURITY CC HPS ACADEMY (PTY) LTD HV Consultants (Pty) Ltd (PORT ELIZABETH) (TP) I. C.E Computer College IFIHLILE TRAINING ACADEMY GAUTENG (PTY) LTD (Halfway House)(TP) Ikaheng HR Services (Pty) Ltd Ikhaya Fundisa Technical Academy iLearn Training PTY LTD IMFUNDISO SKILLS DEVELOPMENT (PTY) LTD Impact Plus Training Consultants IMPALA PLATINUM LIMITED - RUSTENBURG Imperial Technical Training Academy (GERMISTON) (TP) Imperial Technical Training Academy (WADEVILLE) (TP) IMVULA SKILLS DEVELOPMENT ACADEMY In Excess Trading 22 TA ATTI Polokwane In Touch Comm Develop Indlela Yempilo Consulting cc Indonsa Consulting and Training cc Indub Trading c. c. INDUB TRADING CC TA MARITIME SKILLS COLLEGE INDUSTRIES EDUCATION TRAINING INSTITUTE - PE TTC INDUSTRIES EDUCATION TRAINING INSTITUTE - PORT ELIZABETH Industries Education and Training Institute Industry Training Consulting cc (PRETORIA) (TP) Information Technology Resource Centre Inkwe Sekuriteit Bk InnerOut Training Solutions Innovative Shared Services Institute for Local Government and Housing Institute for Quality cc Institute of Health and Social Care Studies Insurance Institute Of South Afica Integrated Educational Technology Support Cc Intercept Consulting and Training Solutions Interocean School of Shipping INTSIKA SKILLS BENEFICIATION PROJECTS Invader Plant Specialists cc Invuya Institute of Learning IQRA Computer Institute of Excellence Isibani Business College IT College (Pty) Ltd iSolve Business Solutions (Pty) Ltd IT Certification Academy IT Schools Innovation (Pty) Ltd IT-HI-Q Training (PTY) Ltd ITHEMBA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Ithemba Lentsha Skills Development Institute (Pty) Ltd ITO FOCUS PHOLE Iyanda Holdings(Pty) Ltd Izizwe Training Centre (Pty) Ltd TA Simtech Training (NORTHDENE) (TP) JESUA CONSULTANTS (Hartenbos) (WA) Jesua Consultants (Pty) Ltd (MOSSEL BAY) (TP) Johannesburg Institute of Engineering Technology Johannesburg Polytechnical (Pty) Ltd Jonda Learnership Academy Josmap Training Institute JSP Consultants CC Jucamo Shelf 4 CC. Kaelo Computer Training cc Kamanga Skills Projects Kanana Development Centre Karabo Ya Karabo Keewave Trading 403 (Pty) Ltd TA VH Consulting (DURBAN) (TP) Kempston Driving Academy Keybase Training Solutions Cc Kgopotso Computer Training Kgotla Trading Enterprise Kgotlelelang Computer Lab Centre KHANYISANI TRAINING ACADEMY CC KHOMBO SECURITY AND TRAINING CC Khula Nonke Training Development Khuphulanani Training Institute (Pty) Ltd Kitta Transport Training Academy KMK Training Services (PTY) Ltd Konani Pfunzo Comprehensive Learning Centre Kondi Computer Training Kuhle Projects Cc Kumani Computer College KUMBA IRON ORE (SISHEN) Kumba Sishen HRD Centre Kwahlwa Kwasa Multimedia Centre Kwamahlati Training Services cc KwaZulu Automotive Training Services cc (KZN) (DURBAN) (TP) KZN Computer Training Centre KZN SCHOOL OF WELDING TRAINING CENTRE CC (Durban)(TP) L AND L TRAINING Lanecol Investments (Pty) Ltd Leanco Business Services Training Centre CC Leap Skills Developmemt Institute (Pty) Ltd Learning Exchange Pty (Ltd) Legal Environment Safety Health Requirements cc Lephalale Core Skills Academy (Pty) Ltd Leps Training Consultants Leruo ke Matla Training and Enterprise Development Services Lesedi Security And Training Servic Es Lesedi Skills Academy (TP) Leseding Computer Systems (Pty) Ltd LGIT Smart Solutions Li Hills Training College (Pty) Ltd Limco Consulting and management (Pty) Ltd Limpopo Computer College Bk Limptech Computer Training Centre LMoss Trading cc Loja Trading cc Loxtion Server CC Lukhanyiso Research and Development Services CC ta TSD Business Solut Luleka Business Academy Lwazi Lwethu Training Centre and Trading Enterprise M-cot Corporate Training M3i Skills Development MA SECURITY TRAINING AND PRIVATE INVESTIGATION Magnifica (Pty) Ltd Magnitude College of education Mahlasedi Training Matters Makau Tours and Skills Development Makhophila Business Enterprise Maliwa Investment (Pty)Ltd Malope IT Solutions Mamelodi Digital Centre cc Mananthatshema Skills Dev. Centre MAPHETO BUSINESS ENTERPRISES MAREMATLOU TRADING CC MARGER TRAINING AND PROTERTIES (PTY) LTD Marrian Ridge Computer Centre (Pty) Ltd MAS SAFE SECURITY CC Mash Computer Training MASHAU SALPHINA ELECTRICAL CC MASIKHUTHALE SECURITY TRAINING COLLEGE AND GUARDING DIVISION Masiqhame Trading 81 cc TA Kims Welding School (AUSTERVILLE) (TP) Mason Call Centre Solutions CC Mass Computer Training And Printers Master Retailing (Pty) Ltd Masungulo Electronics and IT Solutions Matimba Rigging Training (SECUNDA) (TP) Matotomana Training Gen Trading McCarthy Academy Cape Town (BLACKHEATH) (TP) McCarthy Automotive Artisan Academy (MIDRAND) (TP) McCarthy Automotive Artisans Academy (PINETOWN) (TP) MCD Training Centre (Pty) Ltd (MEYERTON) (TP) MCD Training Centre (Pty) Ltd (VEREENIGING) (TP) MEGRO LEARNING LOWVELD Mentum Training College Mercedes Benz South Africa (Pty) Ltd (CENTURION) (TP) Mercedes Benz South Africa (Pty) Ltd (EAST LONDON) (TP) METSKILL (PTY) LTD Mgwezane Training and Events Management CC. Mimoisa Business Solutions CC MINERAL MINING TRAINING INSTITUTE (PTY) LTD Mini Academy (Pty) Ltd Mita Computer College MJ Mafunisa Consulting (PTY) LTD MJM GUARDING AND CLEANING SERVICES MLG Consultants, Facilitators Trainers (Pty) Ltd MML Consulting CC. Mobile Agri Skills Development and Training NPC MODIKWA PLATINUM MINE Modise Computer College Mokk Consultants Cc Morwa Agri-development cc Mosadikago Trading Cc Mothiba Phatla Consulting Mourema Computer Training Centre Mpande Technologies cc Mphatlalatsane Learning Resources Mpisholo Training Solutions MSC Artisan Academy (Pty) Ltd TA Master Artisan Academy SA (EAST LOND MSC Education Holdings (Pty) Ltd ta MSC Business College MSTC Business College Mthetana Trading Construction TA Multi Skill Training Centre (DURBA Mthonyama Technologies cc MTL TRAINING AND PROJECTS MTO Forestry (Pty) Ltd MUTENDA SECURITY SERVICES CC Muzekhaya Community Development Centre Muzwali Education IT Solutions MZANSI SKILLS BASE CC (Selby)(TP) Nape Angwato Trading National Computer College Carletonville National Institute For The Deaf NCM Computer and Business Academy Ndabezitha Life Skills Training Institute Nebsol IT Solutions Nela Kahle 80 cc NEMJA SECURITY AND PROJECTS CC NET2G Technologies (Pty) Ltd ta EduCampus NetCampus (Pty) Ltd. New Arizona Communications Training New beginning staffing New Era Computer Training Centre (Hidobyte CC) New Life Computer College Ngubeni and IT Trading and Projects Ngubs Construction Project Nhlahle Development Agency Nicoflora Computers PC Engineering (Pty) Ltd Nissan SA (Pty) Ltd (ROSSLYN) (TP) Nkinane Training Institute and Consulting (Pty) Ltd Nkoka Training Cc NOLUTHANDO TRAINING INDUSTRIES (Green Point)(TP) NOMADUKU SECURITY SERVICES CC Nomasojabula Training Centre Northlink College - Bellville Campus Northlink College - Wingfield Campus Nowethu Learning Institute cc Nqoba Lift Consultants TA Nqoba Training (ORMONDE) (TP) Ntaba Ecological Services NTHUSENG TECHNICAL TRAINING CENTRE (East End)(TP) Ntsako Training Solution Ntunzela Trading Enterprise NU LAW FIREARMS COMPLIANCE On the Ball College Pty ltd OPEN TRADE TRAINING CENTRE (Springs)(TP) Operational Process Improvements (Pty) Ltd Orbis Security Solutions Pty Ltd Organisation Development International (Pty) Ltd (CENTURION) (TP) Organisational Development International (TP) Otis (Pty) Ltd (DURBAN) (TP) Otis (Pty) Ltd (MOWBRAY) (TP) OTIS (PTY) LTD (Wadeville)(TP) Overcomers Training College (Pty) Ltd Owl Business Training (Pty) Ltd P T Technology (Pty) Ltd P and R Development and Training (Pty) Ltd Pal Passenger Bus Services Passionate About People PCJ Skills Development Agency TA Smart Training Solutions (PORT ELIZA Perfect Graphic Art Design Phaahlana-Mahlako Technology Academy03 (Pty) Ltd PHATSIMA ENGINEERING TRAINING DEVELOPMENT CC (Potchefstroom)(TP) Phatsiphatsi Furniture CC Phephani Learnerships cc Phokophela Investment Holdings (Pty) Ltd Pillays Computer and Careers Planet Waves 237 (Pty) Ltd TA Occupational Learning Centre (OLC) (PRE Plastics Federation of South Africa (MAITLAND) (TP) Plastics Federation of South Africa (MIDRAND) (TP) Plastics Federation of South Africa (WESTMEAD) (TP) PMA Holdings (PTY ) LTD. Polyoak Business School (Pty) Ltd (DIEP RIVER) (TP) PRASA TA Metrorail Eastern Cape PRASA TA Metrorail Gauteng North PRASA TA Metrorail Gauteng South PRASA TA Metrorail KwaZulu Natal PRASA TA Metrorail Western Cape Primeserv Corporate Solutions (Pty) Ltd PRIMESERV CORPORATE SOLUTIONS (PTY) LTD TA PRIMESERV HR SOLUTIONS Prisma Training Solutions Production Management Institute Production Management Institute of Southern Africa (PMI) Production Management Institute of Southern Africa (PMI) - Durban Production Management Institute of Southern Africa (PMI) - Johannesburg PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT INSTITUTE SA PTY LTD (PORT ELIZABETH) Progressive College of Technology (Pty) Ltd Prophesy Training College (Pty) Ltd PROSPERITAS TRAINING COLLEGE TA VISION COLLEGE SA PROTEA COIN GROUP (ASSETS IN TRANSIT AND ARMED REACTION) Protech Business and Computer College Pty Ltd. Protech Training cc PROTOCOL K9 PTY LTD Q4 Training Solutions Qhakaza Management Services QTE Training Consulting cc TA QTE (GERMISTON) (TP) Quantum Career Development (PTY) LTD QUEMIC SOUTH (PTY) LTD Quiver Security Services Cc Rainbow Nation Skills Development (Pty) Ltd. Rainbow Skills Development Centre RAM Transport (South Africa)(Pty)Ltd RAMAZWI SECURITY SERVICES CC Ramoeletsi Holdings and Communication Centre (Pty) Ltd Rankin Training Solutions cc (PINETOWN) (TP) Re-Ethical Environmental Re-Engineering KZN (PTY) LTD REBAGONI TRADING AND PROJECTS TA THE SOUTH AFRICAN SECURITY ACADEMY REGEN TECHNICAL INSTITUTE Regent Business School (Pty) Ltd ta Regent Business School Rehoboth Welding Assessment Training (JACBOS) (TP) Rema Tip Top SA (Pty) Ltd (BENONI) (TP) RICHARDS BAY COAL TEMINAL COMPANY LIMITED (Legacy) RICHARDS BAY MINERALS RICHTEK CAMPUS. UMFOLOZI COLLEGE Richtrau No 177 Pty Ltd ta Bokoni Platinum Mines (Lebowa Platinum Min RIGGING ACADEMY OF SA (PTY) LTD (Westmead)(TP) Rivoni Training N Communications RJM Educational Consulting PTY LTD ROMULA BUSINESS ENTERPRISES TA SIYAFUNDA SECURITY ACADEMY Ron and Becky Trading Rorisang Computer (Pty) Ltd Russ Projects TA Academy Workplace Development (AWD) (HARRIETDALE) (T Rustenburg Platinum Mines Ltd S S Training Construction (SPRINGS) (TP) SA Maritime School and Transport College SABHIBA Computer Training Safe and Eco Driving (Pty) Ltd SAHARA EDUCATION. TRAINING. DEVELOPMENT Sankin Computer Training CC Sanlam Life Insurance Ltd SASOL GLOBAL LEARNING SCANIA SOUTH AFRICA (PTY) LTD (Aeroton)(TP) Scaw Metals Group (Pty) Ltd TA Scaw Metals (DINWIDDIE) (TP) School of Shipping Seasons Find 550 cc TA Anthonys Welding Training Academy (MARBURG) ( SECOLO CONSULTING AND TRAINING SERVICES CC SECTOR EDUCATION AND SKILLS TAINING ORGANISATION(SESTO) Security and Property Services Cc Sed General Trading Enterprise Sedibeng Artisan Skills Training Centre (VEREENIGING) (TP) Seige Trading Solutions Sekhukhune FET College - Central Office SENZEKO EXECUTIVE RISK CC Service Corps TA Works Training School (ELANDSFONTEIN) (TP) Setlakala Business Development SG Coal (Pty) Ltd (TP) SHAFT SINKERS PTY LTD SHEMULA TRADING ENTERPRISE Shine The Way 281 cc TA Industrial Training Centre (NEW GERMANY) (TP) Shipping and Transport College ta STC-SA (Pty) Ltd Shukela Training Centre Silulo Ulutho Technologies Silver Solutions Training Academy Simlau Biztec Academy SINGISI FOREST PRODUCTS (PTY) Siphumelele Skills Solutions Sishen Iron Ore Company (Pty) Ltd SIT INVESTMENT HOLDINGS SITUATIONAL SECURITY TRAINING ACADEMY Sivile Housing Association RSA Siyabonga Multi - Purpose Centre Siyanqoba Seminars (PRETORIA) (Non Merseta TP) SIYAYA HYGIENE AND SKILLS INSTITUTE SIZANI PRIVATE INVESTIGATION AND TRACING UNIT CC Skills For Life Skills House (Pty) Ltd Skills Information Technology UP Skills To Furnish International SMITHS MANUFACTURING (PTY) LTD (New Germany)(TP) SN Pool Transport SNAP SOLUTIONS NETWX PTY LTD Software Support And Training Sonke Training and Business Services South Africa Advanced Skills Institute (Pty) Ltd South African Institute of Learning (SAIL) South African Fire and Medical Academy ( SAFMA) South African Fire and Medical Academy (SAFMA) South African Reserve Bank Southern Ambition 653 CC Sovereign Skills Development Institute (Pty) Speccon (Pty) Ltd SPINA Consultancy cc Cape Town Springfield Training (Pty) Ltd SSS Sheet Metal Work cc TA Sheetech SA (DURBAN) (TP) St Anthonys Education Centre (BOKSBURG) (TP) St Austins College (Pty) Ltd Staff Management Services Star Light Consulting STAR PROFESSIONAL FIREARM TRAINING CENTRE CC Steele Bros Labour Hire TA Steele Bros Training Centre (ELDORADO PARK Striving Mind Trading Projects Striving Mind Trading 779 STUDIO 05 HOUSE OF FASHION Sturrock Robson (Pty) Ltd TA Technotrain (ISANDO) (TP) Subiaco Skills Training Success Christian Training Centre Suidwes Beleggings Eiendoms Beperk Swift Skills Academy (Pty) Ltd (Killarney Gardens) TP Swift Skills Academy (SASOLBURG) (TP) T Mabuya Associates (Pty) Ltd Tactical Reaction Services Cc Tactical Security Services cc Talent Factor (Pty) Ltd Taletso FET College - MafikengMmabatho Campus Targagenix Training Center (Pty) Ltd Tasa Training Services cc Technology Corporate Management (Pty) Ltd Terry Computer Services Tfutfukani Technology Training Centre THABO Training and Services Thahameso Training and Development Services Thalita Koume Directions (Pty) Ltd The Automobile Association of South Africa TA AA Training Academy (MO THE BUSINESS ZONE 607 CC The Crimson CO CC. The Fresh Foods Academy (Pty) Ltd THE FURNITURE TECHNOLOGY CENTRE - CAPE TOWN The Furniture Technology Centre - George The Institute of Bankers in south Africa THE NEW RECLAMATION GROUP (PTY) LTD (Prospecton) (TP) The Orbital ICT Centre Cc THE SAJ COMPETENCY TRAINING INSTITUTE CC THE SCHOOL OF ADVANCED LOCKSMITHING PTY LTD The Skills College for Development Training cc (PRETORIA) (TP) The Ulwazi Computer Training Center THOMA TRAINING CENTRE CC THORBURN SECURITY SOLUTIONS PTY LTD Thuto - Lore Academy Thwala Training Services (Pty) Ltd TIESPRO (Pty) Ltd Tipfuxeni Community Development Titan Trade Technologies (Pty) Ltd Tjantjello Training Solutions (PTY) Ltd Toli Computer School and Other Services Tompi Seleka Agricultural College Topoclass Trading Enterprise Torque Technical Computer Training (Pty) Ltd Toyota Academy Toyota SA Motors (Pty) Ltd (ISIPINGO) (TP) Toyota Academy Toyota SA Motors (Pty) Ltd (SANDTON) (TP) TPN Training and Recruitment cc Tradefirst 2035 cc Training Force (Pty) Ltd TRANSFORCE SECURITY SERVICES Transnet School of Pipelines TRIOTIC PROTECTION SERVICES CC TSHWANE Triple E Training Holdings (Pty) Ltd Tripple R Training Provider TSHEDZA PROTECTIVE SERVICES CC Tshedza Training Technologies (Pty) Ltd TSHIKALANGE SECURITY SERVICES AND TRAINING Tshiredo Training Academy Cc Tshwane South Public FET College - Odi Campus TSU PROTECTION SERVICES TSWELOPELO EDUCATIONAL SYSTEMS CC Turfloop Training Services Cc TVET SA (Pty) Ltd Twin Peak Technologies Ubucubu Home Industries UKHUSELO TRAINING ACADEMY AND SECURITY CC Umbuso Training Services Umfolozi FET College Umfolozi FET College - Central Office Umfolozi FET College - Mandeni Campus Umfolozi FET College - Richtek Campus for Vocational Education Umgungundlovu FET College - Plessislaer Campus Umjindi Jewellery Projects VEB CELE Associates (Pty) Ltd VERWEYS SELECTION AND TRAINING SERVICES VHUDIKI SECURITY AND GENERAL SUPPLIER Victory Ticket 580 cc VICTORY TICKETS 567 TA KHUSELA GUARDING DIVISION TRAINING Virtual Afrika Business Solutions cc VKB LANDBOU (PTY) LTD VPK BUSINESS VENTURE C. C Vukuzimele Development Consultants Vuthlari Marketing Consulting Western Cape Institute of Foundrymen (ATLANTIS) (TP) WESTVOLT ELECTRICAL SUPPLIERS Whispers ETD Consulting Wilbat Projects 148 (Pty) Ltd (ISIPINGO) (TP) Wildlife and Environment Society of South Africa Wine Training South Africa Winters Business Enterprise TA Winters Tradesman Technical Tuition (PRETORIA) (TP) Wise Training Centre Work Skills Resources WORKWISE CORPORATE TRAINING SOLUTIONS World Focus 382 cc TA Richards Bay Technical Training Assessment Centre (ZCBF) (RICHARDS BAY) (TP)
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