Wirtschaftskalender Der Real-Timenbsp-Wirtschaftskalender deckt ökonomische Ereignisse und Indikatoren aus der ganzen Welt ab. Es wird automatisch aktualisiert, wenn neue Daten freigegeben werden. Der Echtzeit-Wirtschaftskalender bietet nur allgemeine Informationen und es ist nicht gemeint, ein Handelsleitfaden zu sein. FXStreet verpflichtet sich, die genauesten Inhalte anzubieten, aber aufgrund der großen Datenmenge und der breiten Palette an offiziellen Quellen kann FXStreet nicht für die eventuellen Ungenauigkeiten verantwortlich gemacht werden. Der Echtzeit-Wirtschaftskalender kann auch ohne vorherige Ankündigung geändert werden. Konjunkturanalyse Wirtschaftsindikator News Was wissen Sie über Forex Preise bevorzugte Broker in Ihrem Standort Was ist der Wirtschaftskalender FXStreetrsquos Echtzeit-Wirtschaftskalender deckt ökonomische Ereignisse und Indikatoren aus der ganzen Welt ab: 1000 Veranstaltungen aus 42 Ländern Automatisierte Auffrischung bei Daten Wird freigegeben Countdown (Zeit vor der Freigabe verlassen) Anpassbare lokale Zeit Ton Benachrichtigung (kann ausgeschaltet werden) Mobil-freundlich Historische Grafik Weitere Nachrichten und Berichte Filter (nach Land, Datum, Event-Kategorie, Volatilität Auswirkungen oder Keyword) WARUM ICH IHN IHNEN Itrsquos zuverlässig. Sie können es vertrauen. Itrsquos der kompletteste, genaue und fristgerechte Wirtschaftskalender des Forex-Marktes. Wir haben ein engagiertes Team von Ökonomen und Journalisten, die alle Daten 24 Stunden am Tag, 5 Tage die Woche aktualisieren. Makler und Market Maker bieten FXStreetrsquos Kalender ihren Kunden als Werkzeug zum Handel. Dies ist ein Beweis dafür, dass es ein vertrauenswürdiges, respektiertes und weit verbreitetes Werkzeug ist. Wenn Sie ein fundamentaler oder ein Nachrichtenhändler sind, ist es ein Muss Um Forex durch fundamentale Analyse zu handeln, müssen Sie überprüfen, wie die Volkswirtschaften auf der Welt auf der Grundlage ihrer makroökonomischen Daten (wie BIP, Beschäftigung, Verbrauchsdaten, Inflationshellip), beobachten Genau die Länder der Währungen, die Sie am meisten handeln. Unser Wirtschaftskalender ist Ihr Begleiter, ein Tab, der immer auf Ihrem Computer geöffnet ist. Wenn Sie sich nicht um Makroökonomie beim Handel kümmern, ist es noch ein nützliches Werkzeug. Vermeiden Sie schlechte Überraschungen: Sie können überprüfen, ob hohe Volatilitätsdaten erwartet werden, um Ihre Trades besser zu verwalten. HANDEL WIRTSCHAFTLICHES EVENT: EXPERTEN BERATUNG Große Nachrichtenereignisse können und verursachen oft große Schaukeln mit einer einzigen Bewegung, die mehrere Prozent in eine Richtung geht. Um die Ereignisse zu kennen und sich besser freizusetzen und verschiedene Aspekte zu erlernen, die Ihren Handel beeinflussen oder verbessern können, haben wir einige der besten pädagogischen Artikel, Berichte und Videos über den Nachrichtenhandel gesammelt. Schau sie dir an . Alle Daten werden in chronologischer Reihenfolge, geteilt durch Tag, angezeigt. Freigegebene Daten sind mit einem Häkchen () unter der ldquotime leftrdquo Spalte markiert. Eine hellgraue horizontale Linie zeigt Ihnen, wo wir im Moment stehen und unterhalb dieser Zeile alle kommenden Daten. Die Zeit verbleibend, bevor die nächste Ausgabe angezeigt wird, so dass Sie schnell fassen, wenn dies kommt. Wenn eine neue Daten freigegeben wird, wird die Kalenderseite automatisch aktualisiert, so dass Sie es nicht verpassen. Wenn Sie möchten, können Sie eine Tonbenachrichtigung für alle Releases aktivieren. Ein Flaggensymbol zeigt das Land der Datenfreigabe und daneben die Währung an. So können Sie schnell scannen und sehen, welche Währungen heute oder in einigen bestimmten Tagen betroffen sein könnten. Verkürzung als ldquoVol. rdquo im Kalender und als gelborangered Bars dargestellt, ist die Volatilität ein Indikator für die erwarteten Auswirkungen einer Daten auf Währungen. Soll eine Bar rot und lang sein, erwarten Marktbeobachter, dass diese Daten eine große Wahrscheinlichkeit haben, den Forex-Markt zu bewegen. Soll diese Leiste gelb und kurz sein, wird die Wahrscheinlichkeit als niedrig angesehen. In orange, wersquore gerade dazwischen Für alle ökonomischen Indikatoren finden Sie die vorherige Nummer: das sind die Daten in ihrer letzten Version (Häufigkeit der Datenfreigabe ist variabel: es kann letzter Monat sein, letzte Trimesterhellip). Für die meisten Indikatoren fügen wir eine Konsensus-Nummer hinzu: das ist eine allgemeine Vereinbarung von Experten über das Ergebnis der Zahl. Wenn die Ist-Daten freigegeben werden, wird itrsquos sofort rechts neben der Volatilitätsanzeige angezeigt. Besser oder schlechter als erwartet Wenn wir einen Konsens veröffentlicht haben, kommt es entweder grün (es bedeutet, dass die Daten besser als erwartet sind) oder in rot (schlechter als erwartet). Vielleicht möchten Sie sich auf irgendeine Art von Daten konzentrieren und den Rest ignorieren: weniger Lärm bedeutet mehr Effizienz. Klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche am oberen Rand des Kalenders. Sie können ein Stichwort eingeben oder Länder, Termine, Veranstaltungskategorien oder Volatilitätsgrade auswählen. Dann schlagen Sie die Taste ldquoFilter Resultsrdquo. Wenn Sie immer die gleichen Daten sehen müssen, wenn Sie zu unserem Kalender kommen, können Sie Ihre Einstellungen für den nächsten Besuch speichern. Wir sagten Effizienz, rechts hellip GET MEHR INFOS ÜBER DIE DATEN Wir haben mehr, um Ihnen nur die Daten zu sehen, die Sie sehen Erster Blick. Wenn Sie auf den Namen des Ereignisses klicken, wird ein Speicherplatz mit mehr Informationen bereitgestellt: Definition des Ereignisses (was es ist, wer es freigibt, was es für currencieshellip bedeutet) Link zum offiziellen Bericht (wenn ein Daten freigegeben wurde) Link zu der Land-und Daten-Seite (wo sehen Sie eine Geschichte der Daten, die Sie auf ein Diagramm setzen können und vergleichen mit anderen Daten) Forex Bank Holidays Kalender Forex Bank Holidays Kalender 2016 Auf dieser Seite sehen Sie Forex Markt Urlaub Kalender für 2016.This 2016. Bank Feiertag Kalender beschreibt Sie jeden Urlaub im Jahr mit voller Beschreibung für die wichtigsten Länder wie uk Bank Feiertage, usa Bank Feiertage etc. Unter dem Tisch ist Urlaub 2016 Beschreibung. In dieser Abbildung unten sehen wir alle berühmten Weltferien. Für jeden Urlaub finden Sie die vollständige Beschreibung im Text. Feiertage im Jahr 2016. und Nicht-Arbeitstage für große Forex-Länder im Jahr 2016: Tag in der Woche Feiertage im Jahr 2016. Weihnachtstag beobachtet (UK, Australien) Weltweite Feiertage 2016: Neujahrstag: Die Neujahrsfeier beginnt am Vortag Das heißt am 31. Dezember der Silvester in fast allen Ländern. Nach dem gregorianischen Kalender fällt dieses neue Jahr am 1. Januar und wird gefeiert, indem es es mit buntem Feuerwerk und schweren Unterhaltungen begrüßt. Am Vorabend des neuen Jahres versammeln sich die Leute zusammen, um zu essen, zu tanzen, Getränke zu trinken und die bunten Feuerwerke am Himmel zu beobachten, während nur wenige von ihnen eine Tradition machen, um den Watch Night Service zu besuchen. Diese Feier setzt die ganze Nacht bis zum nächsten Tag fort. Neujahrsfest, obwohl ein globales Festival in verschiedenen Ländern auf unterschiedliche Weise gefeiert wird. In Kanada, das neue Jahr auch genannt, wie die Veille Du Jour De Lan ist eine Bank und sozialen Urlaub. Die Feier beginnt mit späten Abend feiern, Konzerte, sportliche, kostenlose öffentliche Verkehrsmittel und Feuerwerk. In Orten wie Quebec, Menschen genießen Eisangeln und betrunken. Der beliebteste Lied Auld Lang Syne wird in der Mitternacht vom 31. Dezember gesungen, um das neue Jahr zu begrüßen. In Deutschland hat die Silvester den Silvester genannt, ist bei den Einzelpersonen und den großen städtischen Displays beliebt. Berlin ist der größte Gastgeber dieser Feier, wo sich am Brandenburger Tor mehr als eine Million Menschen versammeln, um den großen Tag zu feiern, ihr Hauptgenuss ist das Mitternachtsfeuerwerk. Die Deutschen begrüßen das neue Jahr mit Champagner oder Deutscher Sekt. Fernsehsender zeigen viele Comedy-Shows an diesem Tag, um die Leute zum Lachen zu bringen. Es ist üblich für die Deutschen, das Glück durch Bleigieben (Gießen Lead) vorauszusagen und nach anderen glücklichen Handlungen zu folgen. Die Leute hier essen die Gelee gefüllten Donuts und Marzipan Schwein für viel Glück. In Italien wird das neue Jahr am 1. Januar gefeiert, indem man den traditionellen Ritualen folgt, wie das Tragen eines roten unter Verschleiß, da Rot als Glücksbringer für sie gilt. Die Leute hier über die alten und unbenutzten Gegenstände aus ihren Häusern. Das Abendessen wird auf traditionelle Art und Weise zubereitet, zu der auch die Cotechino oder Zampone und Linsen gehören. Die Leute werden dann von ihrem Präsidenten um 20:30 Uhr begrüßt. Das Feuerwerk beginnt überall im ganzen Land, um das neue Jahr zu begrüßen und die Leute essen zwölf Linseneintöpfe, während die Uhr zwölf Glocken schlägt. In der Schweiz wird das neue Jahr zu Hause mit Familienmitgliedern gefeiert, wobei das Abendessen die üblichen Desserts und Süßigkeiten ist. Feuerwerke sind überall in der Stadt angeordnet und die Party beginnt für jede Gemeinde in ihrem jeweiligen öffentlichen Raum. In Australien werden verschiedene Veranstaltungen und Feuerwerke arrangiert, um das neue Jahr am 1. Januar zu feiern. Die Veranstaltungen finden im Gloucester Park, Brisbane und South Bank statt. Der Brisbane River ist mit mehr als 50.000 Menschen bedeckt, die sich sammeln, um die Anzeige des Feuerwerks zu beobachten. Große Feierlichkeiten werden in Sydney und Melbourne in Form von Familienfeuerwerk und Midnight Fireworks gehalten. Japanisch begrüßt das neue Jahr am 1. Januar durch die Anbetung und Begrüßung ihres Gottes, Toshigami. Die Japaner reinigen ihre Häuser und bereiten die traditionelle Shimenawa oder Kadomatsy vor und die buddhistische Tempelglocke klingelt um Mitternacht. In den USA beginnt das neue Jahr mit formellen Parteien und anderen familienorientierten Aktivitäten. Die Hauptattraktion im Land ist, zum Zeitpunkt des Countdowns zu fallen oder zu heben. Dieser Tag ist ein Feiertag in den USA. Berchtold8217s Tag: Berchtolds Tag wird am 2. Januar gefeiert, um den Gründer Duke Berchtold, der im 12. Jahrhundert die moderne Hauptstadt Bern gründete, zu gedenken. Berchtold hatte vorher angekündigt, dass er die Stadt mit dem Namen des Tieres nennen würde, das er zuerst gejagt hatte, da er auf den Bären zielte, erhielt die Stadt Bern den Namen. Dies ist ein Nationalfeiertag für das Land der Schweiz. Seit diesem Tag ist fast neben dem Neujahrstag, die Feier geht noch für zwei Tage im Land mit familienorientierten Feiern. Dieser Tag wird vor allem in und um das Berner Gebiet gefeiert. Die Spezialität oder die Einzigartigkeit des Tages ist, dass die Menschen in der Schweiz Nüsse essen und Nuss-Spiele spielen, indem sie singen und tanzen zu den Folk-Melodien. Der frühe Herbst beginnt mit dem Nuss-Fest, wo die Kinder beginnen, die Nuss-Versorgung zu horten, und spielen die Lieblings-Hocks Spiel. Die beliebtesten pyramidenförmigen Sprunggelenke werden von den Jungen und Mädchen gebaut und sie singen alle das nationale Lied der Schweiz, O Großer Berchtold zusammen. Es ist ein offizieller Feiertag in der Schweiz und dieses Festival hilft den Menschen, ihr multikulturelles Bewusstsein zu verbessern. Kommender Tag: Jeder zweite Montag im Januar wird als der Tag der Ankunft in Japan gefeiert. Dieses Festival stammt aus dem Jahr 714, als ein junger Prinz seine Kleiderkleidung zu einem neuen Gewand veränderte und sich in eine neue Frisur kleidete, die wie ein Erwachsener war, und so ist dieser Tag nur den Männern und Frauen, die 20 Jahre alt sind, gewidmet Alter. Dieser Tag ist für Japaner von Bedeutung, da japanische Männer in ihr Erwachsenenalter kommen. Zeremonien werden überall in den örtlichen Präfekturen Stadtbüros gehalten, wobei Japaner traditionell in ihrem Kimonos Kostüm angezogen wird. Sobald diese Feier vorbei ist, beginnen die jungen Japaner, ihr Erwachsenenalter zu betreten, indem sie alkoholische Getränke trinken. Die Feier und die Zeremonien beginnen morgens in allen örtlichen Gemeinden und anderen Stadtbüros. Junge Leute, die zwanzig sind oder zwanzig werden, versammeln sich um die Gegend. Reden werden von den Regierungsbeamten abgegeben und Geschenke an die frisch gedrehten Erwachsenen verteilt. Die Frauen können in den Furisode Kimonos gekleidet werden, ein Kleid mit langen Ärmeln mit den Zori Sandalen. Diese Zeit ist eigentlich ein Geld-Reaper für alle Salons und Salons in Japan, da die Kleider, die die Frauen an diesem Tag tragen, nicht von sich selbst getragen werden können, also müssen sie ihr Kleid und ihre Haare in ihrem Wohnzimmer gestylt haben. In den vergangenen Jahren haben die Männer die traditionellen Robes getragen, aber jetzt hat sich der Trend verändert und die japanischen Männer können in einem formellen Anzug und Krawatte an diesem Tag gesehen werden. Kommender Alter spiegelt die Rechte der Erwachsenen und ihre neuen Verantwortlichkeiten als Erwachsene wider. Martin Luther King Tag: Martin Luther King Tag in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika ist ein Nationalbank Urlaub und es wird am 3. Montag im Januar gefeiert, die wahrscheinlich um den Könige Geburtstag am 15. Januar fallen kann. Dieser Tag ist einer der drei Bundesferien, die in den USA erklärt wurden, gewidmet, um Ehre zu geben und Respekt vor einer individuellen Persönlichkeit zu geben. Martin Luther King Jr Day Bill dauerte fast 15 Jahre, um an diesem Tag zu feiern. Die eigentliche Gesetzgebung wurde vor der Regierung gestellt, als Martin Luther im Jahre 1964 ermordet wurde, aber seitdem der Gesetzentwurf aufgehalten wurde, dauerte es eine lange Zeit, um diesen Tag als Martin Luther King Jr Tag zu feiern. Diese Rechnung wurde von 6 Millionen Menschen unterzeichnet und dann dem Kongress vorgelegt. Dann wurde 1983 schließlich der dritte Montag im Januar als der Martin-Luther-König Jr-Tag von Ronald Regan, dem damaligen Präsidenten, gefeiert. König Luther war eine sehr vertrauenswürdige und leidenschaftliche Person und seine Ermordung erwies sich als ein großer Verlust für die Nation. Sein Traum war, die Schwarzen mit den Weißen eines Tages zu vereinen. An diesem Tag in den USA grüßen die Leute sich gegenseitig und sagen den Happy Martin Luther King Tag und umarmen sich. Die Leute feiern diesen Tag auf verschiedene Weise, die sie an der Kirchenmesse teilnehmen, während wenige von ihnen eine Überraschungsparty werfen, um den Geburtstag dieser großen Person zu feiern. Da dieser Tag einer edlen Sache gewidmet ist, gibt es an diesem Tag kein schweres Trinken oder Tanzen oder irgendwelche dieser Sorten. Die Leute treffen sich einfach zusammen und haben Spaß, spielen Gospelmusik und Abendessen ist das traditionelle südliche Essen. Dieser Tag ist ein respektvoller Tag und daher werden an diesem Tag keine unanständigen Handlungen unterhalten. Viele Leute in den Vereinigten Staaten vermeiden normalerweise, an diesem Tag zu kaufen. Familientag: Familientag in Kanada ist ein gesetzlicher Feiertag, der am zweiten Montag im Februar fällt, in der Mehrheit der Plätze, während in den Provinzen Saskatchewan, Prince Edward Island, Ontario, Manitoba und Alberta am dritten Montag im Februar fällt. Dieser Tag wird auch der Inselbewohner-Tag bzw. der Louis-Riel-Tag genannt. Es ist ein gesetzlich bezahlter Urlaub für alle Mitarbeiter und Mitarbeiter im öffentlichen und privaten Sektor. Dieser Feiertag wird gefeiert, um Wert auf Familienbindung und ihre Gemeinschaftsleben zu legen. An diesem Tag nehmen die Menschen an Familienaktivitäten teil und die ganze Familie ist an diesem Tag zusammen. Die Familien besuchen die Ausstellungen, sehen Filme, skaten Vereisung, spielen Brettspiele und gönnen sich einige Handwerksaktivitäten. Die Gemeinden können sogar für ein besonderes öffentliches Ereignis organisieren. Die Museen und die Kunstgalerien bieten an diesem Tag für ihre Besucher ein ermäßigtes Eintrittsgeld. Da das Wetter während dieser Zeit zu kalt ist, ziehen die Menschen lieber die beliebtesten Snacks wie die heißen Pralinen und die frisch gebackenen Kekse. Wenige der Familien können sogar einen Kurztrip machen und ihre Familien und Verwandten besuchen. Seit diesem Tag fällt mit dem National Heritage Tag (ohne British Columbia), Menschen machen einen Besuch und erkunden ihre Familiengeschichte und persönliches Erbe. Lunar New Year Holiday: Das Lunar New Year ist auch bekannt als das chinesische Neujahr in Hong Kong und dies wird an den ersten drei Tagen, des ersten Monats aus dem Mondkalender gefeiert. Dies ist ein Feiertag in Hong Kong. Jedes Jahr wird sich dieser Tag unterscheiden, da dies dem Mondkalender folgt. Dieser Tag ist ein großes Festival und alle großen Geschäfte und die Restaurants werden für 3 bis 10 Tage je nach Ort geschlossen. Wenige der Seefischerei und große Dim Sum sind in diesem Zeitraum geöffnet, aber sie berechnen 20 extra als Servicegebühren. Viele der großen Fabriken und Industrien bleiben für einen längeren Zeitraum geschlossen, da die Arbeiter langfristige Besuche zu ihren Familien und Verwandten zahlen. Sie machen Ausflüge draußen mit ihrer Familie und genießen das Essen. Da die Restaurants mit Menschen in Hongkong überflutet sind, planen und speisen viele der Familien zusammen mit ihren Familien, indem sie ihre eigenen vorbereiteten Speisen nehmen. Dieser Tag fällt normalerweise Ende Januar oder Anfang Februar, und es ist einer der traditionellen chinesischen Feiertage. Da der Mondneujahrstag am Sonntag im Jahr 2013 fällt, wird dem 4. Tag des Lunar New Year ein Urlaub als Ersatz gegeben. Australien Tag: Australien Tag war früher bekannt als der Jubiläumstag, ANA Tag und Stiftung Tag und dies ist der offizielle nationale Tag für Australien. Dieser Tag wird am 26. Januar gefeiert und nach der Geschichte geht es auf den Tag zurück, an dem die erste Flotte im Jahre 1788 in Port Jackson landete, und es ist auch die Proklamation der britischen Souveränität an der Ostküste in New Holland. Es wurde vorher im Jahre 1818 während der Bildung von New South Wales gefeiert. Nun, in Australien wird dieser Tag der Australien-Tag genannt, und es ist geprägt durch die Ehrung der größten Belohnung Australier des Jahres, um die Person am australischen Vorabend zu verdienen. Es gibt Gemeinschaftsfestivals und Konzerte an diesem Tag und viele Feiern finden an diesem Tag in allen kleinen und großen Gemeinschaften der Nation statt. Dieser Tag ist die größte jährliche Civic Veranstaltung für das Land geworden. Die anderen Aktivitäten, die stattfinden, sind die Paraden, Familientreffen, Barbecue und Picknicks. Staatsbürgerschaftszeremonien sind an diesem Tag üblich. In Sydney liegt der Schwerpunkt auf dem Hafen und viele Rennen wie das Fährenrennen und das große Schiffsrennen werden durchgeführt. Der Tag kann auch viele musikalische Festivals wie den großen Tag und Triple J heißesten 100. Die internationalen Cricket-Spiele wie die eintägigen Internationals und die Test-Spiele beginnen normalerweise am Australien-Tag. Die Leute genießen diesen Tag, indem sie gebratenes Lamm auf dem Grill essen. Nationaler Stiftungstag: Nationaler Stiftungstag wird am 11. Februar in Japan beobachtet. Es ist ein Tag, der von den Japanern für ihre Nation gewidmet ist und eine Möglichkeit, ihre Liebe zu ihrem Land zu fördern. Dieser Tag ist auch der Gründung einer kaiserlichen Linie von Jimmu gewidmet (der erste Herrscher von Japan). Die Japaner folgten zunächst dem traditionellen Kalender von Japan, und dieser Tag wurde damals als Empire-Tag bezeichnet, aber später begannen die Leute, dem Gregorianischen Kalender zu folgen und so wurde dieser Tag 1873 heute als Nationaler Stiftungstag benannt. Dieser Tag wird auch geglaubt, um ein Tag zu sein, an dem der Herrscher Jimmu auf den Thron trat. An diesem Tag erheben die Japaner ihre Nationalflagge und der Premierminister gibt seinen Mitmenschen und Landleuten eine Rede. Alle Schulen und Hochschulen sind an diesem Tag geschlossen, und die Leute ziehen es vor, drinnen zu bleiben. Es wird keine große Zeremonie oder Parade geben, aber Japaner können noch auf den Straßen gesehen werden, die ihre Nationalflagge als Zeichen der Liebe und Zuneigung zu ihrem Land winken. Dieser Tag scheint im Land von politischer Bedeutung zu sein, da die moderne Verfassung Japans von dem General McArthur genehmigt wurde. Präsidenten Tag: Präsidenten Tag wird auch als Washingtons Geburtstag genannt und dieser Tag fällt auf den dritten Montag im Februar. Dieser Tag ist gewidmet, um den US-Präsidenten George Washington, der arbeitete und verbrachte sein Leben für die Menschen in den Vereinigten Staaten zu ehren. Dies ist ein staatlicher Feiertag für das Land von Amerika. Nur wenige von den Staaten zahlen ihre Tribut an Abraham Lincoln auch während dieses Tages, wie es Lincolns Geburtstag während der Mitte Februar ist. Die Feier beginnt in den Colleges und Schulen vor dem Tag selbst, und sie organisieren Unterricht und Veranstaltungen für die Studenten und die Feier geht bis zum Präsidenten Tag. Es ist auch üblich, an diesem Tag einen neuen Laden oder eine Anlage zu beginnen oder zu eröffnen. Die Geschäfte sind an diesem Tag geöffnet und einige Sonderverkäufe werden für die Öffentlichkeit aufbewahrt, aber der Postdienst funktioniert an diesem Tag nicht. Es wird auch gesagt, ein großer Tag für den Verkauf und den Kauf von Autos zu sein. Es ist ein Tag, an dem viele Menschen über ihre Länder Kultur, Geographie und Zivilverantwortung kennen und wissen. Obwohl George Washington am 22. Februar geboren wurde, ist der dritte Montag dem ehemaligen Präsidenten gewidmet. Vernal Equinox Tag: Vernal Equinox Tag, der normalerweise am 20. oder 21. März ist, ist ein Feiertag für Japan. Dies ist ein nationaler Tag für Japanisch und dieser Tag ist von Bedeutung, da er die Frühlings-Tagundnachtgleiche nach der japanischen Standardzeit einfängt, kann sich das Äquinoktikum jedoch mit den unterschiedlichen Zeitzonen unterscheiden. Dieser Tag wird als ein gesetzlicher Feiertag seit 1948 beobachtet. Vernal Equinox wird als der Shunbun nein hi In Japan, ein Frühlings-Frühlings-Tagundnachtgleiche genannt. Dieser Tag ist ein Teil der sieben Tage Zeit Zeit Haru kein Higan, und an diesem Tag ist die Leichtigkeit gleich der Dunkelheit und ist auch die Zeit für den Wechsel der Jahreszeiten. Japanischer Kopf zurück zu ihren Häusern an diesem Tag und verbringen einige Zeit an ihren Vorfahren Gräbern. Als die Japaner dem Buddhismus folgen, glauben sie, dass es zwischen dem Leben und dem nächsten einen Fluss gibt, so dass die Menschen den Friedhof besuchen, die Gräber angrenzen, die Grabsteine waschen, Blumen platzieren, Weihrauch beten und beten. Die traditionelle Nahrung botamochi und ohagi wird vorbereitet und auf den Gräbern an diesem Tag gehalten, damit ihre Vorfahren in ihre folgende Welt treten können. Dieser Tag ist auch für die japanischen Landwirte von Bedeutung, da sie glauben, dass dieser Tag ihnen reichlich und gesunde Kulturen bringen wird. Ching Ming Festival: Das Ching Ming Festival, das in Hong Kong gefeiert wird, fällt während der Zeit des dritten Mondmonats. Dies ist der 104. Tag nach der Wintersonnenwende oder der 15. Tag der Frühjahrs-Tagundnachtgleiche. Der Tag fällt normalerweise am 4. oder 5. April nach gregorianischem Kalender. Dies ist auch genannt Qingming (die 5. Sonnenzeit), oder Grab fegen Tag, dies ist die Zeit, während die Menschen gehen und genießen Sie die grünen Weiden der Frühlingssaison, und Huldigung an ihre Vorfahren durch den Besuch ihrer Gräber. In der Tat ist dieser Tag so bedeutsam, dass die Regierung von Hongkong zusätzliche Transportdienste auf die verschiedenen hügeligen Grabhöfe gesetzt hat, damit die Menschen sie ohne Unbehagen besuchen können. Die wörtliche Bedeutung von Ching Ming bedeutet sauber hell, und so ist es natürlich, dass die Leute ihren Vorfahren Friedhof fegen und den Platz aufräumen. An diesem Tag verbrennen die Menschen traditionell die Papiere und bieten diese an den Grabstätten als Teil des Festivals an. Die Hong Kong Menschen tatsächlich brennen die Nachahmungen der Laptops, Klimaanlagen, Handys und sogar die luxuriösen Autos. Nachdem das Gebet vorbei ist, speisen die Leute mit dem traditionellen gerösteten Spanferkel, Obstwein und gedünstetem Huhn. Es ist auch abergläubisch, die Weidenzweige an der Haustür der Häuser zu hängen, da man glaubt, dass die Weiden die bösen Geister abwischen und den Frieden zu Hause erlauben. Karfreitag: Karfreitag ist ein religiöser Tag auf der ganzen Welt, der an die Kreuzigung des Herrn Jesus und an seinen Tod im Kalvarienberg erinnert. Dieser Tag ist auch bekannt als The Great Friday, Holy Friday, Black Friday oder Ostern Freitag. Karfreitag fällt während der heiligen Woche des Paschal Triduum am Freitag vor dem Ostersonntag. Dieser Tag ist ein schneller Tag und die Leute haben nur eine Mahlzeit am Tag und sich von Fleisch zu essen. Alle Menschen versammeln sich am Vormittag des Karfreitags und bieten Gebete an den Kirchen an. In Hongkong sind alle Regierungsbüros und Unternehmen geschlossen und es ist ein Feiertag, da die christliche Bevölkerung im Land mehr ist. Auch in Kanada ist dies ein Feiertag, mit einem Großteil der Büros und Regierungsgebäude, die geschlossen bleiben, und die Regierung hat die Eröffnung von Wein - und Bierläden an diesem Tag verboten. In Frankreich wird dieser Tag in den Bergen Bas Rhin, Mosel, Haut Rhin und Reunion, Guyane, Martinique und Guadeloupe beobachtet. In Deutschland, den komischen Theateraufführungen und der Aufführung werden die öffentlichen Tänze an diesem Tag als illegal angesehen und die Leute sind sogar darauf beschränkt, Kinos und Fernsehsendungen zu beobachten. Keine Unterhaltungs - oder Sportaktivitäten sollten beobachtet werden. Auch die Nichtchristen in Deutschland folgen dieser Regel und bleiben. In Großbritannien werden die traditionellen heißen Kreuzbrötchen am Karfreitag geröstet und gegessen. Es ist ein offizieller Feiertag in England und Wales und alle Schulen und Geschäftsfelder sind geschlossen. Pferderennen ist an diesem Tag verboten und BBC wird die Verse von Isaac Watts Hymnen um 7 Uhr ausgestrahlt. In den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika beobachten die einzelnen Staaten, Gemeinden und Länder diesen Tag als Feiertag, alle örtlichen Regierungsstellen und Staaten sind geschlossen, einschließlich der finanziellen Börse. In Australien ist der Karfreitag ein religiöser und nationaler Feiertag. Die Menschen bieten ihre Gebete an der Kirche an und essen die heißen Kreuzbrötchen. Viele der Kirchen in Australien halten besondere Gebete und Dienste. Ein Sportveranstaltung wie die drei Gipfel beginnt am heutigen Nachmittag. Es gibt eine Beschränkung auf die öffentlichen Verkehrsmittel und viele von ihnen laufen, wie sie normalerweise tun. In der Schweiz und in Italien ziehen die Menschen es vor, zu beten und drinnen zu bleiben. Ostermontag: Ostermontag ist der nachfolgende Tag Ostersonntag. Es ist auch bekannt als das Ei Nyte und wird nach römisch-katholischen und Kulturen der östlichen orthodoxen gefeiert. Dies ist der zweite Tag in der Oktave der Osterwoche und auch der 2. Tag der hellen Woche. In Australien ist dieser Tag ein Urlaub für die Öffentlichkeit. Australier genießen alle möglichen Sportveranstaltungen wie die Oak Bank Oster-Rennkarneval und Stawell Gi. Ostermontag ist ein Feiertag für Kanadier. Die Leute von Kanada werden an diesem Tag eine Pause machen und das 4-tägige Wochenende beenden, indem sie zu ihrer Familie und zu Freunden reisen. Die Leute essen die traditionellen Ostereier und sonnen das Wetter, während die Ostern fällt. In Frankreich ist Ostermontag ein Feiertag mit Menschen, die ihre Zeit ruhig verbringen. Es gibt zahlreiche lokale Veranstaltungen und Bräuche. Die Leute besuchen ihre Verwandten und entspannen sich. Sie genießen das Frühlingswetter. Die Kinder nehmen jedoch an den verschiedenen Aktivitäten teil und dürfen das Familienessen entscheiden. Einige Familien halten sogar die Ostereierjagd im Garten oder Park am Ostermontag. Die Insel Korsika hat eine bunte Parade an diesem besonderen Tag, wo auch katholische Kirchen und griechisch-orthodoxe teilnehmen. In Deutschland beginnt der Ostermontag mit den kerzenbeleuchteten Paraden auf dem Land und den traditionellen Eierrennen. Dieser Tag wird im Land mit verschiedenen Sitten beobachtet. Die Menschen von Süddeutschland gehen mit Kerzen in den Händen und erinnern sich an die Kreuzigung und die Auferstehung des Herrn. Kirchen halten besondere Dienste. Die Leute gehen auf dem Feld symbolisch, um den Winter zu beenden und die Frühlingszeit zu begrüßen. Kinder nehmen an verschiedenen Veranstaltungen teil, wie das Ei auf den Löffel legen und laufen. In den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika, obwohl es nicht ein föderaler Feiertag ist, werden die Tradition und die Bräuche wie die Ei-Rollrennen, die im Weißen Haus stattfinden, gefolgt. Ein großes Rennen findet im Weißen Haus in Washington statt und manchmal auch der Präsident nimmt an diesem Rennen teil, das wurde ursprünglich von der First Lady im Jahr 2007 gehostet. ANZAC Tag: ANZAC Tag ist der Landtag Tag der Australier und Kiwis (Neuseeland ). Dieser Tag wird am 25. April jedes Jahr als Zeichen der Erinnerung an australische und neuseeländische Armeemitglieder gefeiert, die damals während des Weltkrieges im Osmanischen Reich in Gallipoli gekämpft hatten. Aber heute, an diesem Tag gedenkt alle Militärs Offiziere, die gedient und für ihre Nation gestorben waren. An diesem Tag gibt es Gedenkstätten, Gedenkstätten und es ist ein Feiertag. Der bedeutendste Aspekt dieses Tages ist das Dämmerungsgebet oder die Gottesdienste. Die Leute haben das übliche Geschützfeuer nach dem Service. Dieses Frühstück ist ein Kaffee mit Rum in ihm. Die 4. Strophe oder irgendein Vers aus dem Gedicht Die Ode wird während der Zeremonie laut gelesen. In den meisten Orten werden Märsche, Wiedervereinigungen, Paraden, aktuelle, vergangene Militärpersonen oder Gedenkstätten durchgeführt. Befreiungstag: Jedes Jahr, 25. April ist der Befreiungstag von Italien. Dies ist ein Tag, der das Ende des Regimes von Mussolini markiert, während der 2. Weltkrieg im Jahre 1945 endete. Dieser Tag ist von historischer Bedeutung für die Italiener, da es ein Tag ist, der an all jene Menschen erinnert wurde, die ihr Leben für ihre Kämpfe gelegt hatten Faschistischen Führer. Italien sah viele Frauen, die freiwillig für die Nation kämpften und diesen Tag auch ihnen gewidmet haben. Dieser Feiertag in Italien wird gefeiert mit einer robusten Aufführung von Prozessionen und Märschen, die überall im Land stattfinden. Die Straßen werden mit Konzerten und Bandmärchen bedeckt sein, und politische Rallyes werden auch gehalten, um die Leute zu respektieren, die gegen die Nation kämpfen. Um die Befreiung Italiens zu feiern, ist auch das populärste Lied Bella ciao an diesem Tag gesungen, dieses Lied ist das Landwirt, das die beliebtesten Volkslieder gesungen hat, und ist den einheimischen Bauern gewidmet, die ihr Leben für die Nationen Freiheit geopfert haben. Es wird ein Gefühl von bonhomie in der ganzen Nation geben. Der Befreiungstag erlebte an diesem Tag eine Hauptreform in der politischen Struktur der Nation. Buddhas Geburtstag: Der Geburtstag von Gautama Buddha gilt traditionell als Mahayana-Buddhismus. Der Geburtstag von Buddha unterscheidet sich von Land zu Land, wie es auf den 4. Mondmonat, den 8. Tag fällt. Dies ist ein offizieller Feiertag in Hongkong, dieser Tag kann überall zwischen Ende April bis zur ersten Maiwoche variieren. Im Jahr 2012 fiel der Geburtstag am 28. April. Dieser Tag wurde seit 1998 in Hongkong zum Urlaub erklärt, während die Nation dem Vereinigten Königreich im Jahr 1997 nach China übergeben wurde. An diesem Tag räumen die Menschen in Hongkong die Statue des Buddha gewöhnlich und geben ihm ein Bad im Wasser, Dieses Ritual stammt tatsächlich aus der Geburt des Herrn Buddha, der damals 9 Tropfen Wasser von den 9 Drachen gesprüht und ihm ein Bad gegeben hat. Dieses Bad bedeutete eine Art der Reinigung der Menschen Seele und so ist es immer noch in der Praxis jedes Jahr. Die verschiedenen Möglichkeiten, Buddhas Geburtstag zu feiern, ist, viel grüne, bittere Kekse zu essen, die besonders an diesem Tag vorbereitet sind. Wenn wir das essen, denken die Leute, dass ihre Härte vergangen ist und sie die Zukunft genießen werden. Das andere Ritual folgte in Hongkong ist, dass das Po-Lin-Kloster vollständig geschmückt ist und einen festlichen Blick für die großen Feiern und Sonderzeremonien gibt, die dort stattfinden werden. Alle Restaurants werden während dieser Zeit das grüne vegetarische Fest veranstalten. Showa Day: Der jährliche Feiertag der Japaner am 29. April ist bekannt als Showa Day. Dieser Tag ist ein Erinnerungstag der 1926-1989 Showa-Ära. Dies war die Zeit, in der die Japaner sehr hart arbeiteten, um ihre Nation zu rekonstruieren. Es ist auch ein Tag für die Besserung der Nation in Zukunft zu wünschen. Seit 2007 wird der Showa-Tag am 29. April in Japan als Gedenken an den Kaiser-Showas-Geburtstag gefeiert. Abgesehen von einem Feiertag in Japan, ist dieser Tag auch einer der Goldenen Woche von Japan. Als König Hirohito war ein großer Liebhaber der Natur, nach seinem Tod war der Tag der Umwelt und der Natur gewidmet, und dieser Tag wurde auch der Greenery Tag. Dies ist eine Zeit für die Japaner, die diejenigen zu respektieren, die ihr Leben während des 2. Weltkriegs gegeben haben. Es wird viel reisen und Touristen besuchen die Stadt für diesen Anlass, und daher sind alle Hotels mit Besuchern überflutet und die Tarife werden an diesem Tag spazieren gehen. Es ist auch eine Tradition, das berühmte Hirohitos-Grab in dieser Zeit zu besuchen. Tag der Arbeitstag: 1. Mai, Mai-Tag ist auch bekannt als der Tag der Arbeit, und es ist eine Feier für die Arbeiterbewegung weltweit. Dies ist ein Nationalfeiertag für mehr als 80 Nationen. Dieser Tag wird für Arbeiter und für ihre ArbeiterInnen Gewerkschaften beobachtet. In Hongkong seit dem Jahr 1999 gilt dieser Tag als der Feiertag der Länder. In Japan ist dieser Tag ein Tag für die Arbeiter von Japan und es ist ein bezahlter Urlaub. Dieser Tag fällt auch mit der goldenen Woche der Japaner zusammen und so haben sie viele Ferien an einer Strecke zu genießen. Die Arbeiter werden an diesem Tag ausgeschaltet sein und werden in den Rallyes und Märschen, die von den Gewerkschaften geleitet werden, aktiv beteiligt sein. Verschiedene Gewerkschaften organisieren spezielle Demonstrationen und Rallyes in Nagoya, Osaka und Tokio. In Frankreich ist dieser Mai-Tag oder der Tag der Arbeit gleichermaßen wichtig und es ist ein Tag der Kampagne, um die Rechte der Arbeiter zu feiern. An diesem Tag, in Frankreich, sind die Lieben mit dem Hund Rose Blumenstrauß oder die Lilie der Tal Blume begabt. Dies ist eine übliche Praxis in Paris und wird auch als Le-de-France bezeichnet. Die Kinder und die Menschen wachen während der frühen Stunden auf und gehen tief in den Wald, um diese Blume abzuholen. Die verschiedenen Arbeitsorganisationen verkaufen diese Blume auch an diesem Mai-Tag. Die Menschen halten Kampagnen für ihre Menschenrechte, beseitigen Rassismus und heben auch die bestehenden sozialen Fragen hervor. Für die Deutschen ist dies ein prähistorisches Fest, und ein Weg, um die Frühlingszeit zu begrüßen, indem wir die bösen Geister wegfahren. In Berlin versammeln sich die Gewerkschaften auf der Straßenseite, um Rallyes zu organisieren und ihre Rechte zu feiern. Der 30. April Mitternacht bis in die frühen Morgenstunden des 1. Mai ist die Mai-Feierzeit für die Deutschen, die diesen Tag als Hexen-Nacht beobachten. Die Leute machen ein Lagerfeuer und verbringen die ganze Nacht draußen, indem sie Streiche spielen und einige Möbel oder Ornamente aus anderen Immobilien bewegen. Mai-Tag beginnt mit den traditionellen Maibböden. In Italien ist es ein Frühlings - und Blumenfest, Wein - und Lebensmittelfest, Veranstaltungen und mittelalterliche Nachstellungen, die an diesem Tag beginnen, um die Frühlingszeit zu beginnen. Es gibt große Massen, die herumhängen, um die populärsten Ziele in Italien an diesem Tag zu besuchen. In der Schweiz und in Singapur stammt der Mai-Tag aus den prähistorischen Bräuchen, die mit der Frühlingsfeier zusammenhängen. Das ist ein nationaler Tag für die Nation. Verfassungstag: Die Japan-Verfassung kam am 3. Mai 1947 zu erzwingen, und heute heißt der Tag der Japans-Verfassung. Es ist eine Teilung der Goldenen Woche der Japaner. Dieser Tag bedeutet die Macht der Demokratie und ihrer Regierung. An diesem Tag, auf dem Lande, wird es viele Zeremonien überall geben, um den Jahrestag der Verfassung zu feiern. Viele Menschen besuchen besondere Vorträge, die an diesem Tag organisiert werden, was die Bedeutung der Verfassung, die seit über fünfzig Jahren durchgesetzt wurde, markiert. Die Besucher besuchen das Dietgebäude und fotografieren das Gebäude an diesem Tag. Greenery Day: 4. Mai ist der Greenery Day der Japaner, und das fällt in die vier Tage unter der Goldenen Woche in Japan. Dies ist einer der geschäftigsten Tage in Japan und alle Sightseeing Spots sind stark überfüllt. Bis 2006 wurde der Greenery Tag am 29. April gefeiert, der auf dem Kaiser Showas Geburtstag ist, da er ein großer Liebhaber der Natur war, aber dieser Tag wurde später bis zum 4. Mai verschoben. Der Grüne Tag wird gefeiert, um mit Mutter Natur zu kommunizieren und Gott für die Segnungen zu danken. Vesak poya Tag: (14. Mai 2014) Dieser Vesak Poya Tag in Singapur ist ein religiöser Feiertag, der von den Buddhisten als heiliger Tag gefeiert wird. Es ist von großer Bedeutung, da es ein Tag ist, der an die Geburt des Buddha, seiner Erleuchtung und seines Todes erinnert. The day will fall on the fifth or sixth of the lunar month known as the Uposatha Day. The day begins with the traditional sutra chants by the saffron clad monks and the other devotees make a visit to the temple and offer their prayers, mediate and make their offerings. The other thing that is peculiar on this day is that the caged birds or animals are set free and the poor or needy are given alms. The Buddhist youngsters even organize a camp for blood donations. The celebration of the day gets completed with the candle light procession, marched through out the streets. The Buddhist temples are crowded with observers and devotees who join the celebration. Early May Bank Day: The Early May Bank day or the May Day in United Kingdom is a bank holiday, which falls on the 1st Monday of the May month. This day is called May Day in Wales, Northern Ireland and England, whereas in Scotland it is referred to as the Early May bank day. This originally was started as a festival of Rome, which honored the start of the summer season. But of late, this day is celebrated as a day to protect the workers rights. This day marks the beginning of the summer month, and various events are conducted to conclude the wintertime. The day is also a day to pray for the fertility and betterment of the forthcoming summer. Maypole dancing is the tradition dance held all across the country, the girls mainly dance around the tall pole which is suspended with colorful ribbons. The girls make a decorative shape with those ribbons, and all the schools mainly in the rural places organize this dance. Morris is another dance that is traditionally followed in this period, this is a dance specifically for the boys who are dressed with white bells all around their costumes, carry the scarves and wooden sticks. A huge accordion music is accompanied for this dance and the Morris dancers hold big displays. On the first Monday in May, the houses are decorated with flower garlands and leaves, the living image of May Queen is crowned and decorated. The girls believe that if they wash the faces with the morning dew, they will look beautiful and so this is also traditionally followed mainly in the rural areas. There is a festival of the chimney sweeps in Rochester. Apart from all this, there is a large march on the streets mainly in London, demanding for the Workers rights. These marches are organized through the workers union. Previously, these marches lead to violence but of late there is a complete peace march all over the country. All the schools, businesses and organizations remain closed on this day. Victory Day: Victory day of France is a day dedicated to celebrate the end of the 2nd world war and the freedom of the French people. This is the anniversary day while Charles de Gaulle declared the end of the war on the 8th of May 1945. So 8th May in France is the Victory day. Prior to this day, all the schools and educational institutions focus on the history subject and teach the 2nd world war and Nazi oppression. The history is imputed to the students to make sure that the present generation should know the value of their country and their ancestors role in the freedom fighting. This knowledge is preserved by them so that they can respect the modern society. On May 8th there will be church services, Parades and other regional processions. People sign the patriotic songs and fly high their national Flag. All the homes and Government buildings hoist the National flag this is a joyous moment for each and every citizen as they remember the people who gave their lives for the nation. The veterans attend the Champs-Elysees and are also honored on this day for their dedication and service to the nation. Ascension Day: Ascension Day is a great day for the Christians of France and Switzerland, as they believe that this was the day when Lord Jesus Ascended to the heaven subsequent to his Crucifixion and renaissance. The 39th day after Easter is called the Ascension Day. Christians attend the special prayer meeting in the churches and mark the ascension of Christ to heaven, while for the other people this is a day where they can spend some time with their family, friends and relatives and relish the spring season. This day falls on the 5th day of the week that is on Thursday so this day is also referred to as the Ascension Thursday. Ascension Day in Germany is also called the Fathers day or the Mens Day. Apart from attending the special prayer services, people take out religious processions with banners all across the villages. During the procession, 4 different verses from the Bible are read out at 4 different halting points. In Aachen, International Charlemagne award is presented on this day. This prize goes to the person, who had contributed to humanitarian and world peace. Since this is also Fathers day and Mens day, all the men folks gather together and spend time by riding the horses and carts, later they finish the day with the communal meal. Victoria Day: Victoria Day is a federal holiday for Canadians. This day falls on the last Monday of May, prior to May 25th. This day is a day for honoring the Queen Victoria on her birthday. This day is of significance for the country both historically and culturally. It is also called the May two-four day. The cities can be seen with parades and fireworks to mark the Victoria Day. All the people gather at parks and enjoy the HamiltonToronto fireworks. This day also marks the day of finish of the wintertime. Whit Monday: Whit Monday is also called the Pentecost Monday, and it is a religious day of the Christians in France. Pentecost day, is the immediate day succeeding the Whitsunday that commemorates the Holy Ghosts descent upon the Lord Jesus disciples. The day is movable and differs every year, as the day depends upon Easter. Various customs are actually associated with this day like the throwing competitions and cheese rolling that takes place in England, while in other parts, there are parades that are led by the clergies, brass bands, dignitaries and various other local associations. The day gets completed by conducting different activities like the dancing and eating competitions. Few people spend some silent time with their family, while few may take part in the cultural and sporting events. France has a quiet ambience on this day, as all the stores, schools and business houses stay closed. In Germany, Whit Monday is termed as Pentecost Monday. This public holiday differs year to year depending upon the fall of Easter. The churches in Germany, will conduct the Pentecost celebrations the whole week and the 2nd day of the Pentecost begins with various regional customs and local customs. The midnight that is the day between the Whitsunday and the Whit Monday is known as the unrest night, where the people used to think that the evil spirits keep wandering on this night and will steal away the things that are not locked. In rural areas, the young men nail the branches to the house walls of the women they wish to marry. In few areas of Germany, the celebration continues even after the Pentecost day, like the succeeding Tuesday is called the Forest day, and on this day the fun fairs are held inside the park wooden areas. Historical events and related plays are also dramatized. The next day that is Wednesday is the Garlic Wednesday, where people eat the tradition garlic. In Switzerland, the residents take the Monday off by celebrating in the churches the ancient feasts. This Holy Spirit day is a federal holiday for the Swiss and they take part in the various religious events that are conducted by the local organizations. Horse Racing is one traditional event that is conducted mainly on this occasion. But all areas or cantons celebrate this day in Switzerland, like for instance, Canton Valais, will not observe this holiday but will instead commemorate the Corpus Christi on the 23rd of June. Memorial Day: This is one of the Federal holidays of the Americans, and falls on the last Monday in May. On this day, all Americans who died in the war are remembered and honored by the People of the United States. The Memorial Day was previously known as the Decoration Day. It is the beginning of summer vacation, and the end of the Labor Day. The Americans visit the graves and cemeteries and place wreath, flowers and honor the dead ones by placing the National flag. It fell on the 28th of May 2012 and will fall on the 27th of May in 2013. People visit the graves even if the deceased were not from the military side. Family gatherings, long weekend picnics and other trips are mostly the activities of the public these days. The religious service in the churches ends with the dinner served on the grounds, called the potluck meal. Memorial day is not Veterans day, as the veterans day is for all the living and dead veterans of the US military team, while the Memorial day is for the all the people who died serving for the nation. In Mississippi, the Memorial Day clubs with the birthday of Jefferson Davis. People start to wear white garments and white shoe from this day till the Labor Day. Republic Day in Italy: 2nd June is the Republic day of Italians. This is called the Festa Della Repubblica and commemorates the 1946 institutional referendum, where Italians were called to select the Government form (republic or monarchy) which they wanted after the 2nd world war finish succeeding the fascism fall. Italian people got their Republic, after surfacing 85 years of stiff monarchy, and hence this day is of great importance to the nation and its people. Central Rome holds a magnificent military parade on this day, to celebrate the nations birth. Spring Bank Holiday: In the United Kingdom, the spring Bank holiday, falls on the last Monday in May yearly or on the immediate Monday succeeding the Pentecost. It is alternatively also called as the late May bank holiday. As this falls during spring, the people have a pleasant off from their schools and workplace. Many people make a short vacation or trip. But still in many parts of the United Kingdom, various customs are associated on this day. In places like Gloucestershire and Brock worth, the residents will have the steep racing upon the steep hills followed by the traditional cheese race. This tradition was started by the Ancient Britons and Romans. Previously the cheeses were rolled on the hills and people used to chase it, but since this was dangerous, the cheese is just rolled down these days but not chased. In Endon, the village girls get dressed well and take part in the crowning competition, while the boys compete for the Toss the Sheaf race. Local festivals, Morris dances and boating are the other activities that mark this day. Queens Diamond Jubilee: (The Queen8217s Diamond Jubilee does not occur in 2014) The Queens diamond jubilee in the United Kingdom is on the 5th of June. In the United Kingdom, this day is the Banks special holiday for celebrating the Diamond jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II on the 5th June 2012. This day is for the special honoring of the queen for her 60 years of reign. Celebrations all over the country mark the day and the events will have a special medal commissioned, a wide competition for the towns so that they can bid to get the city status, and the Greenwich being granted the Royal borough status. Many events are conducted in the Buckingham palace. Corpus Christi Day: The Thursday which falls after the 60 days of Easter Sunday is called the Corpus Christi day in Germany. It is a very significant day at the Catholic Church, and the Eucharist is honored on this day. This sacred day is marked by the parades that take place all across the country to get the Blessed Sacrament. Even the Anglo catholic Parishes celebrate this feast of Corpus Christi. On this day Catholics and some of the Protestants attend the special church services, where exceptional attention is paid for the Sacrament blessing. This sacrament consists of the traditional bread and wafer which is said to represent the body of Jesus. At some of the places, this Blessed Sacrament gets paraded on the streets after the church service. Small villages celebrate this feast by having a colorful celebration. Ever since 1435, it is traditional to have the ship procession on the Rhine banks, and this has continued till now. Even though the origin of this feast is not certain, people believe that a thief will not be allowed to pass through the river, as some unforeseen force will restrain him from crossing, this force is said to be the form of God, which is punishing the thief for the sins. Queens Birthday Holiday: Except in Queensland and Western Australia, all the other places in Australia observe the 2nd Monday of June as their Queens Birthday. This public holiday is also special as it marks the opening of the Australia winter snow sporting. Western Australians celebrate this on the 1st Monday of June. Ever since 1788, this day is being celebrated in Australia. In South Australia, this day is called the Volunteers day. Since Australia is one of the members of the Common wealth, and is a constitutional monarchy, this day is a public holiday. All the Australians have a day off from their schools and offices and enjoy in some sporting events and weekend trips. Many of the areas start the famous sporting events like the Melbourne cricket on this day. This day is the weekend opening of the snow season too. Fireworks and various displays are also some interesting things that people enjoy especially on this occasion. It is also customary and legal to set the fireworks off mainly between Saturday to Monday on the Queens birthday and it is not legal on all other days. Tuen Ng (Dragon Boats Festival): The Tuen Ng or the Dragon Boats festival in Hong Kong is celebrated during the 5th day in the 5th lunar month. This traditional and ancient festival of the Chinese is one of the Worlds boat carnivals. Thousands and thousands of revelers and spectators grace this stunning experience at the Victoria Harbor. It is a colorful and boisterous feast with many clubs and countries actively taking part in the weeklong event. The legendary boat races like the Hong Kong International boat race and the Lee Kum Kee championships are a part of this feast. This day is not only for the serious boating action, but also the whole ambience in Hong Kong covers food, beers and music. Since this is a serious sporting event, all the participants practice for these days ahead and prepare to meet the stiff competition. The biggest race is normally held at the Stanley and YAu Ma tei. This carnival also attracts lot of tourist and spectators from all across the globe for shopping and to witness the greatest and international Dragon boat race. All the contestants of the event have great fun and joy, as they get dressed up in their team uniforms and get into the water race. Canada Day: It is a federal statutory holiday for the Canadians on the July 1st, as it is the Canada Day. In case the Day falls on a Sunday the succeeding day is considered and declared a holiday, and so in 2012, the 2nd of July was the Canada Day. This was previously known as the Dominion Day. The day is of traditional, cultural and national importance for Canadians. All the communities of the country will organize the special celebration which includes much of the outdoor public parades and events, air shows, maritime shows, barbecues, firework displays and various musical concerts. There are citizenship ceremonies too for the new citizens of Canada. There are no laid or standard rules to celebrate this day, but still in the capital city Ottawa, there will be huge concerts and different cultural displays, at the parliament hill. In Quebec, the parks are mounted with small events. The Municipal Government hold ranges of events like the carnivals, pancake breakfast and concerts in their respective areas. The whole population of Canada has a festive and patriotic mood the Canadian Flag can be seen flying proudly high on the poles, while the Canadians can be seen with painted white and red faces (symbolically their national flag). It is an exuberant time at the Ottawa. In Quebec, this day is also referred to as the Moving day, and hence many people can be seen moving their possessions from a place to the other as a traditional practice. It is a memorial day for the province of Labrador and Newfoundland, as this day is commemorated for the huge loss of lives of the Newfoundland regiments who died during the 1st world war. Half mast flag with commemorating services are held at the war memorials. HKSAR Establishment day holiday: HKSAR is celebrated on the 1st of July since 1997. This Hong Kong special administrative region establishment day is for the commemoration of the transfer of the Hong Kong Sovereignty from the hands of the UK to the Republic of China. This day is a great day for the people and they organize the customary fireworks display at the evenings. Various political rallies and demos are conducted to demand the universal suffrage. For the 10th anniversary of this day, the Government of Hong Kong published the song Just because you are here. Independence Day: 4th July is the Independence Day of the United States of America. The declaration was made on 4th July 1776, as the country got its independence from the clutches of the kingdom of Great Britain. Independence Day is the countrys federal holiday. If the 4th of July falls on a Sunday, the immediate day will be celebrated as the Independence Day. Various patriotic and family events will be organized on this day to celebrate the countrys independence. All the buildings and homes in the American country can be seen with hoisted flags. This day is a great day of celebration for the people of USA, as they have deep rooted tradition for the political freedom. Since it is a day of celebration, the people visit their family, friends, and relatives and have a great time together apart from the barbecues and picnics. Americans show a lot of interest in the countrys political freedom. Various games like the hotdog, water melon eating competitions will be conducted in the country. Sporting events like the 3 legged race, swimming, baseball, tug of war are few games that are conducted traditionally on this day. Americans enjoy the fireworks on the streets mainly at the Washington Monument, which is then followed by some patriotic songs. The television will broadcast the best impressive fireworks. On this patriotic day, many of the politicians will appear at public meetings and render their support towards the nations heritage, history and people. The main aspect on this day is that the people will express their thanks for their liberties and freedom struggled by the 1st generation of the present Americans. All the schools and Government offices will remain closed on this day. Family reunions, parades and concerts are few other celebrations that are associated with the day. National Day Bastille Day: Bastille Day also called as the National day is the celebration day of the French culture. Bastille Day is so named for the English speaking countries and is celebrated on the 14th July of every year. This day was formally called the La Fete Nationale. The day begins with the traditional military parade with the cadets from many troops. There are many motorized troops, aircraft aerobatics and other interesting shows on this day at different places of the country. The French allies are also called traditionally on this day for the parade, which will then be followed by the march past of the British Royal marines. Large scale public activities including the communal meals, parties, fireworks and dances are few of the events that are embarked upon. Italians will attend musical concerts, balls and watch the militarycivil parades. At Paris, the day begins with the large parade, all the French navy, French foreign legions, military cadets will participate in this parade. The spectacular Fire brigade completes the parade, with the flying of the military aircrafts all over the parade route. The President then begins the parade, by reviewing the troops while the other people follow the line and route. The Eiffel tower can be seen with the national flag and the people paint their faces with shapes and colors of their national flag. Marine Day: The Marine day is also referred to as the Sea day or the Ocean Day in Japan. This national holiday of the Japanese falls on Monday, July 3rd, every year. The chief purpose of this day is that it is a thanksgiving day. Oceans play a very important role in the life of the Japanese and hence the ocean is thanked for its bounty and unlimited resources. Japanese take this opportunity to have a break from the summer weather and enjoy the beach trips. Other water related and ocean related activities are also observed during this day. This day of gratitude is mainly to bless the ocean for its abundant economic resources and to expect the same economic prosperity in the days ahead. Ever since 1996, this day has become a national holiday for the Japanese. Prior to this, this day was not a holiday and was known as the Marine Memorial Day. Various Fish shows and exhibitions will be organized during this phase, thereby drawing in more visitors and spectators. National Day Switzerland: The National day of the Switzerland is around the 1st of August. This date was set as the Federal charter 1291, dated the Beginning of August month, this document is regarded as the countrys chief founding document. This is officially a national holiday since 1994. The people of Switzerland celebrate this day with the parades of paper lantern, hanging strips, fireworks, Swiss flags and bonfires. This day of independence is celebrated at the municipality and local level with nationwide events and activities. Various special events like the 25 meter rainfall in Rhine falls have been in practice ever since mid 19s. Basel is known for its fireworks. Official ceremonies, prayers, singing of the National Anthem are the communitys celebration at the stroke of the church bell at 8 pm. August Bank Holiday: The August bank holiday or the New South Wales bank holiday is on the first Monday in August every year. This is a day mainly for the bank employees and hence all the banks in Australia will be closed. In 2012, the August bank holiday in Australia fell on the 6th of August. People have a day off and celebrate the weekend with family, friends and relatives by visiting the Blue Mountains, relish the fresh air or go for shopping. All the beaches across the north coast are flooded with local and international tourists. Byron Bay is the most popular attraction. People visit the snowy mountains and ski fields and enjoy the snowboarding, skiing and other sporting activities. Since this isnt a statewide holiday, this holiday is only for few of the employees and so all the banks will remain closed for the day. Few of the restaurants are also closed to give a day off to their employees. Civic Holiday: The first Monday of August is the Civic Holiday in Canada, and it is popularly known by the term Nunavut, in that country. This day is a statutory holiday for many of the provinces and territories in the country but has no legal status. This is otherwise also known as the Provincial day or the civic Monday or August holiday. Few other territories also term in various other local names. This is a holiday for celebrating some of the aspects of history and culture of the nation on this first August Monday. In 2012 it fell on the 6th of August but in 2013 it is on 5th of August. Throughout the country, there are various events and celebrations that are attributed the countrys history, culture and achievement. Even though the celebrations are at key level, various communities are customarily practicing it. The event may be by preparing and distributing the birthday cake for their province, making the communal meals, lunches, barbecues and supper. The country also conducts large events that consist of the road races, fireworks and various cultural festivals. All the business houses, schools and other institutions remain closed on this day and much of the transport services are also affected to some extent. For Yukon and Quebec it is not a public holiday however. There isnt any symbol which symbolizes this civic holiday, but through the country the province have their coat of arms and flags. Tartars, flowers, birds, trees, gemstones, minerals are some of the provinces symbol. National Day in Singapore: National day is also termed as NDP 2012 in Singapore. This national ceremony was conducted on the 9th August 2012. The day represents the commemoration of the 47th birthday of the country. The day was celebrated with great pomp in The FloatMarina Bay. The event was initially organized and held in 2007. For the second time, the combined school choir got introduced on the Float. The country held the National day parade and was attended by more than a million citizens and cabinet ministers. The first national day was celebrated in Singapore in 1966, one year from its separation from Malaysia. The parade of the day starts as early as 9 am. The parade begins with the team comprising of six military contingents SIRs mobile column, civil contingents and other schools. The fire brigade is also a highlight on this day which is rounded by mass lion dance and dragon performance. The declaration of the independence of the country takes place at the parade ground Padang. A unique logo was selected for the NDP for all fonts which began in 1998. 1997 used the logo Our Singapore, Our future for celebrating the National day. The parades, ceremonies, march past and mobile column which lasts for nearly 45 minutes highlight this occasion. The Fly past of the Air force of the Singapore Republic has been followed regularly and is the favorite. The Fly past and military aircraft of the parade shows the countries defensive capabilities and militaries air offensives. Assumption Day: The Assumption of Marys Feast Day or the Assumption day, is the day of fetes, where Christians believe that Virgin Mary went to Heaven after her death. This is a chief day of feast of the Mother Mary. The Assumption day is celebrated every year or on august 15th in many countries across South America and Europe, while few of the countries celebrate this during other times. It is as well the day of dormition (Feeling asleep) of all the Holy Mothers in Eastern nations. This day in France is a day for excursions and parties for all the people. In Brittany, there is a special Feast of soul, mainly dedicated to Mother Mary, being a great consoler. This day is also special for the French people, as they consider this occasion as a special one for betrothals, and Christians pray at the church asking the blessings for their life partners and good future. The Mother Virgins image is kept in the church the whole day and at night this is carried as a procession all around the streets and brought back again to the shrine. This is then followed by bonfires, musical bagpipes and dances. The shrimp with Bchamel Sauce is the specialty of this day. All around the country there are colorful procession on the streets and display of fireworks to denounce the Feast of Assumption of Mother Virgin in Italy. In the rural areas of Rome and Sicily, there will be a great bowing procession, being the main event of the day. The statue is carried out on the roads, bending the God at three locations, three times, followed by the figure of Christ preceding the Mary God, to the community church for conducting a special benediction. Pageants will be conducted on the decorated canoes, each of them holding a captain, three musicians, purser, and 2 rowers. They then travel all across the village for feast and Entertainment. The processions with the musicians are decorated in the costumes depicting the Bibles three wise men. Citizens of Italy make a temporary flooding of water and carry the bowls of the rose scented water, sprinkling this holy water upon everyone. This ritual is followed as they believe that the country will have adequate rainfall for their crops, attributing this to the Isis goddess of sea. Many of the Catholics visit Lourdes on this day to attend the celebration. In Italy, the statue of the Lady is carried in procession, around the church or cathedral. In Siena, the most popular race palio is held to honor the Virgin god. The race is conducted at the great public square in the city which is scallop shaped and surrounded by the beautiful and ancient buildings that are specially draped for the occasion. The special dish for the day is the Scaloppine al Marsala. Major parts of the country will remain closed for the day and the public life is silent and quiet. Virgin May is regarded to have become Patron saint ever since 1638. Hari Raya Puasa: Hari Raya Puasa is the Eid Al Fitr of Muslims, which marks the end of the Islamic month of Ramadan. This day is a holiday for the country of Singapore and the Muslims fast the whole day during the month of Ramadan. End of Ramadan is the beginning of the Shawwal in the Islamic month. All the Muslims fast and pray during the whole day of this month and attend the communal prayers, listen to the Sermon and donate food as charity during this phase. In Singapore, Hari Raya Puasa or the Hari Raya Aidilfitri is the Eid festival that falls on the tenth day month in the Islamic calendar. This is celebrated after finishing the one month of full fasting by the Muslims. Hari Raya means a grand day for rejoicing of the Muslims. This is the most prominent festival of Muslims in Singapore. This day is a time for forgiveness for the Muslim community and a time for strengthening the bonds in their community. On Hari Raya Puasa, Muslims decorate the houses, wear new cloths, invite friends and relatives and celebrate the festival as a group. Muslims visit the Mosque and recite the special prayers to complete the month long fasting period, and welcome the festival Ramadan. It is customary for the Muslims, to seek for forgiveness from their elders on this day for all their wrong deeds during the past and to start a new life after that. Many of the Muslims even make a visit to the cemetery and seek their ancestors blessings. On this Special day for the Muslims, there will be a lavish food table for dining, with varieties like the beef dish, ketupat, lontong and many other treats. Cookies, pineapple tarts and cakes are the other delicacies. At some of the houses, the traditional kerosene lantern, Lampu colok, is lit for decorating the homes the decorative lamps have however replaced the old ones in modern homes. Summer Bank Holiday: The first Monday of August in Scotland is the summer bank holiday and for the Wales and Northern Ireland, the last Monday of August is the summer bank holiday. This day is the end of the summer vacations for many of the people in United Kingdom, as they return back from their homes to join their school or work in autumn. This day is the end of the summer vacations and many people take a short break during this 3 day weekend. For some people, it is a break to clean up their homes, get the repairs done and improve them. The famous Notting hill is the special carnival is held in London on this day, the streets are flooded with people playing music, dancing to the tunes of the play lists, and there is exuberating over and around the streets with the drum beats. This festival is being celebrated since 1965 and this was actually organized by the Caribbean immigrants. They originally started to fight against racism and poor working conditions and for the poverty the people suffered. But of late, this carnival is modified and it has become a multi cultural festival that attracts millions and millions of the people from all across the globe. This is regarded as one of the largest street carnivals in the world. All the schools, corporate offices remain closed for the day. This Summer Bank holiday was initially introduced in 1871. The day was given a holiday basically for the employees of the bank so that they could take part or attend the cricket matches. Slowly this day was moved to the last Mondayfirst Monday in UK and a public holiday was declared. Turkish Bank Holiday: The Turkish bank holiday in Turkey in 2012 was for the Victory day of the Turkey. This is an annual day celebration on the 30th August for the victory of the Turkish over the Greeks in 1922. The military parading and the monumental ceremonies at the Mustafa Kemal Ataturk mark the days importance. This is a Victory day and a day of celebration for the Turkish. On this day, the shops, offices, schools and all houses are decorated with the Turkish flag and the people celebrate this day by attending the parades which take place all across the country. The Air force carry our special flight demonstrations on this day. The jets which fly on this day pass out the red whit trail, which symbolizes the countrys Flag. People decorate the houses with their countries flag and Mustafa Kemal Ataturks images. The officials even attend the ceremony at Ankara. This day is special for the Air force, as all the Armed forces promotions are conducted on this day, and in fact, all the graduation ceremonies for the students take place on this day only. Public life is disturbed for some time on this day due to the rallies and military parades. Labour Day: In Canada, the Labor Day is on the first Monday of September. This day was basically given for the workers as a holiday so that they can campaign for good working conditions and pay. But of late, this day has become a long week break for the Canadians. This day was an occasion for campaigning, for getting the workers rights in the picnics and parades organized by the workers union. While for the others, the day is a day of enjoyment as they make trips and enjoy with family. On this day, Canadians enjoy football match that is played majorly throughout the country. All the streets and public places remain disturbed due to the parades and people movements. All the offices and schools are closed on this day and public transport is affected to some extent. In the United States of America, the 1st Monday of the September month is the Labor Day. This day is celebrated in the country to strengthen the workers relationship and their contribution for the nations economy. Barbecues, public events and display of fireworks are some common scenario on this day. Respect for the aged day (16th September 2013): In Japan the Respect for the aged day is celebrated yearly to honor the elderly citizen of the nation. This day is celebrated yearly on the 3rd Monday of September. In 2013, the respect for the aged day falls on the 16th of September. The respect for the aged day dates back to the year 1947, in a place called Hyogo Prefecture that declared the 15th September 1947 as the Toshiyori or the Old folks day. This concept then gradually started to spread throughout the country and then the government declared it officially a holiday on the 15th of September. After adhering to the Monday system, the country then shifted the respect for the aged day to the 3rd Monday of September from 2003. This day is celebrated with huge pomp and gaiety and Japanese who are above 60 years of age wear red colored dress. Japanese also prepare the lunch box and give this to the other known or neighboring elderly people. In some of the communities, the small children organize dance shows, musical concerts for their elders and all the elderly people of the village or community join together on this day and enjoy the night as a group. As this day falls on Monday, Japanese get a lengthy weekend and hence can move about to various places with their family and relatives. The roads and all public places are usually over crowded on this day. Events in the Media like the TV shows and audio broadcastings focus on programs that are mainly dedicated to the elderly people. Fall Equinox: The fall equinox or the Autumn Equinox in Japan, is a public holiday and it falls on the 22nd or 23rd of September every year, depending upon the Japan Standard time. This day might differ every year due to the different time zone of the country. This day is established as a national holiday ever since 1948, to honor the people who have died. Before 1948 the autumn equinox or the fall equinox was called the shuki korei sai, dedicated for the ancestors. This day will occur while the sun rays cross the equator line from the northern hemisphere to the southern hemisphere. In the present day Gregorian calendar, the fall equinox will fall on the September 23rd. The sun on this day will rise right from the east and will set exactly towards the west, the day and night are equal on this day, but after this day, in northern hemisphere the days will get shorter and nights longer. The people of Japan will call this phase as the autumnal equinox higan. This is called as a phase, because it lasts for 7 days totally, 3 days prior to the equinox and 3 days after the equinox. Visiting the cemeteries, cleaning the tomb stone, offering food and flowers and praying are some of the days activity of the Japanese. The ohagi is served on this day as it is traditional and even all the bakeries in the country are rather busy preparing for this day as there is a great demand for this dish. National Day in Hong Kong: (1st October 2014) Hong Kong celebrates its national day on the 1st October every year, and this is a day to show patriotism for the country by their people. The day begins with parades, fireworks, shows, cultural events all across the country. The day is full of parties and dining as all the people gather at the Victoria harbor to witness the fireworks at 9 pm. Labor Day: The Labor Day is celebrated on the 1st Monday of October in the capital territory, South Australia and New South Wales. The Labor Day is otherwise called in Tasmania as the 8 hours day and in Northern territory, whereas this is celebrated as May Day in Northern territory. This day is for the commemoration and for granting the working hours to 8 hours per day to the workers in Australia. It is a way to recognize the contribution of the workers for the countrys economy. It is a public holiday all across the country, even though the dates may differ from territory to territory or area to area. Australians enjoy this day by relaxing and spending their time with friends and relatives watching sports and barbecues, while few of them will prefer to go on a trip to the mountains or picnics or bush walking or countryside or camping. This day is a special day for the workers community, groups and general public to participate in the celebration that takes place all over the nation. The capital city Queensland organizes parades and marches on this day and many of the chief political leaders lead these marches, while the other union members also participate in this march. The symbol eight is of great importance to Australians and hence many of the union buildings in Australia can witness the symbol 8 in their buildings. This is to symbolize that the working hours is granted as eight for the workers community. In fact the symbol 888 at the Spring Street of Melbourne was erected in 1903 to feature this occasion only. Day of German unity : This is a national day for the Germans and is celebrated on the 3rd of October every year this day is for the commemoration of the German reunification anniversary of 1990. It is a day of remembrance which is held annually to enjoy the unity of the Federal Republic of Germany with the Democratic Republic of Germany which was then united in 1990 on the 3rd of October. The Germans have a day off and they organize huge events and celebrations like speeches of the leaders, politicians, concerts, food and communal meals, cultural presentations and fireworks. The whole nation has a festive mood and the different cities of the nation hosts different celebrations. The mosques of Germany will be kept open on this day, as it is a way to motivate a contact between non-Muslim groups and Muslim groups. Muslims played a major role in forming modern Germany, and hence on this day the Muslim community is also honored. It is a public holiday for the nation and many of the traffic are disrupted on this day as there will be huge celebrations that take place all across the streets and flooded with people taking part in the marches and parades. The main symbols to symbolize this day for the country are the Berlin wall and the Brandenburg Gate. Thanks giving Day : In Canada, the Thanks giving day is celebrated yearly on the 2nd Monday of October. This day is celebrated since the year 1957. This day as the name suggests is a day for thanking and blessing an individual. It is also a day to pray for future fortune for Canadians. On this day, the country has a very silent look as all the people are off from their work and the families will have a great get together. The people prepare special dishes on this day which includes the traditional roasted turkey, seasonal produce, like the corn ears, pumpkin and pecan nuts. This day is a prolonged weekend holiday to take a small autumn vacation. The other activities on this day are Canadian Football match, fishing, hiking and other matches. All the people gather together and enjoy the spectacular autumn colors of their country. This day of Thanksgiving of Canada is associated with the Traditional harvest festival of Europe and hence common symbols like the horn or the Cornucopia filled with the seasonal vegetables and fruits are in fact used as the symbols for this day. Horn of plenty means a bounty symbol from the Ancient Greece, and so this symbol is used for this day to thank Mother Nature for providing their country with such a bountiful agriculture. Health Sports day. The Health-sports day is also called as the sports day in Japan and this is a national holiday throughout the country on the 2nd Monday of October every year. This event is held in the country to commemorate the opening of the Summer Olympics of 1964. This celebration is still in practice in the country to promote sports and healthy lifestyle of the people of Japan. This Health and Sports day initially began during 1966 on the 10th of October, just two years subsequent to the Summer Olympics 1964. This day is one among the fairest day of the Japanese. This day was moved to the 2nd Monday of October since 2000. All the schools and communities in Japan celebrate their sports day on this occasion and conduct an event just like the mini Olympics. The event will have games like the sprinting, long jump, sack race, rugby, tug of war, field events, various relays, exciting relay, 3 legged race and various other popular games. This festival starts with parading at 8:30 in the morning and features other games with the traditional musical marching band. After raising high the Japanese Flag, the various games commences and this event will be broadcasted on the Television sets and Radio. Each of the events has a winner and prize will be given to the winners. The prizes are normally different like the detergents, soaps, cooking oil, hand soap etc. The traditional lunch and dancing competition is held on this day. Columbus Day: The Columbus Day in the Unites States of America is celebrated on the 2nd Monday during the month of October to remember the Arrival of Christopher Columbus to the nation. He had arrived to the US in 1942 on the 12th of October. Even though this holiday is still in controversy, the People of US celebrate this day as it is the discovery of their nation. People attend churches and take part in the services and various other activities. The towns and some cities in the nation conduct special services, events, parades and other programs on this special occasion. All the celebrations that are conducted on this day are focused on the Italian 8211 US community. The events that take place in San Francisco and New York are mainly noteworthy. This day is called the Discoverers day or the Landing day in Hawaii. All the schools and Government offices remain closed on this day and the Government buildings can be seen with highly raised flags. Chung Yeung Festival: The festival Chung Yeung comes on the 9th day in the 9th lunar month. This is just as similar to the Ching Ming festival of the spring. This festival is a day of great importance as the people of Hong Kong celebrate it with their entire family. All the people gather together at the cemetery and follow the age old practices and rituals to worship their ancestors. The people believe that this day will shower them with good luck and prosperity. The day roots back to the age old Han dynasty, where a Soothsayer had advised a person to go out with his kith and kin on the 9th day in the 9th lunar month. The man had listened then and went out with his people and while he returned back to his city, he found that all the people of his neighborhood were slaughtered, only he and his family were spared since they didnt stay in the village that night, since then this practice has been continuously followed by the people of Hong Kong to protect themselves and to get good rewards. The people in Hong Kong go out on this day and eat the traditional KO cake. Hari Raya Haji : This festival is also known as the Festival of Sacrifice which has been celebrated by Muslims ever since. This is a three day festival for the Muslims and commemorates the sacrifice of Prophet Abraham who had decided to sacrifice his son in Gods name. The festival called as Hijrah begins on the 10th day from the Dhul Hijja month, exactly 70 days succeeding the Ramadan month. The day is the Completion day of Hajj, which is a yearly pilgrimage of Muslims to Mecca. Thousands of people visit Mecca during this period and perform the various rituals. Muslims believe that the 5th pillar (Islam) will bring them financial success. The mosque on this day is congregated with male volunteers, who will recite prayers and reflect on the read sermons. After the prayers are over, it is customary to sacrifice goat or sheep or cow. The flesh is then packed and given among the community mainly to the poor Muslims. The practice behind this ritual is to share the wealth among every Muslim on this day, so that even the less fortunate people will be happy on this day. Muslims will visit their families and enjoy the day. Dazzling decorations and lively markets are few of the scenarios in the country. Culture day: The Culture day of the Japanese falls on the 3rd of November 2013 and this is a holiday to commemorate the birth of Meiji Emperor and also this is a day for the Countrys first constitution in 1946. This day was originally started in the Past to celebrate the birth of the Meiji emperor, but after his death, the day was renamed as the Culture day to honor the culture and arts of the Country. It is a tradition in Japan to honor the birthdays of the Imperials. On this day, many festivals and celebrations take place all across the country to celebrate Japanese art. There will be a long parade at Hokone city where the people will wear the traditional cloths of the Edo era. Different martial arts will be demonstrated on this day as a part of the event. The cultural awards will also be distributed at the Imperial palace, to the person who had contributed a lot to the Japanese culture. Armistice Day: The Armistice Day is the anniversary day to mark the end of World War I. This is a public holiday for the French. People will attend the special services and pay homage to all the people who died during World War I and accompanying wars. Parades of the military till the tomb of the soldiers and to the war memorials will be organized mainly on this day and various political figures along with the President will place wreath at the memorials. People can be seen wearing black cloths and the whole country will be in a solemn mood. Since this is a public holiday all the banks, stores, offices and schools are closed. Even public tourist spots and restaurants are shut down on this day. The French Tri color national flag can be seen majorly on all the Government buildings. This flag plays a major role on this day, and it is traditional that this flag will be displayed on the poles. An eternal light was lit in Paris at the tomb Arc de Triomphe three years back and this light is still burning now. Remembrance Day. This day is also called the Armistice Day or the Poppy day in Canada. This day is for remembering the military personnel and all the civilians who were killed in the conflicts. All the people wear artificial Poppy upon their dress on this day or week and pay their respect to the civilians who had lost their lives. The Poppy is a symbol of memory for those who died in the various conflicts. There will be special services and prayers on this day and the Last Post will be played which is the 4th verse of the Ode of Remembrance. The people will be silent for 2 minutes exactly at 11 pm. Wreaths will be kept and all the people will visit the war memorials. Ceremonies will be held at the Ottawa (National War memorial) adhering to the stringent protocol. People will lay poppies, photographs and letters upon the tomb and there will be special session of lessons, tutorials and presentations on this day. Veterans Day: Veterans Day in the United States of America is observed on the 11th of November every year. Veterans Day is the anniversary for signing the armistice that ended the enmities in-between the German and the allied countries during the 1918 (first World war). All the veterans are being thanked on this day for their valuable services towards their nation. This day is intended to honor and be thankful for all the military people who had served USA in all their wars. The day begins with the parades and March past, visiting the churches and visiting the cemeteries. The American flag is hung at half and two minute silence is observed at exactly 11 am. All the schools, office establishments are closed for the day and special activities or assemblies will be conducted during this day. The day falls on November 11th every year, but if the day happens to be in the middle of the week, the celebrations are postponed till the weekend. Deepavali: Deepavali is one of the major festivals of the Hindus in Singapore. This is the most enjoyable festival that is celebrated with full gaiety almost all across the globe as it marks the victory of goodness upon the evil. It brings lightness in the darkness. The day differs every year according to the Hindu calendar. On this day, the oil lights can be seen lit almost in all the houses and it is for thanking god for providing health, wealth and knowledge. On this day the temples are dazzling with color lit lamps and even the streets are glowing with shining lamps. The main temples can be seen decorated with the striking displays of lights which keep dazzling to invite the festival of Deepavali. The Campbell Street is completely changed to a festive atmosphere and lots of stalls are kept for shopping purposes. The shopping will comprise of the intricate jewels, Indian outfitting dresses, arts, costumes and craft. All the shops will be selling Indian delicacies and it is a night to relish the taste buds completely. There will be the traditional street parade for Deepavali that is utsav. This is the celebration for music, dance, tradition and culture. Thanksgiving Day:) Thanks giving day of the United States of America falls on the 4th Thursday during the November month and it is just before Black Friday. On this day, Americans traditionally spend their time with their family and relatives. They assemble together and have a special meal which includes traditional foods like the Potato, cranberry, turkey stuffing, sauce, pumpkin pie, gravy and fresh veggies. This is a day to thank God for His blessings upon the people. In the US it is a day to thank God for the food collected from the harvest. The day begins with parades almost in all the towns and cities. Labor Thanksgiving Day: The labor thanksgiving day in Japan is celebrated on the 23rd of November every year. This is a national holiday for Japanese and this is a day for commemorating the labor group and to thank each other for their productivity. The country holds various events all across the country and the major festivals of the country are Nagono labor, which is for the peace and human right of the people. The festival encourages thinking of the environment, human rights and peace. This is also a harvest festival and a festival to thank each other. Immaculate Conception:) Christians observe the Feast of Conception on the 8th December every year in Italy. This is another holy day for Christians mainly for the Catholics. The people attend church mass and offer their prayers on this special day. This is a public holiday and the main focus of the feast is the Virgin Mary, who had conceived then without any sin. Different pictures and the statues of artwork are made on this day to depict the concept of Immaculate. The symbol for this day is a young woman who is dressed in white and blue. Christmas holiday : Christmas holiday in Italy is the most famous and traditional festival for Italians and it is celebrated on the 24th of January every year or it is the Eve of Christmas through Epiphany. The Christmas season in Italy starts from December 8th that is on the day of Immaculate Conception. Giving of gifts is the traditional practice of the Christians and this starts from the 12th day (Epiphany). Previously on this day 3 wise men had given baby Jesus gifts. Christmas light decorations and colorfully decorated Christmas tree are made to welcome Lord Jesus. The traditional meal for the dinner that is the meatless meal is prepared and dined by the Christians followed by the midnight mass and living Virgin Birth scene. In some parts of the country the dinner will comprise of the traditional seven fishes accompanied by the bonfire at the main square. Emperors Birthday: ) The emperors birthday in Japan as per the Japanese calendar falls on the 23rd of December and is the countrys national holiday. The date will however differ as per the reigning of the emperors birth date. Now it is celebrated as the birthday of the existing emperor. This celebration dates back to the year 1933 when Emperor Akihito was born on the 23rd of December. On this day there will be public ceremonies and celebrations around the Imperial palace. On these two days, the palace will be kept open for the public. The Emperor Empress along with the other members from the royal family stand on the palace balcony and welcome the people who have come to participate in the celebrations. All the people will greet the Emperor with the countrys flag and banzai cheers. It is a day of total enjoyment and pleasure for the Japanese. Christmas Day: The Christmas day or the birth of Lord Jesus is celebrated all over the world on the 25th of December every year. This is a statutory holiday in all the countries. It is a chief religious festival of Christians and all the people follow the traditions attached to their religion. The Christmas day is a day to decorate the homes and Christmas tree with glowing lights, balloons, toys, stars and various other gifts. This is a day to celebrate the Lord Jesus birthday. In Canada the people follow the tradition since 700 AD of decorating the Christmas tree. Carols and the Nativity scene can also be traced in France. Christmas Day in Australia falls on the 25th of December and is a day to celebrate the birth of Jesus to the world. People give gifts to each other and a special meal is prepared in all the Christian homes. The climatic condition and the wildlife of the country influence a lot of the festivals in Australia. The children get gifts in the form of Stockings or beneath the Christmas tree. Santa Claus with thick red furred suit can be seen travelling across the country upon the reindeer. While in some places, the sleigh may be dragged by the 6 white kangaroos. In France, the day is made graceful with decorated Christmas tree and visiting the church to attend the special prayers. The special meals for the day include the Omelet of truffles, rabbit terrine, roasted capon, garlic soup, salads, green beans, peas, potatoes, carrot and the papillottes. Other activities like the countryside walking and park strolling are some famous sights of the country. It is a public holiday for the Germans, and the family members will spend time, some silent time with their people by preparing the special and traditional dishes. These foods and the decorations are displayed the decorations will have the pyramids, nut crackers mostly the cribs. People attend the carol meeting and eat the typical dishes like the Roasted goose, stuffed ducks, prunes, red cabbage, dumplings and boiled potatoes. In the United States of America, the day is celebrated with the customs from pre Christian winter season celebrations. All the Christians erect the Christmas tree and decorate the homes apart from exchanging gifts. Various concerts and performances will be conducted on this day. Boxing Day: Boxing Day is celebrated on the 26th of December every year in Australia except in the places of South Australia. In South Australia the day is celebrated as the Proclamation day and not as Boxing Day. The main sporting event will start on this day and the most famous Melbourne cricket match begins this day. Almost all the countries like Canada, France, Italy and Switzerland will celebrate this day with much gay and pride. St. Stephens Day: December 26th is for celebrating the Santo Stefano day in the catholic churches of Italy. People give gifts to each other and donate to the poor people too. The tradition varies from place to place in the country. The biggest event of the Carnival is followed ever since 616 years. Forex Blog June 21, 2016 by Kelly Cromley Three years after publishing our first extensive comparison of the top Forex calendars of that time, we return to the subject with the information updated to reflect everything that the industry has to offer in 2016. Technical analysis is the statistical study of market data (price, volume, etc.), while fundamental analysis is the study of factors that affect the supply and demand of any asset. Many Forex traders use a mix of fundamental and technical analysis to make their trading decisions. To perform fundamental analysis, there is a need for access to precise economic data. Furthermore, to stay ahead of the competition (retail traders, banks, funds, etc.), the economic data should be delivered at lightning speed. Only a handful of traders can spend a lot on subscription based desktop delivery of economic data. Most of the retail traders are dependent on free sources of economic data. In this regard, there are several finance related websites, including those of Forex brokers 8216, which provide real-time economic data in the form of a calendar. Barring the color combinations, most of the economic calendars have little difference between them. However, there are some unique economic calendars, which offer certain degree of advantage to a trader. The aim of this article is to make an unbiased review of those calendars to identify their individual strengths and weaknesses. For the assessment, we have selected the following 10 websites that offer unique economic calendars. Appearance The nature of the economic event and the data (actual, forecast, and previous) pertaining to the event make up the core of all the economic calendars. Through various ways of visualizing, the calendars of all the websites indicate the probable degree of impact of an event on the financial markets. Generally, websites use special characters, colors, and universally accepted codes for simplicity, ease of interpretation, and clean looks. For visitors who are not adept in those codes, a legend is provided for quick reference. Devoid of DailyFX . all other calendars, which we have taken for research, use a legend to assist the visitors. ImagesCurrency Codes Calendars use the currency ISO code, country flag, or country ISO code to link a countrys currency with the appropriate economic data. BabyPips utilizes 3-letter currency ISO codes. DailyFX utilizes only the country flags. Dukascopy utilizes country flags and 3-letter currency ISO codes. Econoday employs only country flags and 2-letter country codes. For indicating the European Monetary Union, the calendar uses 3-letter (EMU) code. Forex Factory uses only 3-letter currency ISO codes. FXStreet employs a country flag along with 3-letter currency ISO code. Investing uses a country flag along with 3-letter currency ISO code. Trading Economics uses country flags along with 2-letter country codes. WBPonline displays info using country flags. ZuluTrade makes use of 3-letter currency ISO codes. Additional Details An economic calendar primarily provides actual data, analysts8217 forecast, and previous data pertaining to any economic event. Some economic calendars also provide revised data (if any) for an economic event. To aid better understanding of the economic data, nowadays, most of the calendars offer additional information, the details of which are as follows: BabyPips offers a basic description of some indicators, historic chart, and frequency of data announcement for some indicators. The calendar also offers charts based on OlsenData . DailyFX provides only a basic description of the important indicators. The calendar also offers a link to the section of the discussion forum where the corresponding event is discussed. Dukascopy provides only the basic explanation of important indicators, frequency of news release, name of the data source, alternative namesignificance of the event, and a historic chart with a maximum lookback period of two years. Econoday gives detailed explanation of the indicators, historic chart without revised data, release schedule, last released data, and in-depth study of recently released data. There is also a quick link named 8220why investors care8221, which describes the importance of the indicator for the economy. The link provides additional details such as the frequency and approximate time of release, original data source without a link, feasibility of revision, and finally the month to which the data corresponds. Forex Factory shows an elaborate explanation of the indicators, link to the official source page, historic datachart, link to the related news, the next economic data release date, alerts (using star symbol) on changes in data announcement schedules, and the nature of the indicator (leading or lagging) or alternative name. FXStreet provides a definition of the indicator, link to the official source page, historic chart, market impact chart (refer to the Extra Features section), link to a user guide explaining the features of the market impact chart, and links to related news. Investing offers a basic description of the indicator, latest release date, probable impact on the market, link to the official source page, and historic datachart. Trading Economics offers detailed explanations of the indicators, subsequent release date, historical chart (quick chart view is offered in a column adjacent to forecast data), past three data announcements in a tabular column, related news, and only the name of the data source. WBPonline gives detailed explanation of indicators, frequency of release along with previous and next release date, historic chartdata, and only the name of the data source. ZuluTrade does not offer any additional details related to the economic event. Historic data assists in the study and interpretation of the economic data announced recently. Most of the charts show some amount of historical data related to the concerned economic event. However, the level of interaction possible with the chart provided by one economic calendar and the other varies considerably. This section makes an attempt to assess the quality of the charts provided by various economic calendars. BabyPips provides flash-based scalable charts. Only actual and forecast values are presented. The actual data are represented as a histogram, while the forecast is shown as a line on the chart. DailyFX does not offer charts. Dukascopy offers a scalable Javascript based line chart providing the actual and consensus values of an economic announcement. Econoday offers a non-scalable Javascript based line chart. The chart shows the actual and analysts estimate of the data for a particular economic event. Forex Factory presents a graphical representation of data (actual forecast and revised values) in a Javascript based scalable chart. Could have used some other color (instead of dark blue) for revised data (mixes with actual data presented in light blue). The actual data is shown in histogram format. FXStreet provides a non-scalable Javascript based chart. Similar to Investing . com . the values (actual, forecast and revision values) are shown when the mouse pointer is moved over the chart. The actual data are presented only in area format. Investing offers a scalable Javascript based chart. The data (actual, previous and forecast) along with the date of the announcement are shown when the mouse pointer is moved over the chart. User can opt for either histogram or area format chart. Trading Economics provides an interactive Javascript based chart. The actual and forecast value of an event is only displayed. The forecast data are always presented as a channel and cannot be altered, but can be removed from the chart. The actual data can be seen as column, line, area, spline, splinearea, candles, or bars. The chart provides the facility to compare an event with a selective list of events. WBPonline offers Javascript based scalable charts. All three kinds of data (actual, forecast and revised) are presented in the viewers study. Even this website uses histogram format to represent all the three data. ZuluTrade does not offer any charts. Most of the actual estimates from the government bodies are calculated using the partial data. The reason is that the market is always in an urgency to know how the economy is faring. Thus, government institutions perform a delicate balancing act to release the actual data a little earlier. This causes a revised data to be issued later. The sign of the previous and revised data is usually the same. Only the absolute values differ. When a new data is announced for an indicator, simultaneously, the revised value (corresponding to the previous week or month) for the same economic indicator is released. Most of the economic calendars display such revised information with a different color. There are also calendars which provide both revised and unrevised values for traders convenience. The approach of different economic calendars to revised values is explained below. BabyPips reveals only the revised value. DailyFX shows only the revised value. Econoday provides the previous and revised value in a grey background. Forex Factory gives the revised value alongside a yellow colored triangle. Moving the mouse pointer over the triangle would reveal the previous value. FXStreet displays the revised value alongside a yellow colored round dot having the letter i (possibly referring to initial value) at its center. Again, in this case, the previous value is revealed by placing the mouse pointer over the round dot. Investing shows the revised value with a dotted line underneath it. If the revision is positive, then the numeric data are shown in green color. If otherwise, the data are shown in red color. Placing the mouse pointer above the data reveals the value announced earlier. Trading Economics uses a circled R symbol next to the revised value. As usually, mouse pointer can be used to read the unrevised data. Trading Economics, however, does not assess the data logically. It simply considers the lower value (relative to forecast) as negative and higher value as positive. For example, the Spanish unemployment change data released on June 2 nd. 2016 was -119.8K. The estimates were -110K. While FXStreet, Forex Factory, and Investing reported it as positive, Trading Economics used plain math to determine the data as negative. The value is indicated in red color only in that economic calendar. WBPonline shows both previous and revised value in adjacent columns. Depending on the nature of revision, the revised values are shown in green or red color. ZuluTrade displays only the revised value. The only exception is Dukascopy . which does not show the revised values. Using a filter, a trader can prioritize the list of events to monitor as per the personal need. Almost all the calendars offer the following three basic filters. Countriescurrencies Nature of event Impact We shall look at the specific filters offered by each of the economic calendars taken here for assessment. BabyPips uses the word 8220display settings8221 in the place of 8220filter8221. The calendar allows filtering based on currency and impact. Event based filter is not provided. However, they offer an exclusive session (London, New York, Sydney, and Tokyo) based filter. The currency filter has no surprises and offers a selection of 9 currencies (AUD, CAD, CHF, CNY, EUR, GBP, JPY, NZD, and USD). Daily FX supports only currency and impact based filtering. It does not offer an event based filter. However, keyword based event search facility is provided. In total, nine currencies are provided in the filter list. They are: USD, GBP, CAD, JPY, AUD, CNY, EUR, CHF, and NZD. Dukascopy offers currency, impact and event based filter. There is also a provision to perform keyword search. In all, 22 currencies are listed in the currency filter. They are: HUF, ISK, GBP, ZAR, SEK, KRW, CHF, CAD, AUD, PLN, RUB, INR, USD, NZD, TRY, ARS, EUR, BRL, DKK, CNY, JPY, and MXN. Econoday does not offer countrycurrency, event or impact based filter. However, they offer the facility to switch between the US and global calendars. Forex Factory offers currency, impact, and event based filter. There are 9 currencies in the filter: AUD, CAD, CHF, CNY, EUR, GBP, JPY, NZD, and USD. FXStreet similar to Investing, offers all the three (country, impact and event) filters. The impact filter is denoted as Volatility. The calendar also offers a keyword based event search facility. There is also a custom date filter. Some of the economic calendars do not allow event based search between two specific dates. This facility overcomes that issue. For example, using the filter and without registration, as shown in the image below, we segregated nonfarm events between May 2015 and August 2015. We were unable to perform a similar search using Investing (calendar resets to current date). There are 41 countries and one monetary union in the country filter. Expand the full list of countries Minimize the full list of countries Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Czech Republic, Denmark, European Monetary Union, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong SAR, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Singapore, Slovakia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, and United States. Investing offers all the three (country, impact and event) kinds of basic filters. Furthermore, there is also a time based filter to view the actual display time or the time remaining for the announcement. Even event based keyword search is possible. There are 87 countries and one monetary union in the country filter. Expand the full list of countries Minimize the full list of countries Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bahrain, Belgium, Bosnia-Herzegovina. Botswana, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Ecuador, Egypt, Estonia, Euro Zone, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Kenya, Kuwait, Latvia, Lebanon, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malawi, Malaysia, Malta, Mauritius, Mexico, Morocco, Namibia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Palestinian Territory, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Tanzania, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, Uganda, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Venezuela, Vietnam, Zambia, Zimbabwe. Trading Economics offers country and impact based filtering. In the country filter, two groups, namely G20 and World are only available for selection. There is no checkbox facility to select a group of countries as per the users choice. Other than that, a list of 11 countries (including BRIC) and one monetary region are provided for quick selection. The list of 11 countries and the monetary region is as follows: United States, Euro Area, Japan, United Kingdom, Germany, France, Australia, Canada, China, India, Brazil, and Russia. Finally, there is also a summation symbol to view the event data of almost any country in the planet (for example Vanuatu ). WBPonline offers two categories of filter, namely Analytical filter and Traders filter . Analytical filter offers country, impact and event based filtering. There are 19 countries and one monetary region in the country filter. Expand the full list of countries Minimize the full list of countries Australia, Canada, China, Eurozone, France, Germany, Greece, India, Denmark, Sweden, Ireland, Italy, Japan, New Zealand, Spain, Switzerland, United States, United Kingdom, Norway, and Turkey. The Traders filter offers asset (currency pairs, commodity and Treasuries) based filtering. The calendar refers it as News Trading . In all, there are 17 assets in the Traders filter. Expand the full list of assets Minimize the full list of countries USDJPY, EURUSD, GBPUSD, AUDUSD, EURINR, EURSEK, NZDUSD, USDCAD, US T-BOND. US 500, EURDKK, EURNOK, EURTRY, WTI, GOLD, DE10Y, and LONG GILT. The calendar also provides facility to perform event based keyword search. ZuluTrade does not offer an event based filter. Only currency and impact based filtering is possible. The currency filter includes nine fiat currencies (USD, EUR, GBP, JPY, AUD, CAD, NZD, CHF, and CNY) along with a 8216Global8217 currency that symbolizes the world economy at large. A trader may or may not be located in the same time zone used by the economic calendar to display the schedule of economic announcements. Thus, it is a necessity for the Forex calendars to display their active time zone or allow synchronization of the server time with the computers clock. The economic calendars tackle the issue in the following manner. BabyPips 8212 uses GMT as the default time for the economic calendar. Settings can be changed and saved to cookies only. The time settings made in the forum member profile have no connection with the display settings of the economic calendar. Furthermore, the clock does not show the proper local time, even after changing the settings. It is almost 40 minutes faster than the actual time. DailyFX 8212 automatically detects local time and uses it for displaying the schedule of event announcements. The settings can be changed using the drop down arrow, but cannot be saved. Dukascopy 8212 detects and uses local time settings to display the schedule of event announcement. Provides provision to toggle between the local and GMT. However, there is no facility to use the GMT settings permanently. Econoday 8212 uses ESTEDT as the default time settings. However, it offers a provision to synchronize the calendar8217s time zone with the local settings and save it to the cookies. Forex Factory 8212 the economic calendar of Forex Factory uses ESTEDT as default time settings. However, a user can synchronize the time settings without any need for registration. The calendar uses cookies (unregistered user) or member profile (registered user) to remember the users settings. FXStreet 8212 uses GMT as the default. To change the time settings, one has to login. Needless to say that the website demands registration, indirectly, for time customization. Investing 8212 default time zone is ESTEDT. The time zone can be changed, but not saved without registration. Trading Economics 8212 automatically detects the time zone settings and applies it to the economic calendar. Time customization is possible, but there is no provision for unregistered members to save it. WBPonline 8212 the economic calendar uses UTC (GMT) as default time. The settings can be changed and saved to cookies. ZuluTrade 8212 automatically detects and uses the local time settings for the economic calendar. However, if necessary, it can be changed and saved using the profile manager. Time Browsing Traders will have a need to browse through past economic data or look at the future schedule of events for a variety of reasons. Thus, every economic calendar strives to offer such a facility, albeit in a different manner. BabyPips 8212 the calendar format is different from the rest. It allows browsing through days, weeks, and months. There is also a provision to select any year between 2011 and 2016. Two sliders, one below the other, provide the dates and months for selecting a specific day of a month. A checkbox facility is also provided to view the events on a specific day or for the entire week. The good thing about this facility is that it offers so much space for the user to move the mouse freely, which is not the case with other normal calendar formats. DailyFX 8212 to pick a specific date, a user has to browse through weeks in the calendar. The process would be tedious and frustrating if the trader has to refer data announced several months before. Dukascopy 8212 user can browse through dates, months and years. However, the maximum listing range is 60 days. There is also a provision to manually enter the beginning and ending date. As usually, there are quick links for viewing the events schedule of today, tomorrow, this week, and next week. Econoday 8212 it follows a very simple, yet efficient approach to facilitate calendar browsing. At the top of the event table, four quick links for browsing monthly, weekly, daily, and today8217s data are provided. Beneath the quick links, two rows containing sequential dates and months of a calendar year are displayed. The monthly view displays all the events of a month on a single page, while the daily view shows the event schedule along with the actual, previous and consensus data on the same page. Forex Factory 8212 easy and flexible calendar based browsing facility. It is possible to browse through dates, months and even years. The default week can be set and saved. For quick reference, there are links to visit the week and month that just ended. Similarly, there are quick links to visit the event schedule for the week and month that is about to come. FXStreet 8212 calendar browsing facility is available. There is also a drop down menu to quickly jump to the month of interest. Beginning and ending period can be selected manually using Custom dates. The event look back period begins from February 2007. There are also quick links to view the events schedule of today, tomorrow, this week, and next week. Investing 8212 the calendar browsing facility allows a trader to browse through days and months. Alternatively, search can be done by manually entering the beginning and ending date in the Custom dates column. Trading Economics 8212 calendar browsing facility is not available. However, there is a drop-down menu named dates . which provides the quick link to view the event schedule of today, tomorrow, last week, next week, and next month. There is also a facility to manually enter the starting and ending date of the event schedule. WBPonline 8212 it offers a calendar browsing facility similar to that of Forex Factory . The calendars representing the next two months are also displayed along with that of the selected month. Additionally, there are quick links to browse the frequently used look back and future periods (yesterday, tomorrow, last week, next week, last month, and next month). Any day between 2006 and 2026 can be selected, although there are only blank columns after November 10 th. 2017. The calendar also offers a drop down facility to jump straight away to a particular month and year. ZuluTrade 8212 the economic calendar of ZuluTrade can only show a fixed amount of events, irrespective of the number of days chosen through the calendar browse facility. This is due to a limitation on the scrolling function. A user can quickly flip through days or months in the calendar. There is also a provision to search events by manually entering the beginning and ending date. Week Beginning There are only three economic calendars which use Monday as the starting day of a week. They are WBPonline, Econoday, and Dukascopy . ZuluTrade does not have a weekly view. In the case of Forex Factory . a user can set the first day of a week as per his choice and save it to the cookies. Registered users can save the settings through their profile manager. The rest of the researched websites use Sunday as the first day of a week. Self-Updating Auto-update feature avoids the need to manually refresh a web page to view the latest announcements. The following list of economic calendars offers the auto-update feature. Mobile-Friendly Many a times, traders will have a need to check the event announcements while traveling. Thus, a mobile-friendly website is always preferred by traders using economic calendars. We used RankWatch to validate the 10 websites taken for research. RankWatch provides a page score to the tested website based on factors such as the use of incompatible plugins, text size, content width, availability of mobile viewport, distance between links, presence of app install interstitial ads blocking contents, and responsiveness of the website. The page score and relevant details are given below. BabyPips It is certainly not a mobile friendly website. It receives a score of only 62 from RankWatch. It does not have a mobile viewport installed, the text is too small to read, links are too close to each other, and the website is not responsive. Offers freely downloadable app for both Android and Apple devices. A lot of scrolling is required to select and study an event in the economic calendar. The historic chart view is also uncomfortable. BabyPips offers an app with priority to their forum and chat facility. The economic calendar is available under the 8216extras8217 menu. The calendar screen looks similar to the desktop version. Pros: Time browsing is quite easy. Cons: Advertisements on either side of the screen will be annoying. Offers a mobile-friendly website with a page score of 99. There seems to be no app for news and economic calendars in English. However, a freely downloadable Android app in Chinese, having a rank of 3.9, is available. DailyFX, the research website of FXCM. offers Forex trading apps through a dedicated App store. The apps are available only for the FXCM account holders. Only some of the apps are free. Demo account holders can try the apps free for 30 days. The biggest drawback of DailyFX8217 mobile version is that it does not offer the slider for time browsing. All other facilities, including the data (actual, forecast, previous) are presented in a simple and easy to read format. Similar to the desktop version, the mobile webpage does not offer any charts. It manages to remain in the list of mobile friendly websites with a score of just 80 from RankWatch. Dukascopy does not have an app in its own name. However, registered members of Dukascopy can use the app developed by Swiss Forex for Android and iOS devices. Some of the features offered by the app are horizontal mode scrolling charts, market sentiment, pattern radar, commitment of traders and Dukascopy TV. Similar to BabyPips, a lot of scrolling is needed to select and study a particular event in the calendar. However, the mobile page offers a better scalable historic chart. The calendar does not look congested. It is certainly a mobile friendly site with a score of 96 from RankWatch. Interestingly, Google Webmaster Tools does not consider it as mobile friendly as the content is wider than the screen. Offers only iOS app for iPhoneiPad. Their official website does not mention about Android app. The app is available free only for the subscribers of MyEconoday. The mobile page loads very quickly relative to other calendars. All the facilities provided in the desktop version are available in the mobile version as well. Furthermore, time browsing can be done quickly. However, a little bit of scrolling is required to study the calendar. MyEconoday offers its iOS version of the app free for the first 15 days. After that, a subscription, beginning at 9.99 per month, is required to receive the event data. The economic calendar resembles that of the desktop version. Event data and description is made available. Pros: The event data can be customized. Furthermore, there is an auto-update feature. The user can even synchronize the calendar time and the local time, and opt for push notifications of events. Cons: Does not offer Android version and subscription is required. Forex Factory It is a mobile-friendly website, but gets only a score of 89 from RankWatch. Offers freely downloadable Android and iOS app. The Android app has a rating of 4.3 and facilitates auto-detection of local time zone, buffer customization (default is 2 minutes), a variety of sound notifications, and filtering based on currency and impact. The news update is available for AUD, CAD, CHF, CNY, EUR, GBP, JPY, NZD, and USD. The iOS app, according to a single customer review, lacks an economic calendar and notification facility. In the mobile version, when a user looks at the screen only the actual values pertaining to an event can be seen. Only by clicking an event, all three values (actual, forecast, and previous) can be studied. In the same manner, the chart and description of the event can be accessed. An exit tab provided with the chart and event description enables going back to the main screen in an easy manner. Forex Factory offers an app with basic features. Both impact and currency based filter are available. Even local time can be set. Pros: The app offers zooming facility. There is also a facility to fast forwardbackward the event date. Cons: It does not offer charts. Has no auto-update feature. Offers a mobile version of the website and provides a real-time economic calendar, technical studies and currency pair charts. It can be accessed by typing m. fxstreet and touch. fxstreet from ordinary mobile and smart phone respectively. The website receives a page score of 94 from RankWatch. FXStreet provides Android and iOS app, which can be downloaded freely from the App Store or Google play. Apart from offering real-time news and data, the app also allows local time zone setting. Even the read news can be saved for later use. A currency based filter is also provided. Similar to Investing, the mobile version of the calendar enables users to easily shift from one section to the other using the open menu. However, time browsing is not possible. The historic chart looks clear, but the tabs (true range, volatility ratio, and deviation impact) are organized in a congested manner. The app offered by FXStreet has a simple layout. The settings menu, provided on the right side of the screen, enable subscription to news updates and changing to local time zone. Two other icons, one for the news and another for the calendar, is provided in the same row where the settings is located. Pros: The font size of event data is bigger. Thus, users will find it very comfortable to read. Filter menu on the lower side of the screen allows easy segregation of requisite event data. Has auto-update feature. Event notification can be set through long tap facility. Cons: The news update is not currently functioning. The website owners have put a message (without any definite time frame) saying that news pagination and stability improvements are currently carried out. The time zone synchronization does not work properly. Time browsing is limited to yesterday, today, tomorrow and the next week. Investing The mobile version of the website offers important sections (news, economic calendar and market quotes) of the desktop website. RankWatch gives the website a rating of 99, but warns that links are too close to each other. Investing also offers freely downloadable Android and iOS app. The Android app has been downloaded more than a million times and carries a rating of 4.6. The mobile version of the website is well organized and easy to browse. The open menu allows users to quickly move between different sections (news, calendar, analysis, portfolio, earnings, top brokers, etc.) of the website without any difficulty. Furthermore, the line spacing ensures comfortable reading without any strain to the eyes. Even filtering of data is possible. The graphs have a neat appearance. They could have avoided the pop-up advertisements, which may irritate the user. Investing covers multiple financial markets (stock, commodities, and Forex) in a single Android app. Data pertaining to more than 40,000 assets traded in 70 exchanges are offered. As of now, the app is offered in 14 languages. Country and impact filter is available. Keyword event search is also possible. The app has auto-update facility. The menu at the top allows switching between different sections such as calendars, news, webinars, and settings. This is apart from the four icons provided at the top of the screen to quickly switch between calendar, portfolio, news and the markets section. Pros: The economic calendar provides data and charts on a real-time basis. User can also create a custom portfolio to track the performance of financial assets. Apart from alerts for major economic events, live signals are also provided. Cons . The app is little slower in providing the event updates. Large ads are shown during loading. Time browsing facility is restricted to yesterday, today, tomorrow and the running week. Latest feature: The app provides alerts based on price, percentage change and volume. Trading Economics The site is mobile-friendly. It obtains a score of 98 from RankWatch. Closer links are the main issue with this website as well. There is no mention of apps for Android or Apple devices. Offers only Application Programming Interface (API). The mobile version uses a good color combination to represent the impact of events on the market. However, when a user clicks to read further details about the event, it opens the page in a new tab. Furthermore, the graph is presented in an extremely compressed manner. It is of practically little use to a trader. Filters, however, can be applied easily. WBPonline It gets only a score of 80 from RankWatch. The content is wider than the screen. Furthermore, the links are closer, thereby resulting in a low score. Still, a mobile friendly website. Offers both Android and iOS app, which can be downloaded for free. There is also a professional version offered for paid subscribers. The event data is presented in the same manner as Investing. Additionally, the time remaining for the next data to be announced can be seen on screen. However, due to a large number of columns used for presenting the data, only about three events can be usually seen on screen. So, it would be a drawback when more than four events data are released simultaneously. The historic data chart is presented in a neat manner. However, the three letter codes representing the months occupy several lines on the screen. Filters can be applied easily. WBPonline offers an app that is at par with Investing . Almost all the facilities offered by the desktop version is made available in the app. Pros: Both Analytical (country, impact, and event) and Traders filter are available. Event data is neatly organized. Countdown facility for the event data is provided. Description of event and historic data is available. Time browsing facility is also provided. Most importantly, there are no ads. Cons: Chart facility is not available. There is no provision for local time zone settings. It is also a mobile friendly website with a score of 99. Close links seem to be the issue with this one as well. Offers app for Apple, Android phones, and Windows (version 8, 8.1 and 10) based phones. The Android and Windows app carry a rating of 4.1 and 4.6 respectively. The mobile version enables browsing the list of suitable traders and picking a suitable one to follow. However, registration is required to access the content. Traders unwilling to register can switch to the normal version of the website. The normal version is a replica of the desktop version. It shows the economic calendar without any restrictions. However, event search for long time periods will not be displayed completely due to restrictions on the page length. ZuluTrade offers an app similar to the desktop version. The main menu facilitates switching to the economic calendar. There is also a Today button at the top of the calendar screen which enables a trader to quickly go back to the highlighted list of upcoming events. Both currency and impact filter is available. Pros: Alerts (1 minute and 5 minutes before the event) can be set using the alarm icon provided above the time of release of event data. Cons: The event data is provided in grey color. Users would find it difficult to study quickly. Need to tap the event data for better view in a pop-up window. Investing, Econoday, and ZuluTrade should be the website of choice for a trader using mobile frequently to track economic events. WBPonline and Forex Factory deserves the next place. Dukascopy should be the last choice. BabyPips is of no use to a professional trader. A trader having access to fast economic data will naturally have an early entry advantage in the market. The ten websites, which we have taken for research, do not present the data to a user at the same time. Some of them are little earlier than others. WBPonline, a primary news provider, is the fastest of all. It is closely followed by FXStreet and Trading Economics. ZuluTrade is neither too slow nor too fast. Since Forex Factory, Dukascopy and BabyPips do not provide the auto-update feature, it is difficult to track them perfectly. DailyFX claims to provide the auto-update feature. However, practically, only manual refresh gives us the latest data. Investing is generally slower when compared to all other economic calendars. Notification None of the economic calendars offer sound based event notifications. Other alerts offered by the calendars is described below. BabyPips 8212 does not offer event notifications of any kind. DailyFX 8212 alerts can be created by adding the events to Google, Yahoo, iCal or Outlook calendar. Dukascopy 8212 none. Econoday 8212 none. Forex Factory 8212 does not provide any kind of event alerts. FXStreet 8212 provides updates through Microsoft Outlook or 30boxes. Investing 8212 web and mobile app based notifications are available. The user should remain logged in to receive the alerts. Frequency of notification (once or recurring) can be set. Trading Economics 8212 provides email alerts. WBPonline 8212 offers notifications only for paid subscribers through their proprietary desktopmobile platform. ZuluTrade 8212 does not provide any kind of event alerts. Loading Speed The economic calendar has value only if it loads quickly. In this regard, the performance of all the ten researched web sites is assessed using the service of WebPageTest. The websites were tested using six different geographical locations: US East Coast (Dulles, VA, USA), US West Coast (San Jose, CA, USA), South America (Buenos Aires, Argentina), Europe (London, UK), Asia (Tokyo, Japan) and Oceania (Sydney, Australia). Using Firefox browser, the time taken for each website to load (first view, in seconds) from the six locations and the average load time is summarized in the table below. From the above table, it can be understood that Forex Factory leads all other websites as far as calendar upload time is concerned. Econoday . which takes the second position with an average load time of about 4 seconds, does have an edge in Asia. Trading Economics does not fare well in any of the locations. Maybe that is the reason for the web site to be unpopular among traders. Those living on the East Coast may appreciate the response time of BabyPips . On the other hand, West Coast dwellers would find ZuluTrade a better choice, after Forex Factory and Econoday . when it comes to calendar loading time. WBPonline . an East European firm, naturally does very well in that region. The same theory applies to Dukascopy as well. It can be understood that too much of data content in the Trading Economics makes it slower. Number of Events A news trader will be naturally inclined to look for a calendar which offers the maximum number of events. While the economic calendars do not miss out any major currency, they curtail the number of news events listed in their economic calendar. Since there is no provision for a user to add a news event to an economic calendar, it becomes all the more important to select an economic calendar that offers the maximum number of news events relevant to a news trader. In this regard, we have calculated the number of events provided by the 10 calendars for the four major currencies (EUR, JPY, GBP, and USD). The calendar month used for assessing the completeness of an economic calendar is April 2016. Definitely, Trading Economics is an unchallenged leader in providing the maximum amount of economic data. On the other hand, BabyPips . com and Econoday certainly seem to suit only those traders who focus on major news events. Forecast Accuracy and Similarities Quite often a trader will come across differences in the event forecast data released by two different calendars. Usually, there will be a difference only in the absolute value of an event forecast data. The sign preceding the absolute value will not contradict. The use of different primary data source contributes to the difference in the forecast value. To assess the forecast accuracy of different calendars, we used the US Non-Farm Payrolls data, a popular and high impact indicator, to calculate the average forecast error for one year period, beginning June 2015 and ending May 2016. The following are the revelations. The error margin of WBPonline and BabyPips is the lowest. WBPonline is a prime news source agency. So, naturally, their error is limited. This is closely followed by the calendars of DailyFX and Forex Factory . The forecast accuracy of ZuluTrade, Trading Economics, and Econoday is not commendable. The issue is still worse with Dukascopy . It does not revise the values, and data for some months are missing. Translations A Citi Groups survey conducted in 2014 estimated that there are about 4 million traders worldwide. Of those, only 150,000 traders reside in the USA. Almost 1.4 million traders live in Europe, while 1.6 million traders live in Asia. Thus, it is clear that most of the traders do not have English as their native language. To assist traders in reading through economic calendars, top rated Forex related web sites offer translations to other languages. Let us check, how far it is the case with the calendars we have taken for research. BabyPips does not offer the website in any language other than English. DailyFX offers its service in Spanish, French, Chinese, German, Italian, Arabic, and Greek. Dukascopy offers only an interface in languages other than English. The supported languages are French, German, Russian, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Portuguese, Latvian, Polish, Arabic, Czech, Farsi, and Slovak. Econoday does not provide translations in any other languages. Forex Factory offers web site only in English. FXStreet offers its website and the economic calendar in 16 languages apart from English. The languages are Spanish, Chinese (simplified amp traditional), Russian, Arabic, Indonesian, Turkish, French, German, Japanese, Italian, Portuguese, Vietnamese, Hungarian, Korean, and Catalan. Investing offers complete website in German, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Turkish, Arabic, Greek, Swedish, Finnish, Hebrew, Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Bahasa (Indonesian), and Malay. Trading Economics provides services in Spanish, Portuguese, French, German, Italian, Russian, Danish, Polish, Svenska (Swedish), Norwegian, Finnish, Turkish, Magyar (Hungarian), Farsi (PersianIranian), Indonesian, Malay, Swahili, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Hindi, Bengla, Arabic, and Urdu. The event details can be read in the listed languages. However, the description is not provided. WBPonline offers its services (free and subscription based) only in English. ZuluTrade provides interface level translation in Russian, Japanese, German, Chinese, Spanish, French, Polish, Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, Greek, Finnish, Hebrew, Magyar (Hungarian), Korean, Malay, Norwegian, Portuguese, Slovenian, Svenska (Swedish), Siamese (Thailand), and Vietnamese. Trading Economics leads the fray. It is closely followed by Investing and FXStreet . ZuluTrade does not offer translation in totality. So, it stands behind others. Extra Features Some calendars offer extra features which deserve to be mentioned. The list compiles the additional features, if any, in each calendar being researched. BabyPips 8212 offers a visual display of the four major trading sessions in the Forex market. DailyFX 8212 provides a Central bank calendar. All events have the country ISO code affixed to it. That makes it easy for keyword search (in case there is a doubt about the exact name of the event). Econoday 8212 offers a separate link for event definitions. It allows a trader to quickly refer to the details regarding a particular event. While most of the professional traders will have no hesitation to explain what a 8220nonfarm payrolls8221 data is all about, it will not be so when there is a query about 8220Gallup good jobs rate8221. The event definitions would be useful precisely in such a scenario. Forex Factory 8212 displays the Central bank rates in a sub-window for quick reference. FXStreet 8212 offers deviation impact study. Using the facility, a trader can understand whether an economic data surprised the market in the past, compared to the expectations. The explanation of the chart (as provided by the website) is provided as a screen shot underneath. The calendar also offers true range, volatility ratio, and deviation impact charts for currency pairs such as EURUSD, USDJPY, GBPUSD, AUDUSD, and USDCAD. The calendar also segregates the concluded events by a tick mark. Investing 8212 offers the facility to monitor the time remaining for the next news announcement. There is also a quick link to the holiday calendar. Trading Economics 8212 allows creation of custom watch lists. Chart based comparison of an event with another (selective list) is also possible. WBPonline 8212 provides asset based filter for news traders. ZuluTrade 8212 highlights the next event for which the data will be announced, and additionally displays it above the event list. Exporting and Printing If you are a trader with a habit of using a clipboard to track economic events, then a print friendly economic calendar would be very useful. At the least, there should be a facility to export the economic calendar to any other print friendly format. BabyPips 8212 facilitates export of calendar in PDF format. The user can even print the historic and OlsenData chart. DailyFX 8212 facilitates export of calendar in PDF and XLS format. Dukascopy 8212 none. Econoday 8212 provides only print-friendly view of its calendar. Forex Factory 8212 provides only print-friendly view of its calendar. FXStreet 8212 allows export of calendar in CSV and ICS format. Investing 8212 economic calendar can be printed. Trading Economics 8212 allows data export by paid subscribers only. WBPonline 8212 none. ZuluTrade 8212 none. You wish to filter based on trading sessions. You want a historic chart with actual and forecast values. You want forecast accuracy. You want to print the economic calendar or charts. You are not particular about the event type filter. You do not want a long list of events. You can read and understand English very well. You wish to track a large number of events. You have a need to refer Central bank rates frequently. You do not wish to look back into historical data often. You wish to know the frequency of an announcement. You wish to view the historic chart with actual and forecast values. You are not bothered about the revised values. You do not want to print or export the calendar. You want a simple distraction-free calendar. You wish to have a detailed description of events. You want to browse through days, weeks and months very quickly. You would like to monitor only the most important events. You are not bothered about forecast accuracy. You do not want to print or export the calendar. You are not looking for an auto-update feature. Use Forex Factory if: You want a detailed explanation of the indicators. You regularly use historic graphdata. You are looking for well organized and clean looking calendar. You can read and understand English very well. You do not want to stare at the long list of events. You need the auto-update feature. You want to filter events simultaneously with keyword and custom dates. You prefer an in-depth study of the economic data. You wish to receive Outlook based notifications. You want to export the calendar to CSV or ICS. You need Catalan or Indonesian translations. You have no issues with registering with the website. Use Investing if: You prefer detailed explanations. You wish the calendar page to auto-update and show the latest values. You want to search events by keyword. You have a need for a calendar of market holidays in different countries. You are not bothered about too many ads occupying the calendar page. Use Trading Economics if: You wish to monitor nearly all the economic data of a country. You want to compare two events on the chart. You want auto-update of event values. You do not mind to register for creating a watch list, portfolio and real-time economic news. You are not particular about an event based filter. You are not worried about the impracticality (without registration) of selecting more than one country through the respective filter. Use WBPOnline if: You wish to get the event update at the fastest pace. You are looking for an auto-update feature. You want forecast accuracy. You wish to filter events based on currency pairs. You are not particular about printing or exporting the calendar. You are willing to bear the webpage loading time. You need an auto-update feature. You want customization of time zone either through cookies or profile. You are looking for a simple arrow based indication of the impact of the data on a currency. You have a limited knowledge of English and wish to see at least the basic details in your native language. You have no need for event filter. You are not bothered about the restriction on the list of events displayed when long duration is selected. You have absolutely no need to print or export the calendar. That is all for our 2016 review of the top economic calendars. The research should help you in choosing the right Forex calendar for your analytical needs. Of course, you can always use not just one but several calendars that you have liked. Tell us how you use Forex calendars in your trading and which calendar is your favorite oneEconomic Calendar: Today Premier forex trading news site Founded in 2008, ForexLive is the premier forex trading news site offering interesting commentary, opinion and analysis for true FX trading professionals. Holen Sie sich die neuesten brechende Devisenhandel Nachrichten und aktuelle Updates von aktiven Händlern täglich. ForexLive Blog Beiträge Feature führende technische Analyse Charting Tipps, Forex-Analyse und Währung Paar Trading Tutorials. Finden Sie heraus, wie Sie Schwankungen in globalen Devisenmärkten nutzen und unsere Echtzeit-Forex-News-Analyse und Reaktionen auf Zentralbanknachrichten, Wirtschaftsindikatoren und Weltveranstaltungen sehen können. 2017 - Live Analytics Inc v.0.8.2659 HIGH RISK WARNUNG: Der Devisenhandel trägt ein hohes Risiko, das für alle Anleger nicht geeignet ist. Leverage schafft zusätzliche Risiko - und Verlustrisiken. 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